Sony NEX-6 (The "mini NEX-7" about to be announced soon)

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Just grabbed a set of nex6 twin kit from mscolor.

ok the launch of nex6 did stir my interest up a fair bit as well..and anthony..after i sat down to think about my needs and the role for this camera...i decided, 5N is good enough for me, so taking the chance of getting a good deal once nex6 n 5r is release, im camping and waiting for some stores to further lower the price of 5N set...

the new 16-50mm retractable lens did stir my interest, so probably i shld get just the 5N body and buy the 16-50mm lens if possible(Still unsure if there is separate sales for these..if not camp at B&S)

So im pretty sure im going for a 5N at times like this...
Side by Side Comparison: Digital Photography Review

Oh although its a little incomplete, i got some comparison here

There should be plenty soon, so be patient. 5N is still pretty good.

wong_se said:
twin kit is available ? 16-50mm and 55-210mm ?

Yes. Limited quantity.

Pending reviews from those bros here wif the new NEX 6, especially on the AF.

Called MsColor just now.

1270 for single lens, 1580 for dual lens.

If no gb, I'll probably pick it up later today or tmr.

Price quoted from Cathay ... Single lens kit $1,320 ... Dual lens kit $1,580.

Called MsColor just now.

1270 for single lens, 1580 for dual lens.

If no gb, I'll probably pick it up later today or tmr.

They don't entertain GB now. Demand is there for this nex6 now.

They don't entertain GB now. Demand is there for this nex6 now.

Okay, I'll pick it up tmr then.

Have you picked up yours yet and is yours @ the same price?

Do you think Sitex will have better offers?

Megadark said:
Do you think Sitex will have better offers?

Sitex will only sell at retail price of 1399 and probably add in a few useless freebies which shops like mscolor and cathay will match. But seriously I am not sure the stock level can last till sitex....after seeing all stock are flying off the shelves today upon reaching the shops.

wangzb said:
saw a pics from ms color with nex6 is that u? hahaha

Nope. That is not me. I took the dual lens kit and earlier than him. :) They were still busying unboxing the sets from the cartons when I was there.

Initial impression:

After playing for a while with the new battery uncharged, this is how I felt on this new beast.

- handling is similar to nex7 which I used to owned but now its easier to switch modes as it has a physical dial.
- the plastic body is in fact surprisingly well made and robust. In fact I prefer plastic bodies to metal ones as there is no paintwork peeling issues even after months or years of usage.
- the shutter response is very good, almost dslr like and feels slightly faster than 5N.
- the same good evf is still the best in market.
- the af is slightly faster than 5N in good light as it has lesser hunting and more confident in grabbing the focus. In low light though I dun see any advantage of the new af, similar to 5N.

- the buttons assignment are not as comprehensively customisable as 5N though.
- camera is now charged through micro usb direct either via the wall socket or can be via pc which is a good thing. But I still prefer a external charger, esp when u can charge another battery while still able to use the cam.

I will add in more after battery is fully charged.

Initial impression:

After playing for a while with the new battery uncharged, this is how I felt on this new beast.

- handling is similar to nex7 which I used to owned but now its easier to switch modes as it has a physical dial.
- the plastic body is in fact surprisingly well made and robust. In fact I prefer plastic bodies to metal ones as there is no paintwork peeling issues even after months or years of usage.
- the shutter response is very good, almost dslr like and feels slightly faster than 5N.
- the same good evf is still the best in market.
- the af is slightly faster than 5N in good light as it has lesser hunting and more confident in grabbing the focus. In low light though I dun see any advantage of the new af, similar to 5N.

- the buttons assignment are not as comprehensively customisable as 5N though.
- camera is now charged through micro usb direct either via the wall socket or can be via pc which is a good thing. But I still prefer a external charger, esp when u can charge another battery while still able to use the cam.

I will add in more after battery is fully charged.

Thanks for the about the retractable lens? 16-50mm? any significant difference compared to the old lens kits?

Okay, I'll pick it up tmr then.

Have you picked up yours yet and is yours @ the same price?

I'm no one special of cos same price. I will be there tmr 11am for the purchase.

Chinatown got one shop offered $1,259 for single lens kit but no stock got to order.

hi guys

any idea if they sell the external charger / extra battery over there? =)

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