Sony® (alpha) DSLR-A100

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For me, I don't do Billboards and not a pixel peeper. Until I see dust on my pics, then send for cleaning.

If got nothing to do, I'll do the routine check for dust. Blow and blow until happy on sensor.

Last time no SSWF or Anti-dust on DSLR. So what's the fuss?

Dust is everywhere, especially in Singapore.Do you know the amount of dust particles Jurong Island Petrochems belched out to the atmosphere at night when you sleep?

Let's talk about the cam. Stop this dusty talk. My 5cents....

Regarding Alpha 100's ARW RAW files could be modified by DRO on and Dark frame subtraction during NR on, or even Noise reduction. So RAW files are not that "RAW" after all. :sweat:
How true is this? Quote from DPReview.
>AAK wrote:

> You're simply wrong about that. Please check your facts.
> There is no noise reduction in a RAW image. In fact, you can't do
> traditional noise reduction in a RAW image. You have to do it in
> the sensor or after the RAW.
> So your statement that Nikon even applied NR to RAW files is simply
> and plainly untrue. Don't know where you heard such a thing, but
> it's not even possible.

Actually, you're wrong, not the poster you accuse of being wrong. Apical Ltd of London have been supplying technology to Sony/KonMin, Nikon and Olympus and their technology includes NR processes - and their technology is pre-RAW writing. Like the Dynamic Range Optimisation (copyright Apical Ltd) built in to the A100, which is applied to the raw file. You get a different raw file with DRO on, compated to DRO off. KM's NR function already had a direct effect on the raw file, not only in terms of darkframe subtraction - quite definitely applied to the raw file, no other way to do it - but also in terms of high ISO NR changing the level of extremely fine detail present in the raw file. I've tested it, repeatedly, and asked other people to examine the results and never had a disagreement - it is not documented that it affects the raw file, but it does.
'Not even possible' is entirely untrue. Of course the raw file can be processed between sensor and memory card. That is what the CXII or Bionz or any other image processing module does.

anyone read about Ken Rockwell's comment on Sony Alpha 100 :confused:
even though he didn't even touch one or know that there's indeed button for ISO, WB etc since minolta 7D time :sweat:

There will be A200. A300. all the way, just like F505, F707...:dunno:

zcf said:
anyone read about Ken Rockwell's comment on Sony Alpha 100 :confused:
even though he didn't even touch one or know that there's indeed button for ISO, WB etc since minolta 7D time :sweat:

haha, KenRockwell is an idiot. He takes some decent photos, but anyone who has a photo of himself on his own cover page holding an egoistic huge lens isn't getting a vote from me! :sweat: By the way, in case many did not know, KenRockwell is highly biased towards Nikon, but sometimes say a little good things about Canon just to try cover that fact, so pathetic!:thumbsd:

michhy said:
haha, KenRockwell is an idiot...
Why be so hard? I don't like many the things he says and definitly not agree on a whole lot of his statements, but still... Just because somebody likes to show off and expesses ideas I do not agree with does not make him an idiot. Or would you say its OK if he would call you publicly an idiot because he is not sharing your views?

Of corse, that is not possible because you are not showing your face and hide behind an alias.

michhy said:
... but anyone who has a photo of himself on his own cover page holding an egoistic huge lens isn't getting a vote from me!
Well, the person that gets my votes is the person who represents my views. Regardless of the camera he is holding and the clothes he is wearing. Would it be better if he was holding a tiny Sony P&S? Would his words be more valued? Even if he may be a bit of too exhibitionistic for my taste, I actualy prefer people like him compared to ones who do not dare to show their faces and stand publicly for their views.

OlyFlyer said:
Why be so hard? I don't like many the things he says and definitly not agree on a whole lot of his statements, but still... Just because somebody likes to show off and expesses ideas I do not agree with does not make him an idiot. Or would you say its OK if he would call you publicly an idiot because he is not sharing your views?

Of corse, that is not possible because you are not showing your face and hide behind an alias.

Well, the person that gets my votes is the person who represents my views. Regardless of the camera he is holding and the clothes he is wearing. Would it be better if he was holding a tiny Sony P&S? Would his words be more valued? Even if he may be a bit of too exhibitionistic for my taste, I actualy prefer people like him compared to ones who do not dare to show their faces and stand publicly for their views.
ai yo.....trying replacing the word sony with olympus in his review..then see how u respond:devil:

actually ken rockwell didn't do any harm to anybody.
because he already said that he is a professional photographer, not a camera reviewer.
that means, all the writing is based on his experience using "his usual camera"
i wonder, if ony his first SLR/dSLR use the same/similar menu such as A100...
then... the article will be none.

hehe... CMIIW

eow said:
ai yo.....trying replacing the word sony with olympus in his review..then see how u respond:devil:
You still don't get it! I don't actually care about which camera people like or not like. It is when things get too personal that I don't like. My Oly is not a part of my body, so if somebody would say 'E-500 is just a toycam for cheapos' I would not give a s**t. Regardless if it it was said by you or Ken Rockwell. I might say you don't know what you talking about, but I would not call you or anybody else an idiot for that comment. I think Ken likes his Nikons, just as he liked the Minolta SRT101 a long time ago. As a matter of fact, I had an SRT101 at the begining of 1970's also, and I liked it too. Not that that is anybodies business. But, as I said, it is basicly not what people say that disturbs me here on CS, it is the fact that there are too many ppl using very unpolite and rude language, which is easy to do with an alias. Actually, at least Ken Rockwell is not a chicken, he dares to pose with picture and name and state what he is standing for. BTW, as far as I know, he never said 'Sony owners are idiots' did he? So why call him an idiot just because he doesn't like the camera you, or I like. And if he is regarded as an idiot by some people, why bother spending time with checking on his opinions? Some ppl must have an awful lot of time to waste.

BTW, I doubt he would like any Olympus camera at all, but I have no idea what he would say if he would ever consider to touch or look at one. And actually, I don't care. I already have my camera, and not going to throw it away whatever you, him or anybody else would say.

oh my god! those lens are not cheap ;(

hoho... i think it's enough already 'bout Ken guy..
back to topic please..

anyone's thinking of buying A100 ?

Interested. But the pre-production samples seems to have a lot of noise. ISO 800/1600 are not really usable.

Can use KM lens used for KM DSLR.. it is compatible.... but Sony has more!!! orientation features!

man...not too long ago i asked a friend working in sony why sony dont come out with a dslr..


cannot help but notice the ED element present in the kit lens.
wonder if there is some link with Nikon?

have the camera launch in sg?? I checked recently they said got no idea when it will be in sg? Anyone know how much the price is?

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