Should I buy the 24-70 II or the TS-E 17?

forget about getting a bag, you need pelican case, trolley and assistants.

one take care of the bag and trolley, one carry and pass the bodies and lenses for you when you needed.

catchlights said:
forget about getting a bag, you need pelican case, trolley and assistants.

one take care of the bag and trolley, one carry and pass the bodies and lenses for you when you needed.

Pelican case and trolley not cool enough for TS. And nowadays hard to find cool looking assistants as well.

Lol dafuq did i just read?

Ask for recommendation, lens recommended and bought. Then ask for bag recommendation, recommended. Then ask for filter recommendation.

Is there an end?

Edit: removed a crude prediction of what ts will ask to recommend.

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Granted, it will keep TS cool, but the important thing is, TS might not find that it looks cool.

Pelican case can use as a stool, and can mount a fan on trolley as well.

Welcome to the Twillight Zone

Lol dafuq did i just read?

Ask for recommendation, lens recommended and bought. Then ask for bag recommendation, recommended. Then ask for filter recommendation.

Is there an end?

Edit: removed a crude prediction of what ts will ask to recommend.

Hoya not cool. This one then cool!

Thanks, which filter should I buy?
I bought HOYA HMC, but after each time I clean it with Tiffen lens paper, it got one more scratch on it......
Which filter is easy to clean and not easy to scratch?

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you know what's cool? i dun put filters, if my lens scratches on the front element, i simply get a new lens. that's what i call cool. :cool:

That one is called hardcore badass, not cool. Sorry.

How come TS isn't buying the 800 f5.6 to fit it on his 5D2?

That will look absolutely cool.and long.

Bcos, unless he/she is in a very very very big room, he/she couldn't take portrait shots of his/her model ;)

or he/she need to put his/her models across the street, and communicate to them through walkie talkie before taking that shot :)

Really love this thread. Interesting.

rhino123 said:
Bcos, unless he/she is in a very very very big room, he/she couldn't take portrait shots of his/her model ;)

or he/she need to put his/her models across the street, and communicate to them through walkie talkie before taking that shot :)

But won't that then be the ultimate in cool?

TS, u r missing the 16-35 mkII to form the holy trinity of MkII zooms. But that would mean buy back the lens you have sold. :kok:

having the holy trinity of mark IIs is the coolest thing ever.

Product Category Model Name Warranty Expiry Date Buy Extended Warranty
LENS EF 16-35 F2.8L II USM 13 Sep 2010 N/A
LENS EF-24-70MM F/2.8 L II USM 21 Jan 2014 Buy Now
LENS EF 70-200MM F2.8 LIS II USM 05 Jan 2014 Buy Now

It's true, all my canon gear are the MKII, but I already sold the 16-35 II and the 580 EX II.:bsmilie:

I bought the filters and bags and lenspen today. Now my gear are all ready. No need further recommendation!!:bsmilie:

TS, u r missing the 16-35 mkII to form the holy trinity of MkII zooms. But that would mean buy back the lens you have sold. :kok:

There's rumor that in photoplus 10.24, canon will release the 14-24 F2.8L.:bsmilie:
But my target is still the TS-E17 in ten years later.:bsmilie:

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