Share Some RF Shots 3

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My virgin contributions to this thread...

90 Cron pre-asph. TX400 in Tmax Dev.

90 Cron pre-asph. TX400 in Tmax Dev.

35 Cron. Delta400 in Tmax Dev.

Yatlapball.. nice... i find tmax developer works really well for 400tx...

any other developer that works well for 400tx???

DIY develop dam nice.. end up shoot more and post more.. Hahaha


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Neopan 400, HC-110B


merelyok, bro ur composition is tighter nowadays !!! Great shots !

No more testing gears now becos u make friends with them already.. They are are part of u now :)

Thanks Ben!

Its very true what you say, the Nokton 35mm 1.4 is stuck to my M6 nowadays, don't have the urge to get any new lens!

Your self-development looks good too, keep at it! Try HC-110 with Tri-X, i quite like it.


Nokton 50mm ƒ1.5, Bessa R2A, TMax 100 / TMax Dev


Nokton 50mm ƒ1.5, Bessa R2A, TMax 100 / TMax Dev


Nokton 50mm ƒ1.5, Bessa R2A, Tri-X 400 / TMax Dev


Nokton 50mm ƒ1.5, Bessa R2A, Tri-X 400 / TMax Dev

thanks bro. Will try it out soon.

Hey,HC-110B with 400tx can get super dark tones??? Like magnum photo's kind??

So far, Tmax developer works well.. Just play with exposure .. Can get .

More posting from me- HP5 using TMAX developer


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hey bro,

having fun with self-process? the funny part if I finally got my hands dirty with the chemicals again. Bought it while back but never had the time to use.

heres my virgin tmax developer with classic tri-x pushed 1 stop, hope I got the grains right:


yes! after 8 long years... really brings back the fond memories in school...

thanks bro. Will try it out soon.

Hey,HC-110B with 400tx can get super dark tones??? Like magnum photo's kind??

So far, Tmax developer works well.. Just play with exposure .. Can get .

More posting from me- HP5 using TMAX developer

Gonna get a kit to DIY B/W next month :)

Hexar RF with 15mm

Digital or film.. a pic will always be a pic :p

this is a tough situation to meter....... I'd dodge the foreground subject a little more and burn a little off the overexposed area

"Digital or film.. a pic will always be a pic "..... it should be something you want to tell us or a statement you want to make :)

DoveVadar, Hey bro.. Yah man, fun to DIY... haha.. I beginner , still lots to learn. Does not looks like its on iso 800. Nice lah

ed9119, I get what u mean. Will go home and try to tweek abit..

The camera was on auto all the time , so sometimes blur blur.. In my head was only the framing and moment.. Thanks for pointing out the areas to improve on. :)

To me digital or film, not so important that's all.. The fun bit more important. :sweat:

From my old Canon 50mm f1.2 Ltm on M6 .


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Late Nights
Leica M6 + Summicron 50F2 [Rigid]
Kodak Tri-X 400 Negatives
Late night out with my buddies. We were heading to have a round of LAN computer gaming. The night was still young.


Light Over The Roof
Leica M6 + Summicron 50f2 [Rigid]
Kodak UltraMax 400 Negatives
Out with my girlfriend one evening. The sky was pretty much overcast but somehow light escaped through the clouds over the roof of this iconic waterfront theatre so i snapped this.

Just got Konica RF and did some test on Sunday.
Here my first roll with Konica Auto S2, Hexanon 45mm f1.8





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hey bro,

having fun with self-process? the funny part if I finally got my hands dirty with the chemicals again. Bought it while back but never had the time to use.

heres my virgin tmax developer with classic tri-x pushed 1 stop, hope I got the grains right:


yes! after 8 long years... really brings back the fond memories in school...

she looks like 6261...

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