Share Some RF Shots 3

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More Topcor 50/2


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Canon 50/1.5 on M8
The contrast of the small balcony and the Giant Tower Crane


Canon 50/1.5 on M8
The Ghost at Taman Jurong Mall 5am. Haha Qin Ming Festival not over yet


Canon 50/1.2 on M8
Out of focus shot


Canon 50/0.95 on M8
Playing with Bokeh

Very bored on a saturday afternoon, so post some shots to kill time, hope all dont mind ;p


Canon 50/1.2 on M6, Tokyo Gratzy 400
Looking out from Budha Tooth Temple on a rainy afternoon


Canon 50/1.2 on M6, Tokyo Gratzy 400
7 different facial expressions and actions in the Budha Tooth Temple Hall, on a rainy afternoon, praying hard for the rain to stop???

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Canon 50/0.95 on M6, Agfa CT 100
I put my hat down, said the lamp


Canon 50/0.95 on M6, Velvia 50
Parasite on trunk

I was in Page, Az for a photo workshop. Among the sites we visited was Horseshoe Bend, probably one of the most photographed locations in Page, the other being Antelope Canyon. The 15mm CV and M8 worked well here.

N. S. Ng


I was in Page, Az for a photo workshop. Among the sites we visited was Horseshoe Bend, probably one of the most photographed locations in Page, the other being Antelope Canyon. The 15mm CV and M8 worked well here.

N. S. Ng


Wow.. what a view.. Nice :thumbsup:

I was in Page, Az for a photo workshop. Among the sites we visited was Horseshoe Bend, probably one of the most photographed locations in Page, the other being Antelope Canyon. The 15mm CV and M8 worked well here.

N. S. Ng


WoW! Amazing colour & detail! Can I use this as my promotional material? :)

very nice!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

i'm still trying to correct for the colour cast and the vignette with the CV15 without using phase1...

Any reason for not using Phase 1? I have been using this RAW converter for the last few years.


WoW! Amazing colour & detail! Can I use this as my promotional material? :)

Hi Chiff,

OK, just remember to give me a good discount for the next lens! Let me know if you need the EXIF data.

The South West US is well-known for its rich colours. It is a landscape photographer's paradise. I have always wanted to go there to shoot Antelope Canyon. I just got back from my trip very early Thursday morning and I am still going through the files. I still need to do a bit of post processing to bring out the colours and details

I will post a few more including some shots from my R8/DMR.


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