SGTrekker 10D9N Everest Panorama Trek (17-26 March 2011)

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vngks - tempted but not cross the threshold la..

Diviinemoment is holy man.. I can only think of "5911", "1113", "5913", etc.. all 4-D numbers for the weekend.. limwhow, next time used vngks's f1.2 and try and capture only 4 digitals la.. make it easier for me to to decide which 4-D number to buy la.. hehehhee

Can be 1165 also

Looks like Adrian and Melvin gave their usual excellent support. That is one of the best reasons for going with them, full commitment from them.

(and no, I am not angling for any durians either).
This is only one of the many reasons for travelling with SgTrekker. The other reasons is we will usually have a group of crazy kakis following along to add on to the fun... Hahaha...

Ya, I also think is Adrain . Maybe they plan to come out some contest for 'Who Shot This'
Yah... the next trip I am sure both of them will keep switching cameras and then confused to h*ll out of everyone who shot which photo! Hahaha...

limwhow, this angle of shot on the mules is really much, much better than mine as I post on previous, full coverage of the Zig Zag flow.
Aiyoh Ah Wind yah, kam sia you so much so much. I just plain lucky because I scared of the mule so I stand one side.
那里知道 they all zig zag in front of my face. So I just shoot lor...

A sight that was funny, not to the Sherpas, but to the Sua-kus among our team. Every body whipped out their cameras.. except, Oops... SereneXMM hadn't got her camera with her. But true to the spirit of a hard-core photographer, she quickly whipped out her iPhone and did what she did best! Hmmm... I could see that of all these people, the smartest was Judith. She was using the best camera in the world to capture this scene - her own pair of eyes!


SereneXMM, where is your this Iphone shot. Hope can view for this moment of shot.
Aiyah Wind 450D, all my iphone pictures CMI lah! Hahaaaa...:bsmilie:


Day 9: Ending it with a sumptuous dinner...

What surprises awaited us. True to their words, SgTrekker organised a splendid feast for all of us that very evening. A leisurely stroll several minutes from our hotel brought us to this out of the world restaurant called Garden of Dreams.


A converted summer palace from the empire of the now-overthrown King, the sprawling compound now held for the trekkers, a spectacular spread of Nepali and Continental buffet delights. Melvin was so enthralled by the grandiose of the old imperial palace that he kept muttering to himself as he walked in front of me...


We all welcomed with open arms and open mouths the gastronomic extravagance. And we ate to our hearts' content. As we filled our gastric spaces, we cheered congratulatory toasts to Mahesh, Adrian and Melvin. And of course, we cheered ourselves for completing a memorable trip.



Day 10: Bye Bye, Nepal... :cry:


It was not without a sense of unbearable yearning for the thin air up in the mountains, that we made our way to Kathmandu's Tribhuvan Airport for our final flight back home to Singapore. From the look of all the trekking poles sticking out of every one's backpack, it seemed that every single one of us in the team was keeping his and her poles, either for memory's sake, or for future use back here in this lovely country.

The Memories...

Perhaps the day would come when some of us in the team, unable to overcome the longing, would return for another whiff of the highland air. But for the others who choose not to, this trek would be held in a special place in their hearts, to be brought out time and again to be experienced in the deep recesses of their minds.

Whatever it would be, the tracks of the Everest Country had borne the stamps of every single one of our footprints. For that I believed we should be forever proud of. For every bit of suffering we undertook, we gained in each our own special way, not to mention slightly more expanded lung capacities and marginally more bulging thigh musculature.

The friendship that was forged in the coldest of nights and the darkest of dawn, would be something that would be difficult to forget. And each precious moment of laughter, of jokes shared, of cries of pain would be etched in our memories for posterity.

Thank you for Everything..

To all my team mates on this trek, I want to say a big thank you for making this trek one of the most unforgettable ones for both myself and SereneXMM. Even as I write this at this moment in time, flashes of scenes of our time together flood my mind.
To Adrian and Melvin, and to Mahesh, Baboo, Binot, Ramesh and all our Nepali guides and Sherpa porters, this had been one heck of a trek. And although I promised myself never to step foot on Sherpa land ever immediately upon finishing the trek, I have a strong feeling that this is a promise that I am somehow going to break.

Till we meet again...

With this, allow me to bring to an end this seemingly un-ending ranting travelogue.
And till we meet again, Dhanya Bhaad (Thank you) to all!

Previous SgTrekker Adventures with all of us...

For fear of sounding like an advertisement for SgTrekker (which I am actually NOT), here is a list of all the trips and treks all of us have had over the years with Adrian and Melvin. Just click on the links to take you to the various threads on ClubSNAP to follow us on our previous treks.
Hope our viewers would enjoy the photos and the stories from all of us to all of you.

JAVA: Central and East Java- Borobudur & Mount Bromo
October 2009.

LAOS: Vientiane & Luang Prabang
L A O S- Luang Prabang. Feb 2010. Started by Vngks.

VIETNAM: Hanoi, Halong Bay and Sapa.
Photos from 8D7N Hanoi Halong Bay & Sapa Valley Photography Trek. June 2010. Started by SgTrekker.

Bali Photography Tour 9-13 Sep '10. Started by SgTrekker.

Jiuzhaigou 'Colours of Autumn' Photography Tour (15-19 Oct 2010). Started by SgTrekker.

7D6N Myanmar Discovery Photography Tour. 8-14th Jan 2011. Started by SgTrekker.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, as always there will be some photos that we all may have missed out and there will always be that extra few photos that certainly would hold special memories for all of us on the trek.
My finishing off of the travelogue certainly doesn't mean that the thread has come to an end. It merely indicates the beginning of another section - the Miscellaneous section that leaves the floor open to all for posting of more pictures of this memorable trek.
So go ahead, and be my guest! Time to share more photos!

Welldone guys... love it so much!
Hope to get time to join you for next shooting tour...

thanks for the adventure on paper (to be exact, on electronics paper), to sum up in one word "NICE"

Ya, I echo ClemC congratulatory note, and Thank You limwhow and fellow members so much for this travelogue and pics which give us some good idea despite we are not there.

Thanks Wee How for your usual excellent post trek commentary of our adventure as well as your generous support and encouragement. I also believe no trek would be the same without your support, generosity and quirky travellogues :)

I would also like to thank all team mates for their support and patience, 3 cancelled flights was a hard pill to swallow but everyone showed true grit and determination and we managed to at least get to Namche. I have absolutely no doubt that if we had more time, Tengboche would have been a piece of cake ;p

We will re-live our adventures again at Geylang Lor 17 during the makan session. Unfortunately we cannot open the invitation to all our friends and supporters but rest assured, we are actually planning a big year end party/gathering for everyone (like what we did for last year's BBQ)

As WHow mentioned, do not hesitate to post more photos as there are so much more excellant shots that have not been shared yet :)

In the meantime, i have to go do area cleaning liao :p

Thanks limwhow on the Nepal's travelogue and your tourmates as well.
Really enjoy reading and viewing the marvellous photos you people had took and the effort in uploading them.

Hope to join you people again on future trips..

limwhow: Sad to see the end of the tale. You have been a good story teller.

Reminds me of the old story tellers that used to sit along the Singapore River near Read Bridge with a kerosene lamp for illumination. Every evening, they can be found telling stories to a group of people about the adventures of intrepid heros from the fables of old china.

limwhow: Sad to see the end of the tale. You have been a good story teller.

Reminds me of the old story tellers that used to sit along the Singapore River near Read Bridge with a kerosene lamp for illumination. Every evening, they can be found telling stories to a group of people about the adventures of intrepid heros from the fables of old china.

Probably you will see linwhow doing that when he retire from his business. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

limwhow: Sad to see the end of the tale. You have been a good story teller.

Reminds me of the old story tellers that used to sit along the Singapore River near Read Bridge with a kerosene lamp for illumination. Every evening, they can be found telling stories to a group of people about the adventures of intrepid heros from the fables of old china.

Probably you will see limwhow doing that when he retire from his business. But his fables will be Canon, L lenses and IR. The N camp may not be his audience. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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