Everest Trek ~ in IR [limwhow]

very nice colour. :love:
hkingx, thank you very much!
This time round, because the 535nm has so much colour, I think I may have pushed the limits a little bit here.
But thank you for your encrouragement!

wah...geng la! :thumbsup:
Haha... Blackgoddess, thank you very very much for your thumbsup!
I will try to improve on my shots and my PPs!

I have always and will always love all your photos..
Keep on dishing them out..Really really love your photos :)
Livideyez yah, Livideyez... haha... I have always thanked you and I will continue to thank you for your encouragement, my friend!

Ah so this is what happened during your MIA.
Great shots, must be a very tiring but rewarding trip.
Thanks for share

Teerex, my sincere gratitude for giving me your endorsement!
It was tiring no doubt. But it was really really meaningful and rewarding, exactly like what you said.
Thank you once again, Teerex!

so this is your tue colour of IR, although I do not own one but see your photo also 'song'. Hope one day can share mine with you if I kena poison on this. hehehe

so this is your tue colour of IR, although I do not own one but see your photo also 'song'. Hope one day can share mine with you if I kena poison on this. hehehe
My good good Wind!
Thank you for coming by to the IR forum to give me your comments!
It is rare to see you in this part of the world (forum)... Hahaha!
IR is very interesting because you can do so many things with the photo... all it takes is different style of PP.
And everyone has different preferences. So there is no right or wrong.
Kam Sia Kam Sia!

very nice shots bro... thinking of going there as well for my 2 mos. holiday...
Well, brother... you said it out loud.
Two months? With two months you can go up to Everest Base Camp and back to Kathmandu - four times!
Thanks for coming by and for your encouragement, Wurdelak!

An incredible trip. Sometimes we focus too much on taking pictures and forget to just enjoy what is around us. I think you balanced taking enough pictures with the camera to be able to remind you of the pictures you took with your mind on the journey. As always, very well done!

JeffryZ said:
An incredible trip. Sometimes we focus too much on taking pictures and forget to just enjoy what is around us. I think you balanced taking enough pictures with the camera to be able to remind you of the pictures you took with your mind on the journey. As always, very well done!

Hello JeffryZ, why, thank you so much for such kind words. Yes, after a while, the overwhelming scenery (and our own overwhelming breathlessness) got the upper hand, and we stopped shooting and started seeing more with our own eyes.
Thank you once again for you encouragement!

Truely a great student from the STUDENT itself.. Haha..

Unbelievable! Limwhow just started shooting IR last year.

Haha... fatigue yah... aiyoh, I am but a newbie in the fields of IR.

Truely a great student from the STUDENT itself.. Haha..

LOL....! Seriously, I don't think I cam be remembered by him.
And honestly, honestly.. along the way every one in the forum has been, in one way or another, inspirations for me to improve my IR.
So I am indebted to all in the fraternity as I grow.

just curious, you shot your whole trip in IR?

SK1968, thank you so much!
Now I sit back and wait for IR shots of Tibet from you.

wah, stress, stress. first SereneXMM and now you....you must prescribe something for me to de-stress liow...haha