Sentosa Thread LX (60) - furball 59:984 "Congrads to NW and wifey on second baby"

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WTD comic time. the Duck/Images/WTD311.gif

Going down later, just checked out the map for the place, will go to you-know-where pick up some stuff then head down to DOML, then probably head home from there.

Going down later, just checked out the map for the place, will go to you-know-where pick up some stuff then head down to DOML, then probably head home from there.

It's just next to the porridge place lah, go up from the car park, then you can ask the SYT to stick the screen protector for you.

It's just next to the porridge place lah, go up from the car park, then you can ask the SYT to stick the screen protector for you.
Yep...why I got a bad feeeeeeling about the SYT ... esp when it's in BOLD by AB... :think:

why you bother so much, as long as SYT can liao :bsmilie:
Well, it is in BOLD... so... :think: :think:

Going out of office soon.. sian whole morning's a mess... can't get anything done right, hais.

SMS you later. prob off work around 530pm

come to think of it; What is DOML? Dirty Old Men's Lounge? :bsmilie:

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