S1/S2/S3/S5/SX1/SX10 pictures thread

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To get the ball rolling, here are shots from my S2IS.


Bali- Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Cliffs

If you look carefully, you can see some white dots along the cliff. Those are people walking along a trail.


Bali- Pura Luhur Uluwatu I

This is the view from the other end. There is a clearing there, and if you are not careful, you will fall off into the ocean.


Bali- Pura Luhur Uluwatu II

From the same place, zoomed all the way in. Love the long focal length!!

Cerebus, thanks for replying on the topic of taking moon pics. You said that I should try out focus lock half the moon? Can share your setting when you shoot the moon photo you posted? Problem is I tried manual zooming to infinity and still got a blur white spot...sigh

Cerebus, thanks for replying on the topic of taking moon pics. You said that I should try out focus lock half the moon? Can share your setting when you shoot the moon photo you posted? Problem is I tried manual zooming to infinity and still got a blur white spot...sigh

I am overseas at the moment, so the original photo is not with me. For moon shots, try f4.0, from 1/100 to 1/200. Zoom all the way out. Set to infinity, then click it back one step.Not sure why your shots are blur. Are you using a tripod? This might help.

Thanks Cerebus! I was in Orchard Road last Friday and saw the full moon but just couldn't do it even with my tripod. I am going to try when I see the moon next time and will let you know.

Thanks Cerebus! I was in Orchard Road last Friday and saw the full moon but just couldn't do it even with my tripod. I am going to try when I see the moon next time and will let you know.

I shot this some times back, with the S5IS + Sony VCL-DH1758, 12X zoom, handheld, cropped

with the following setting:
Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/5
Focal Length: 71.2 mm
ISO Speed: 80

spot metering. I remember I have shot a few by taking the exposure metering at various points of the moon of different brightness.

Hope this help.

Not exactly great photos but I just could not resist posting these first SX10 IS pictures in this thread. First photo taken at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. Second at McDonald's halfway along the Sydney to Canberra Highway.



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Hi Cerebus, nice photos of the cliffs.. did you use wide angle lens for the shots?

Great shots, cerebrus! Love the cliff shots, especially. I think they would look even better if the colours in the photo were more defined. Haha.. love it nonetheless tho. :)

Hi Cerebus, nice photos of the cliffs.. did you use wide angle lens for the shots?

Great shots, cerebrus! Love the cliff shots, especially. I think they would look even better if the colours in the photo were more defined. Haha.. love it nonetheless tho. :)

No wide angle for these shots.

There seemed to be a bit of a haze that day. I managed to get the greens out, could not really make the blue look good, so left it alone.

It was a really nice place to take photos. Just have to be really careful of the monkeys, they try to grab anything that is not tied down.

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No wide angle for these shots.

There seemed to be a bit of a haze that day. I managed to get the greens out, could not really make the blue look good, so left it alone.

It was a really nice place to take photos. Just have to be really careful of the monkeys, they try to grab anything that is not tied down.

but the cliff photos, esp the 1st photo, look as though a wide angle len is use.. maybe it the flow of the cliff hahah...

Thanks Cerebus! If it doesnt work for me again then you may have to come out and guide me!!! hee hee ; p

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o new thread....so everyone move over ah.....:thumbsup: hey since so many camera variety pls indicate the cam usning...
BTW we really make the last thread pack full with great shots hor....

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o new thread....so everyone move over ah.....:thumbsup: hey since so many camera variety pls indicate the cam usning...
BTW we really make the last thread pack full with great shots hor....

CS policy is to try to limit the threads to 1000 posts.

Keep the shots coming!!

CS policy is to try to limit the threads to 1000 posts.

Keep the shots coming!!

OK how bout this:(taken with S5)
i wasn't 'happy' with these shots at all.....:bsmilie: wat ya think bout them?..thanks

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haha... my body is aching like hell. :sweatsm: this is what happens after many months of not having regular exercise. :sticktong i went to ubin today with some friends, didn't manage to get that many good shots because i was biking and sweating buckets, and there were wild dogs everywhere (very terrified of dogs, especially big, wild ones... warraueh) :bigeyes:

one of my fav photos (actually, the only one i like lah.. cos it involves cats!)

edit: taken with an S5IS

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Hello people of the world! Went to Tanjung Piai, Pontian yesterday to unwind and just to fall back to the olden times. Loved the nature that greeted us there. From the unexpected high tide to monkeys to snakes and crabs. Unfortunately, the weather was not being friendly, theres no blue hues visible across the sky. We were literally at the middle of the sea with the long jetty overlooking the South China Sea.If only I don't have overblown skies. perfecto!

I would go back on a non monsoon period though, so you guys should too. On the good side tho, we experienced a coastal flooding i suppose once a year, lucky indeed. The water just started gushing out and I swear I thought we had tsunami or something when all the village kids zoomed off with their bikes. And nearing our departure, theres a continuous loud noise like earthquakish sounds and i swear the ground shook a little.




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