Riot at Little India now !!

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Little India riot is a phase of growing up for a young nation.
It makes us more sensitive, more compassionate and caring to a class within us whose reward for a long hard work under the blazing sun is a few bottles of cold beer at the end of a week.
It will turn us into a stronger and more inclusive nation.
This will teach us to turn a dark chapter in our history into new hope in a new light.

Now let's all join hands and sing together:

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Little India riot is a phase of growing up for a young nation.
It makes us more sensitive, more compassionate and caring to a class within us whose reward for a long hard work under the blazing sun is a few bottles of cold beer.
It will turn us into a stronger and more inclusive nation.
This will teach us to turn a dark chapter in our history into new hope in a new light.

Government should lead by example.

However, most people will just push responsibility to the next person... eg. someone can go contribute to birth rate, but I will not in a million years.... if no one take up the responsibility... will the issue resolve itself?

We don't have typhoon, earthquake, natural diasters, etc... and people are too protected & safe... Safe country.. previously... so PEOPLE do get arrogant... they think they are very "BIG" due to their achievement.... in career, talk louder, want people to recongize them, and they become egoistic and self centred, and this is the way our society seems to be heading....

I do hope the "RIOT" will awake some people....

SG is just "TOO SAFE" and many take it for granted.... I think it will just go get worse from now onwards.... Hope I am wrong....

i sense much fear in you, young padawan.

remember young Anakin Skywalker and his tale you must

I have seen quite a bit of Anti FW Indian post and this can spread... and some are very offensive... and if I am a SG Indian reading that, I will be very piss too...... even though I know they are refering to the Indian FW....

I have too much fear?

Just prepare mentally on how to react to situations.....

Government must get to root of issues that caused Little India riot: NSP

Published on Dec 10, 2013
6:53 PM

The National Solidarity Party (NSP) has called on the Government to get to the root of the issues that caused Sunday's riot in Little India.

If this does not occur, "the stressors and underlying factors which had caused the incident will only manifest itself in another, perhaps uglier way", the party's secretary-general Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss said on Tuesday.

It is important that the Committee of Inquiry (COI) being convened conduct its investigation independently and impartially, "without regard to any embarrassment it may cause the ruling party because of its policies".

She added in a statement on the NSP's Facebook page: "Once completed, the COI must present its findings to Singaporeans openly and transparently."

She pointed out that two ministers' suggestion that alcohol consumption was a contributing factor for the riot was "a narrative that is convenient to the ruling party".

This ignored the flaws in immigration and manpower policies and their impact on the social fabric, she added.

Sunday's riot - the first here in 40 years - and the bus drivers' strike a year ago should also serve as a "wake-up call".

Ms Chong-Aruldoss said: "Not only do we need to re-look the extent of our dependency on foreign labour, we also need to urgently examine how well (or not) we are treating our foreign workers who have come to Singapore to earn a living for themselves and their families back home."

The NSP also said there was a need to guard against stereotyping people according to appearance or skin colour.

"We should also refuse audience to those who seek to use this unfortunate incident to stoke racial disharmony and xenophobia."

Social inequality also comes to my mind.... while peaceful Singapore whine online.... some others from elsewhere will find opportunity to "unleashed" their pent up frustration....

I do think Singapore have a population that do look down on people... and I can imagine how some FW get abused at work...

Actually I'll very much be content to listen to what the puppies and wappies have to say. Other than that, those other bandwagons are just in it for show.





something easier to understand for friends here. It is 1234, it means if you have 1, you can have 2, 3 or 4.

विद्वानों का एक बहुत कुछ यहाँ वहाँ हैं

विद्वानों का एक बहुत कुछ यहाँ वहाँ हैं

நான் அறிஞர்கள் நிறைய இங்கே உள்ளன, ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறேன்

நான் அறிஞர்கள் நிறைய இங்கே உள்ளன, ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறேன்

(Even monkeys fall from trees
Meaning: Anyone can make a mistake)

Just saw this in a Facebook link to a Youtube video which is probably viewed world wide.


• Perhaps the ground officers facing the situation were at a loss as to what to do. And in the initial stages, not sure whether HQ gave leadership directions by radio. Perhaps quick reinforcements would have helped.

• Need some internal review within the Police about leadership on the ground.

• When hooligans see the law running away from them, they are emboldened. Those not yet in the riot are encouraged when they see this, to join in.

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Just saw this in a Facebook link to a Youtube video which is probably viewed world wide.

• Perhaps the ground officers facing the situation were at a loss as to what to do. And in the initial stages, not sure whether HQ gave leadership directions by radio. Perhaps quick reinforcements would have helped.

• Need some internal review within the Police about leadership on the ground.

• When hooligans see the law running away from them, they are emboldened. Those not yet in the riot are encouraged when they see this, to join in.

They are running away so as to proudly avoid firing their weapon. I wonder if this is going to be the Standard Operating Procedure for all armed personnel. :think:

Subscribe to Singtel or StarHub - got any difference ? Think ...
But they give you a choice to choose !
No difference. Whoever can give me better service for the money and do the job better will get my choice. As simple as that.

They are running away so as to proudly avoid firing their weapon. I wonder if this is going to be the Standard Operating Procedure for all armed personnel. :think:

They have to save their lives first before they can save Little India from the mob.

You saw how the mob behaved. They were after blood.

This is the standard procedure:

"Save your life to save the country." :)

Actually I'll very much be content to listen to what the puppies and wappies have to say. Other than that, those other bandwagons are just in it for show.

How about Yappy? LOL

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