Riot at Little India now !!

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They have to save their lives first before they can save Little India from the mob.

You saw how the mob behaved. They were after blood.

This is the standard procedure:

"Save your life to save the country." :)

"Save your life to save the country" ...wisdom too.
It is same logic for a mother to "secure" herself first before she could save the child

They have to save their lives first before they can save Little India from the mob.

You saw how the mob behaved. They were after blood.

This is the standard procedure:

"Save your life to save the country." :)

You are probably right.

They have to save their lives first before they can save Little India from the mob.

You saw how the mob behaved. They were after blood.

This is the standard procedure:

"Save your life to save the country." :)

Sound similar to what General Patton told his men before they are sent to fight the Germans.

"I want you to remember that no one ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb enemy die for his country."

They are running away so as to proudly avoid firing their weapon. I wonder if this is going to be the Standard Operating Procedure for all armed personnel. :think:

This was part of another video found online. The ambulance caught fire. One of the FW force opened the ambulance door and people in the ambulance ran out upon seeing their vehicle caught fire.

This was part of another video found online. The ambulance caught fire. One of the FW force opened the ambulance door and people in the ambulance ran out upon seeing their vehicle caught fire.

running for their life, ya?

lets hope that gov will not do the same thing when country is in disaster. LOL
could be my selfish thought. It is a dilemma. On one hand i said it is wisdom. On the other, i said no.

This was part of another video found online. The ambulance caught fire. One of the FW force opened the ambulance door and people in the ambulance ran out upon seeing their vehicle caught fire.

According to the newspaper, the people hiding inside are unaware that the ambulance is on fire. That FW save their lives by asking them to escape the fire.

wa, this thread is also HOT on fire. Just 3 days old and is catching up fast on those football threads. LOL

What football thread ? :)

Thanks to your hourly commentaries and profound thoughts.

"Riot at Little India now !!" will go into Season II. :bsmilie:
Btw, off thread a bit here. Can bros advise how to key in Chinese characters

Btw, off thread a bit here. Can bros advise how to key in Chinese characters


I support the policemen no matter what they do (running or not running, firing or not firing etc). None of us were at the scene. It's easy to say they should have done this, they should have done that now because we are sitting comfortably behind our keyboard.

Our country's low crime rate didnt come naturally. The police force definitely plays a big role in keeping the country safe. The last thing they need now is our own people bashing them.

I support the policemen no matter what they do (running or not running, firing or not firing etc). None of us were at the scene. It's easy to say they should have done this, they should have done that now because we are sitting comfortably behind our keyboard.

Our country's low crime rate didnt come naturally. The police force definitely plays a big role in keeping the country safe. The last thing they need now is our own people bashing them.

Must accept criticism for continual improvement


our military career women should not be afraid to kill men with her uniform :)





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