Review of Sony Alpha NEX-5

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you mean, shallow dof is not comparable with fast lenses.

but it still can be done. if you understand how to get oof background, it has 3 factors:

1) focal length
2) aperture
3) subject-background distance

for every equivalent focal length, aperture, and subject-background distance, a aps-c sensor will be infinitely better (in terms of rendering an oof background) than that of a pns. period. so i don't know what you people are complaining about.

I didnt mean that.

evolutioner mentioned that there isnt much DOF from the kit lens, and i rebarked that he shouldnt expect getting a very shallow DOF (of something like a 85mm f1.4 lens) from using a 18mm f3.5 lens

btw does the NEX have live view magnification when using manual focus (like A500/550's manual focus live view)?

Thanks Ed9119 for the feedback.

Any chance to try the 16mm yet?
I'm wondering if the bokeh is more than GF1 20mm 1.7?
If have half body bokeh for human portrait - I'm very tempted to switch... thanks

the 20mm f1.7 should have a shallower depth of field than the 16mm f2.8.

However if both NEX and GF are on the same FOV, then the NEX will have much shallower DOF due to the crop factors.

A better example would be, if the GF1 and the NEX wants to have a FOV of 150mm with f2.8, the GF1 would use a 75mm f2.8, whereas the NEX would use a 100mm f2.8 to achieve the same FOV of 150mm (assuming distance to subject is constant), and in this case the NEX will have a much shallower DOF.

Another example would be if both camera are using same focal length and aperture, the NEX would have shallower DOF as well, if he compose the shot to have the same FOV as the GF1 (ie move closer to target to achieve same FOV)

PS: Im just a newbie, hope my explanation isnt wrong. Apologise if I got anything incorrect.

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Hi Android thanks for the reply. You are definitely right. Just that I wish that the 16mm f2.8 would have more bokeh than my 20mm 1.7 - for me to switch systems..

Hi Android thanks for the reply. You are definitely right. Just that I wish that the 16mm f2.8 would have more bokeh than my 20mm 1.7 - for me to switch systems..

Why would you want "more bokeh" in such a very wide lens anyway?

Wow, if the price is as estimated & ergonomics aren't too difficult to get used to, this will definitely rock the entry DSLR market. :think:

Will serve as a camera that's "always with you"

hmmmm if priced close to the prosumers cameras, how will this segment survive ? :think:

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btw does the NEX have live view magnification when using manual focus (like A500/550's manual focus live view)?

yes in manual focus, liveview magnifies in the middle of LCD

I echo the rest of you on more E-mount dedicated lens choices ....i think Sony has an adaptor with E mount to allow use of its other lenses

also hope there is more lenses on the wide side (and smaller sized ones too please)... i pray for a pancake 10mm or 14mm /2.8

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yes in manual focus, liveview magnifies in the middle of LCD

I echo the rest of you on more lE-mount dedicated ens choices ....i think Sony has an adaptor with E mount to allow use of its other lenses

also hope there is more lenses on the wide side (and smaller sized ones too please)... i pray for a pancake 10mm or 14mm /2.8

yea, if they come up with a series of pancake primes, it will be a winner system...

OK, what I feel after 3 days with this cam....

1. I agree with Wolfgang's opinion that this makes a great backup cam to your DSLR.

2. Its also a great step-up/progression camera for someone who has always been shooting with a Point and Shoot but now wants more control and creativity .... in the past PnS owners got thrown into the deep end of the pool when they jumped straight into the DSLR pool ..... the NEX5 is an ideal 'bridge' camera with a very good in-camera user guide and in-camera how-to-shoot tips

3. The first full day with the NEX5 I really did not appreciate this cam.... its Hello Kitty features (smile detection, face detection, panorama, pop-up tips and instructions and function descriptions etc ) side-by-side its more serious functions ..... after all, I've been shooting for years and dont need to be nanny-fed like this.

4. Great battery life considering you are on LCD all day long ..... and this LCD is good... very contrasty and visible under midday sun conditions

5. Love the ability to tilt up the LCD to do waist and down-on-the-floor/ground-level shooting without dirtying myself.......... a G11 type twist-and-rotate LCD would have been ideal. LCD is also very slim in profile but well built

6. The lack of AE Lock is irritating for an old school guy like myself....... although a half-press of shutter button will lock exposure reading..... and simultaneously locks focus. A workaround would be to use the EV +/- button located at the 6 o' clock position and instantly dial down/up exposure levels .... while using the histogram and LCD itself to manually gauge how the exposure is rendering a given scene

7. the build quality of the Kit zoom lens is THE BEST (NOT one of the best), THE BEST I have seen so far bar NONE in APS sized -sensor cameras (meaning the other entry level DSLRs) ..... no plasticky lightweight thingy that most will normally sell or trade away ..... build quality of Kit lens is all-metal and rings turn so smoothly . Lens mount is metal (good)

8. still befuddled why lowest ISO is 200 ....... high ISO images are great up to 6400 and you can dial it up to ISO 12800

9. thank god.... you can have instant histogram on the LCD while at same time shooting.... this helped tremendously

10. the flash unit is cute but output a little too puny ...... as day time fill-in flash for backlit situations or the need for just a sprinkle to light up a scene just a little..... it is ideal. For low light as a main flash ....... sorry this flash cannot make it. I would rather dial up the ISO higher and use the flash to help brighten up the situation a little more... WHY is flash compensation IN the menu instead of on the dial itself ??? I mean you HAVE the +/- exposure compensation ON THE DIAL already...... so why NOT flash compensation too ??

10a. You have to remove the lens hood on the zoom when using the flash.......the flash casts a shadow of the lenshood when used with lenshood attached..... not very noticeable in daytime shoots but glaringly obvious when shot in low light. Sony, PLEASE, you should make a LONGER or extendable/telescopic flash, with a slightly larger Guide number.

11. a pancake zoom please......... the tiny body is fabulous but the zoom as it is now makes this camera un-pocketable unless you are wearing something extremely baggy

12. more wide primes please ...... something in the neighborhood of a 10, 12 or 14mm 2.8 would be wonderful

13. the command dial turns in firm clicks and MUCH MUCH better than that on the Canon S90 (oh there is a new stick-on cork-ring that you can buy now to address the loose dial problem of the S90)

14. i can use my SD cards with a Sony camera ...... at last

15. too few external buttons .......... many of the functions i have to navigate through the on-board menu to access.....

16 the DISP function (which allows you to select the type of info you want on your LCD while shooting or while reviewing pics ) is on the 12 O' clock position of the dial..... at least share it with an ISO selection function or a WB selection function

17. powering up / start up is about 1.5sec ......... not bad given the need to get the LCD screen going too

18. EVERYONE in the office (mostly girls and non-shooters whose only cameras are their camera phones or their Point and Shoots) LOVED this camera and spent most of Friday playing and shooting with it.......... for know-nothing-about-cameras ....... they took to the NEX-5 very well and were turning out pretty decent group shots and candids in the office by afternoon tea time :) ........... without me needing to tell them anything...... I just tossed the camera to them to play around with (it was on Auto Everything mode and NOTHING could go wrong no matter how they shot)

19. You can manually focus with this camera....... the FRONT ring on the lens activates to allow hand-focussing when Manual Focus function is selected

20. 1/4000 sec max shutter speed

21. Shutter noise........... need to improve...... its a little noisy ...... I will irritate people in a library or at a concert recital shooting with this camera....... its small enough not to be visbily noticed but its not quiet enough ..... but why ? there is no Mirror slapping around yet its still a touch noisy not fatal if you are not shooting in a noise sensitive environment but loud enough to alert those around that you are shooting (on this front the ancient dinosaur Canon 350D from 5-6 years back wins hands down with a shutter that is extremely quiet even with mirror slap)

:thumbsup: :)

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pancake zoom ? woah... thats going to be very difficult to design...:bsmilie:

but its has a 16mm f2.8 though...

i know. ed said that he wanted a pancake zoom... i was wondering if there's such a thing.. :bsmilie:

Nobody has a pancake zoom so far.....Its not easy given the APS sensor size .... but pancake primes would be just delicious with this cam

Olympus tried to make a more compact zoom lens by inventing a neat tuck-in mechanism. There is some wobbling issue I think at some zoom length as mentioned by imaging-resource.

I believe the only solution for a pancake zoom is to come up with a nice retractable mechanism.

I think the next killer lens that Sony needs to come out is 28/1.8 or 35/1.8 or best F1.4 pancake.

This will be the ultimate combination for low light and light weight shooting.

16mm i find it a bit too wide for normal photography as you need to go really near to the subject, esp for portraits or kids shooting which is not very good as kids has itchy and fast grabbing hands...

Nobody has a pancake zoom so far.....Its not easy given the APS sensor size .... but pancake primes would be just delicious with this cam

Who says no? I have a Pentax DA40mm pancake lens, one of the thinnest pancakes around. Whenever I need to "zoom", I step forward or backward. You can do the same with the Sony 16mm f/2.8 :bsmilie:

But now disappointed that the camera may not launch soon enough as HK only getting theirs on 29 Jun. That means it will not make it for my coming trip...sigh..
BTW, I am targetting the Nex3 instead. No one has any review on it? It seems the handgrip on the Nex3 is more subtle? :)

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