Red Alert : KT needs our help ~!

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espn said:
Can we start a petition or something? I think the police seriously not doing their job.

technically, we can... since they ought to have done it faster than they should... esp the guy who quoted 'please come back tomorrow to submit evidence'... and also the in-charge... after 2-3 weeks then start the action... wasn't it abit WOLS?

perhaps to them, camera is nothing but a camera... but to KT.. a camera is not just a camera... its a D2H, its his pride, his ego, his glory, his achievement... to take a D2H from KT... its like telling a killer to drop his knife... taking the sweet lolipop from a little boy... grabbing the blanket from a baby... think u get wat i mean.... :cool:

Is the Police force just a career? i think many people sign on nowadays for the money. The virtue of "Xing Xia Zhang Yi" is not taught properly.

I agree with the petition. I will sign.

even, with high profile charity case involving public monies, it has taken months. still no light at the end of the tunnel yet. so, what's more with a d2h?

ending of 2005, :thumbsd: :thumbsd: hope we ( u & i ) can put all BAD things behind and hope for the best and welcome 2006.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

"Xin Nian Xin Xi Wang"

Bernard Ong said:
Is the Police force just a career? i think many people sign on nowadays for the money. The virtue of "Xing Xia Zhang Yi" is not taught properly.

I agree with the petition. I will sign.

Seriously... look around... news of police is going down the drain... with corruption of the nearby countries, movies like infernal affairs... dun think its of any help if they repeat telecast of Robocop or Die Hard... :confused:

and i remember some guy in hk in this forum... instead of police, went to the triads.. :thumbsup: way to go buddy! :eek:

Actually, feel the urge of taking law upon ourselves by..... "going to his house, drag him to an open space, stake him on a piece of wood and burn him alive......"

But i still believe there is justice. Let justice be done.

pls, you are not abetting violence, are you?

Bernard Ong said:
Actually, feel the urge of taking law upon ourselves by..... "going to his house, drag him to an open space, stake him on a piece of wood and burn him alive......"

But i still believe there is justice. Let justice be done.

Bernard Ong said:
Actually, feel the urge of taking law upon ourselves by..... "going to his house, drag him to an open space, stake him on a piece of wood and burn him alive......"

But i still believe there is justice. Let justice be done.

Perhaps just circulating the video of him taking the bag to shame him might be enough?:think:

Guy........end the speculation here. Useless chatter like this is not going to help his case and might give more ammo to the other side.

KT, perhaps its time to take matters into yr own hands. My suggestion:-

1) Take down the full particulars of the Police officers involved. Print out all correspondences u had with them.
2) Distribute the evidence to your friends and supporters and urge them to spread it.
3) Contact the New Paper or the Wan Bao and tell them your story. Provide them with all evidences and particulars u have collated. Tell em to print your story.

Just a suggestion when all else fails.

King Tiger said:
Dear all CSers

Please do not post any more suggestion or countermeasure on how to solve or settle this case.
If you have any ideas which can help me, please PM me, thanks.

The reason is because The Man who have taken my stuff seem to know something in advance and have make an clever move.

I will not reveal more in the forum and will discuss only in private to whom I know when we have photo outing or lim kopi together.

Sorry to hear about it, my friend, hope you can get back your stuffs real soon.

As requested, thread hereby closed.


Thread reopen as requested by thread starter to post some updates.



Been reading most of the pages on this thread.

I have to say sorry to the OP who lost his stuff, reading about his loss and rants.

I remembered losing my sports car which costed me so much time and money to get. The driver at the time just lost control and the car was a write off. I gained nothing from it.

The driver then worked 2 jobs to help pay me back for the car, which I didn't ask him to, he ended up in a second accident which was caused by the other party who drove through the red light and hit him while he was making a right turn.

2 months ago, the driver was killed in a car accident as a passenger in a car driven by his friend who was driving a little too fast around a corner.

That driver was my brother. He was 20 years old, his 21st was a month later.

While people would rant and stress over materialistic things that can be replaced, others like myself has to deal with losses that can never be replaced.

Can you people help me get him back? :bheart:

Have a safe new year ppl.

Garion said:
I suspect he may have an informant lurking on CS forums who may have seen this thread. Since it is so well known among the local photographic community. But with respect to your wishes, I will not speculate further...

Sorry to hear abt the latest news, hope that you can put this unfortunate incident behind you and move on....cheers and to a better new year for you and your family. :)

If he has an informant lurking here, then it's best that he knows that his act of theft is not concealable, and issues have a very interesting way of catching up with him.

And for the thief to risk his own safety over a camera, is simply beyond any comprehension.Must be one of those genetically defective humans, who steal things and believe that they have won..where in fact it's a pyrrhic victory.

society can live without pondscum like thieves.

Could we just leave the thread alone until updates have been posted. Seems clear enough how the masses are feeling about the loss.

deadpixel said:
Take heart KT, we may lose our material possesions but so long as we maintain our moral stand in life, we can consider ourselves one up above the scum.

Thanks deadpixel. Yes, our conscience is clear and we live an honest living in life.
You are right that we are one up above the scum.

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