Pulau Tekong-True Fact

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Aiya you seems to like to challenge authority, people ban you already you still want to purposely put your banned nick as signature, thats like telling the whole world that they can't do anything to you...You are still young but try to tame down the fire in you and be humble, trust me it will help you to go further in life and higher up the ladder ;)

:cool: some dun haf to serve NS too... i remember.

my old buddy in BMT is as blur as they(the blur ones) can get.

always the one who will get blanketed every evening as he's the main guy to 'help' us do extra push-ups, sit-ups n CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE.

he wasn't around with us on 1 book-in. and our PC has to inform us that he has been 'excused' from NS due to some reasons.

it was during our last night gathered around for supper when the PC told us that my old buddy was excused from NS as he claimed to haf seen ghosts every night in our bunk n has gone bonkers n couldn't take it. :cool:

i was from Nee Soon BMTC. :cool:

There are those who fake hallucination to skip certain activities or in hope of getting posted to another unit.
Not specifically targetting the person here but it's hard to distinguish the truth and fake.

Aiya you seems to like to challenge authority, people ban you already you still want to purposely put your banned nick as signature, thats like telling the whole world that they can't do anything to you...You are still young but try to tame down the fire in you and be humble, trust me it will help you to go further in life and higher up the ladder ;)

Nono,the nick wasn't there to challenge authority.
it's just to let people who can't get along with me know that i'm the same person so as least they can avoid me and vice versa.

There are those who fake hallucination to skip certain activities or in hope of getting posted to another unit.
Not specifically targetting the person here but it's hard to distinguish the truth and fake.

tis is not easy becos u need a specialist's letter of recommendation or something like tat la, to certify that u're really bonkers.

this is bad for ur future as it will leave a mark n perhaps ur future employers might... think twice abt hiring u.

so, there's a price to be paid unless of cos u really go bonkers.

Nono,the nick wasn't there to challenge authority.
it's just to let people who can't get along with me know that i'm the same person so as least they can avoid me and vice versa.

any offending posts that members report, the CS admin team will look into it.

so, dun worry if u've not done anything tat is viewed as 'politically incorrect'.


There are those who fake hallucination to skip certain activities or in hope of getting posted to another unit.
Not specifically targetting the person here but it's hard to distinguish the truth and fake.

yes many chao kengster try to do that
i had 1 guy from my platoon he kept failing his ippt during bmt coz he wan to get posted to a less xiong unit
Guess wat,he got his wish but on last day of bmt,he did pull ups in front of us and got spotted by our OC.
Got charged and was supposed to go DB..
the story doesnt end here,on the last night we were allowed to go home after BMT,he ran away from camp:eek:
the commanders were hold walkie talkies,trying to contact the guard room.He apparently went out from another way but was caught outside the camp in the end......waiting for bus......:confused:

Thank you to the TS for his very detailed description and investigation.

I ROD 2 years ago. In 2003, I was still doing my last stage of my reservist training in 2 PDF at Maju Camp. During our last exercise, we went to Tekong and the entire Bn HQ camped at Camp 1. I was sure it was Camp 1 as it was facing the sea, with the SOC field beside the camp and such.

We were told by our Encik to stick to one another and not to wander about the camp. We were suppose to stay in our vehicles and not go into the vicinity of the camp.

So I can still confirm that Camp 1 was there at that time. However, I'm not sure what happened to that place now. Anyone care to share with us?

yes many chao kengster try to do that
i had 1 guy from my platoon he kept failing his ippt during bmt coz he wan to get posted to a less xiong unit
Guess wat,he got his wish but on last day of bmt,he did pull ups in front of us and got spotted by our OC.
Got charged and was supposed to go DB..
the story doesnt end here,on the last night we were allowed to go home after BMT,he ran away from camp:eek:
the commanders were hold walkie talkies,trying to contact the guard room.He apparently went out from another way but was caught outside the camp in the end......waiting for bus......:confused:

tis one not power.

the latest one more power. escape with rifle somemore. :thumbsup:

yes many chao kengster try to do that
i had 1 guy from my platoon he kept failing his ippt during bmt coz he wan to get posted to a less xiong unit
Guess wat,he got his wish but on last day of bmt,he did pull ups in front of us and got spotted by our OC.
Got charged and was supposed to go DB..
the story doesnt end here,on the last night we were allowed to go home after BMT,he ran away from camp:eek:
the commanders were hold walkie talkies,trying to contact the guard room.He apparently went out from another way but was caught outside the camp in the end......waiting for bus......:confused:

Suck thumb loh

Kena owned

Thank you to the TS for his very detailed description and investigation.

I ROD 2 years ago. In 2003, I was still doing my last stage of my reservist training in 2 PDF at Maju Camp. During our last exercise, we went to Tekong and the entire Bn HQ camped at Camp 1. I was sure it was Camp 1 as it was facing the sea, with the SOC field beside the camp and such.

We were told by our Encik to stick to one another and not to wander about the camp. We were suppose to stay in our vehicles and not go into the vicinity of the camp.

So I can still confirm that Camp 1 was there at that time. However, I'm not sure what happened to that place now. Anyone care to share with us?

Is camp 1 an abandon camp on tekong?

Nono,the nick wasn't there to challenge authority.
it's just to let people who can't get along with me know that i'm the same person so as least they can avoid me and vice versa.
This is a double edge sword leh as they can also haunt you like a ghost since they now who you are in your previous life :bsmilie: I think you also better open a 3rd door to release all of them from your new born identity :sweatsm:

This is a double edge sword leh as they can also haunt you like a ghost since they now who you are in your previous life :bsmilie: I think you also better open a 3rd door to release all of them from your new born identity :sweatsm:

no worries. the CS admin team is fair.

wa, sounds like kelong. hehe but its the truth.

This is a double edge sword leh as they can also haunt you like a ghost since they now who you are in your previous life :bsmilie: I think you also better open a 3rd door to release all of them from your new born identity :sweatsm:

Cspper so stupid meh?-_-lll
The signature has been there since i made this ago few mnths back.

I'm sure there are mods and forumers who knows.

How about the long hair lady dress in white around the FIBUA area? Anyboby hear or seen her before?

Anyone can verify the story of the little girl and grandma as well as the oily man which people sees while doing night duty?

How about the long hair lady dress in white around the FIBUA area? Anyboby hear or seen her before?

people say white lady white lady but fact is it's a ponti....

How about the long hair lady dress in white around the FIBUA area? Anyboby hear or seen her before?

LCK fibua or tekong's fibua? seen wild dogs gathered at the LCK fibua one fine night n barking furiously.

been the smart S'poreans that me n my team mates were, we changed course. :cool:

i camped regularly at LCK cemeteries during my NS days. lovely days those were. :)

Cspper so stupid meh?-_-lll
The signature has been there since i made this ago few mnths back.

I'm sure there are mods and forumers who knows.

Ofcourse we know lah we are also like ghost here always lingering around and won't stay away :bsmilie: Since your 1st post I already saw you :p but I got to say your attitude had improve tremendously liaoz ....keep it up ;)

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