Photographing w/o post-processing

Do you post-process your photos?

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There's nothing wrong in pp... But you have to ask yourself "is there really a need?" I personally don't bother about pp unless like relatives ask to remove eye bags and stuff. After you take a photo, check it. If its wrong, delete it and take another. Zoom into places to check if its in focus. Check the histogram to see if its ok. There's this theory i learned a couple of years back "Less is more...." I always loved that.

Both straight from cam.


.......what people will only care about is the end result. ------ By night86mare

......all of your photos have pp. it's just whether your camera does it, or you. ------ By night86mare :thumbsup: most PP involves simple things like
1. adjust contrast/brightness levels
2. resize to fit screen
3. burn/dodge
4. convert to bw (optional)
5 .sharpen ..........By ed9119 :thumbsup:

For me, I treat my works as arts.
So if I am able to improve the artwork by using PP after the efforts of capturing, why not? szeping:thumbsup:

IS this call PP ? Or........?



I am a Newbies & not good with words.....



Last edited:
IS this call PP ? Or........?

I am a Newbies & not good with words.....


Your digital art is nice :thumbsup:

but I guess this post is referring more to using PP to change the fundamental elements like exposure, saturation, white balance, sharpness etc :think:

The "DELETE" key does all the post processing for me.

straight out of cam, no PP:

LOL I dont know got link or not eh the past few posts :rolleyes: :think:

Is it just me or is this post being phantom bumped? I keep seeing this at the top of the page but the last post is 3 days ago.

Is it just me or is this post being phantom bumped? I keep seeing this at the top of the page but the last post is 3 days ago.

I guess the thread will be bumped when people respond to the poll.

I'm waiting for Sion to teach me how he does pp....

I need more option:
- I don't do PP, but almost all of my photos can't make it...

I wan't to level up my photography skills. I scared that if I do PP, I'll be lying to everyone (incl myself) that my photg skill is good oredi.

For TungTong: yeah right, if you are a newbie then I'm the Tzar of Singapore. Result so pro lidat. Your Bangkok photos, see oredi can bring tears to my eyes....

Hahahaha it's nice to see moderators of ClubSnap joining in the discussion instead of sending out warnings. I got a shock when I first saw the red nick. :bsmilie:

Poster with red nick. Hmm... I like that. :bsmilie:

Anyway, great photographers like Ansel Adams post processed their work as well, by dodging and burning in the darkroom. In our modern digital age, the difference is that we have more powerful tools available and no longer limited to those techniques used in the darkroom. There is nothing wrong with post processing. What's important is the final results. :)

I need more option:
- I don't do PP, but almost all of my photos can't make it...

I wan't to level up my photography skills. I scared that if I do PP, I'll be lying to everyone (incl myself) that my photg skill is good oredi.

For TungTong: yeah right, if you are a newbie then I'm the Tzar of Singapore. Result so pro lidat. Your Bangkok photos, see oredi can bring tears to my eyes....

hmm, then wat's ur opinion of all those nice photos u see online? quite sure more than half will have gone through PP, some heavily even.

hmm, then wat's ur opinion of all those nice photos u see online? quite sure more than half will have gone through PP, some heavily even.

One lesson at a time for old folks like me, bro. Get my shots straight first, then start to PP.

Or is my curriculum wrong? I can start PP straight away?

One lesson at a time for old folks like me, bro. Get my shots straight first, then start to PP.

Or is my curriculum wrong? I can start PP straight away?

I no expert but i can say PP is also a skill all digital photographer should acquire. So it's nv too early to pick it up.

What's wrong with your photos now anyway?

I'd heard about people saying a good photographer could do magic with his camera and post-processing is not necessary at all!

it reminds me of during my school days, just before the exams, how certain classmates will complain "die liao, i didnt revise, i going to fail" etc etc... then results came back, they got 100/100.

I only PP on those pictures that are under or over exposed to bring out more detail.

As long as the pictures looked nice, it does not matter PP or not.

Y not getting a compact camera and let it PP all the way? We don't need DSLR..:bsmilie: