Photographers caught by Stomper

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how about being barney

send me a picture and i will DI for you


My MSN user picture has been Barney for the past week.


but good idea

Barney in punggol running amongst the butterflies and the mosquitoes

will be the most popular thread in P&P, even DP will kowtow to you

You don't need to be photogenic,


But you got nice body or not, if not just put very expensive lens next to your belly then no one here will notice your belly already, suddenly everyone wants to be your best friend!

FC is very V!!! :thumbsup: :lovegrin:

wah lau asked me this kinda question :nono:
must have some basic looks mah, few members in cs saw me before, think im short lah :bsmilie:

send me your picture and i can DI for you also

wait, let me check my images, i just might have a picture of you :think:

dont like skirts... im a jean & tee kinda person.... i so short, wear long skirt sure trip AND i dont want like to be photographed :nono:

wa you are female ar


my momma told me cannot talk to strange girls

\puts you on ignore list

send me your picture and i can DI for you also

wait, let me check my images, i just might have a picture of you :think:

how come u have mine in my images? :think: like i said i gah deh lah :hammer:

if you see a very moh moh chick...thats her :bsmilie:

i looked like this ?


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