PhotoAid XX: for Victims of Cyclone Nargis. Planning.

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still got wai's van... but i think he need to transport the PCs.

hmm... btw, vesak day doing?

Decided not to. Need a break also, three weeks damn siong. Hopefully our efforts will count for saving some lives or feeding them. The jokers running the country seems to have thier own agenda.

We nee to call for a meeting maybe on Wednesday or Thursday. Will confirm things first and let you guys know.

Thanks for the respond so far.

hmm, i will be driving up to penang from 17-19 May :sweat:

Wai, can you work with YYK and Jopel on the IT side of things?

We need a IT guy to stand by on the first day during the set up as well as to ensure the smooth running of the system.

i took the old writings and did some editing, Razin will need to help us do the Malay writeup

English writeup:

Photo Aid is an initiative by a group of volunteer photographers to help raise funds for the
victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.

Simply have your photograph taken at the Merlion Park and for every print made we ask for
your kind donation of minimum S$10. All proceeds will go directly to Salvation Army (Singapore
HQ) in financial aid of disaster relief efforts conducted by the Salvation Army (Myanmar HQ.)

We deeply appreciate your support and generosity in aiding those who are still suffering from
the disaster and awaiting for their homes and lives to be rebuilt.

Venue: Merlion Park (Beside One Fullerton, Fullerton Road)

Dates: 17th, 18th May / 24th, 25th May / 31st May, 1st Jun

Time: 8am to 8pm

Mandarin writeup:

Photo Aid 是由一群摄影爱好者所发起, 为5月2日在缅甸遭遇旋风Nargis侵害的难民筹集救灾基金的筹款活

筹款期间, 专业摄影队将为到访鱼尾狮公园的善心人士拍照留念。每一张照片的募捐款项为最低10元新币。所
筹款项将全数交由救世军(新加坡分会)处理, 为救世军在缅甸的分会提供急需的救灾资金援助, 以更直接的方

我们诚意地邀请各界人士踊跃响应筹款号召, 慷慨解囊, 一同为还在受灾的缅甸同胞们尽一分力, 帮助他们重

地点: 鱼尾狮公园 (One Fullerton 旁边, Fullerton Road)

期间: 5月17、18日 / 5月24, 25日 / 5月31日, 6月1日

时间: 早上8点至晚间8点

Japanese writeup:

サイクロンナルジス(大爆風)によるミャンマーの被災者の為にPhoto Aidでは、募金活動の一環として、カメラマン



場所: マーライオンパーク(Merlion Park, One Fullerton の隣、 Fullerton Road)

期間: 5月17・18日 / 5月24・25日 / 5月31日・6月1日

時間: 8時から 20時まで

Wai, can you work with YYK and Jopel on the IT side of things?

We need a IT guy to stand by on the first day during the set up as well as to ensure the smooth running of the system.

seems to be a bit rush to start on 17 May, less than a week only leh

if u can confirm and get hold of the laptop and equipment to be used, I can do all the necessary configurations and testing before the actual day.

seems to be a bit rush to start on 17 May, less than a week only leh

if u can confirm and get hold of the laptop and equipment to be used, I can do all the necessary configurations and testing before the actual day.

Check with Jopel, he'll be getting the hardware and working with you and YYK.


i took the old writings and did some editing, Razin will need to help us do the Malay writeup

English writeup:

Photo Aid is an initiative by a group of volunteer photographers to help raise funds for the
victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.

Simply have your photograph taken at the Merlion Park and for every print made we ask for
your kind donation of minimum S$10. All proceeds will go directly to Salvation Army (Singapore
HQ) in financial aid of disaster relief efforts conducted by the Salvation Army (Myanmar HQ.)

We deeply appreciate your support and generosity in aiding those who are still suffering from
the disaster and awaiting for their homes and lives to be rebuilt.

Venue: Merlion Park (Beside One Fullerton, Fullerton Road)

Dates: 17th, 18th May / 24th, 25th May / 31st May, 1st Jun

Time: 8am to 8pm

Mandarin writeup:

Photo Aid 是由一群摄影爱好者所发起, 为5月2日在缅甸遭遇旋风Nargis侵害的难民筹集救灾基金的筹款活

筹款期间, 专业摄影队将为到访鱼尾狮公园的善心人事拍照留念。每一张照片的募捐款项为最低10元新币。所
筹款项将全数交由救世军(新加坡分会)处理, 为救世军在缅甸的分会提供急需的救灾资金援助, 以更直接的方

我们诚意地邀请各界人士踊跃响应筹款号召, 慷慨解囊, 一同为还在受灾的缅甸同胞们尽一分力, 帮助他们重

地点: 鱼尾狮公园 (One Fullerton 旁边, Fullerton Road)

期间: 5月17、18日 / 5月24, 25日 / 5月31日, 6月1日

时间: 早上8点至晚间8点

Japanese writeup:

サイクロンナルジス(大爆風)によるミャンマーの被災者の為にPhoto Aidでは、募金活動の一環として、カメラマン



場所: マーライオンパーク(Merlion Park, One Fullerton の隣、 Fullerton Road)

期間: 5月17・18日 / 5月24・25日 / 5月31日・6月1日

時間: 8時から 20時まで

Tks Eikin, we were talking about this yesterday and was hopping to get a Korean translation as well. Any lobang?

orh.. I tot you cover his IT duties.. I think you can also lah one lah ;p

that is for volunteers, i also need to know core members


Core Member list

DCnA - After 5pm (CRS event)

DCnA - After 5pm (Class)

DCnA - After 5pm (Work, try to take leave)

DCnA - After 5pm (Class)

DCnA - Not available

DCnA - Not available

I'm still trying to shift my schdules around especially a weekend holiday with my family. Will update ASAP.


Core Member list

DCnA - After 5pm (CRS event)

DCnA - After 5pm (Class)

DCnA - After 5pm (Work, try to take leave)

DCnA - After 5pm (Class)

DCnA - Not available

DCnA - Not available

I think we need to state if the core members are able to help out espically on the setting up on Saturday mornings where we're setting from scratch and Sunday nights where we have to clear everything.

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