Photoaid 13: Love no politics. Love no animosities. Just Love.

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later the bushes catch fire la.... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

call photoaid lor, we also cover shoots for bush fires....;)


wah piang....

the bush so big sure catch fire one wad.. hahahahaa... small small one sure one man can handle one la :bsmilie:

wah piang....

the bush so big sure catch fire one wad.. hahahahaa... small small one sure one man can handle one la :bsmilie:

make sure you trample the bush until fire is out like that fireman:bsmilie:

photoaid is suddenly moving sooo fast and talking in here is soooo chim.. cannot catch anything you all say.

photoaid is suddenly moving sooo fast and talking in here is soooo chim.. cannot catch anything you all say.

good wad... so that we can catch up on sentosa thread... 50 over episodes..... i think we can catch up very fast... at such a rate... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

45mins to LUNCH TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:thumbsup: :bsmilie: :thumbsup: :heart: :bsmilie:

OK who is coming for dinner?

1. ortega

I suggest we meet at maxwell road hawker center for dinner, say 1900-1930?

..and yes, photoaid brings back a lot of fond memories.

for my first meeting with you all at a crowded kopitiam, had to walk up to one stranger and ask:" are you hotspots?"....he gave a funny look and said "NO" malu...:embrass: :bsmilie:

I was just thinking........ what would have happened if you have walk up to a lady and ask " are you Funny? " :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

good wad... so that we can catch up on sentosa thread... 50 over episodes..... i think we can catch up very fast... at such a rate... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

no need to do that. sentosa is sentosa. sentosa now moving quite slowly you know ;)

I was just thinking........ what would have happened if you have walk up to a lady and ask " are you Funny? "
"Do I look funny to you?" *SLAP* :bsmilie:

Ortega you have PM. :)

I was just thinking........ what would have happened if you have walk up to a lady and ask " are you Funny? " :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

The ideal answer would be:" No, I'm not funny, I'm Horny"....kekekeke:bsmilie:

you can come along but need to pay your own, i cannot use the funds for you :embrass:
indian food you know, sounds interesting?

Indian food coupon>? :bigeyes:

Chapatti and dosai for breakfast ar? ;p

wah.. breakfast buffet no chio me.. :cry:

The ideal answer would be:" No, I'm not funny, I'm Horny"....kekekeke:bsmilie:
Horny for you also no use, yamlo and some of the FWC's members are there, remember? Maybe for eikin will be better :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

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