People I met at Tibet - A Collection

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8. Tibetan devotion on Vesak Day

Deeply devoted in their belief.. will share some pix of what they
did on Vesak day.Here is one...
They came all over Tibet to Jokhang to worship on Vesak day.


Next photo at thread 42

10. Keep Burning

Keep buring, pouring oils as a form of offering and worshipping.
It has a meaning to their worship.. I am still trying to figure out.
People worship quietly here in small cubicles at Johkhang..
Their quiet manner of offering is so much different from we what see
in Hkg ,Taiwan and Sg...all rushing to put their joss-sticks.
Do not flash to disturb their worship... just shoot quietly.:)



Next photo at thread # 66

Hosea said:
8. Tibetan devotion on Vesak Day

Deeply devoted in their belief.. will share some pix of what they
did on Vesak day.Here is one...
They came all over Tibet to Jokhang to worship on Vesak day.


Next photo at thread 42

this image is haunting yet always amazes me that their faith is strong that they can endure the 三步一磕 journey :thumbsup:

hosea, i'm increasingly impressed.

and it is not meant to be flattering. it is really "increasingly". has these being newer pictures or are they all the same among those u post in your tibet threads last time? to be honest, when i first gathered that travel photo thread (which lies dormant now and will become extinct soon), i wasn't that impressed. guess u have been hiding a lot of gd photos. :think:

zoossh said:
hosea, i'm increasingly impressed.

and it is not meant to be flattering. it is really "increasingly". has these being newer pictures or are they all the same among those u post in your tibet threads last time? to be honest, when i first gathered that travel photo thread (which lies dormant now and will become extinct soon), i wasn't that impressed. guess u have been hiding a lot of gd photos. :think:

zoosh, lets go to Tibet next!!

Hosea said:
8. Tibetan devotion on Vesak Day

Deeply devoted in their belief.. will share some pix of what they
did on Vesak day.Here is one...
They came all over Tibet to Jokhang to worship on Vesak day.


This image is beautifully crafted. Certainly raised my brows when i saw this.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hosea, I enjoy viewing your pictures ! :thumbsup: were you travelling alone or with some photography group throughout your journey in china/tibet ?

Beautiful photos.... thanks for sharing. More please....:)

Wow veri nice pics...muz hav been cold ther ah...most ppl in thick clothing & some their cheeks are rosy.

Hosea said:
8. Tibetan devotion on Vesak Day

Deeply devoted in their belief.. will share some pix of what they
did on Vesak day.Here is one...
They came all over Tibet to Jokhang to worship on Vesak day.


Next photo at thread 42

Stan, this is really a master piece.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

More please.

great stuff!

might be planning to go in June.hehe..searching around here for advice etc

di0nysus said:
great stuff!

might be planning to go in June.hehe..searching around here for advice etc

are you plan to go alone? I heard you may need two weeks to enjoy the trip!

Thanks for sharing.
Enjoyable to see the photos.
I like travel photos of how people of other lands go about living their daily life, street shots, portraits of the people....

zoossh said:
hosea, i'm increasingly impressed.

and it is not meant to be flattering. it is really "increasingly". has these being newer pictures or are they all the same among those u post in your tibet threads last time? to be honest, when i first gathered that travel photo thread (which lies dormant now and will become extinct soon), i wasn't that impressed. guess u have been hiding a lot of gd photos. :think:
Thanks zoossh, glad you do enjoy viewing my photos...:) they are all from the same trip.

lemon3_tea said:
Hosea, I enjoy viewing your pictures ! :thumbsup: were you travelling alone or with some photography group throughout your journey in china/tibet ?
Lemon, I travel on my own with friends for my China trip.
Didn't join any photog gp as they normally charge higher and sometimes even
hv to pay for the leader or lead photographer that organised.
Joing a group has the adv that you need not to plan much about the trip.
I prefer to experience and mingle with the local, so I choose to travel on my own.

Ridicule said:
Wow veri nice pics...muz hav been cold ther ah...most ppl in thick clothing & some their cheeks are rosy.
Yes Ridcule, it is rather cold as this place is at high altitude.Thanks for viewing and comment.

jeffhiew said:
Stan, this is really a master piece.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

More please.
Thanks Jeff, look forward for your nice photos too.. your next travel

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