Part-time Repairman Part 2

Hi David,

Could I check, what's the latest on the lens cleaning workshop? Date, time, location?


Sorry for those I turned down this week.:embrass:
I got more than enough lenses and cameras for this weekend

Special tools are almost completed.;)
It should be ready before Chinese New Year

Wah.. must be real busy now.

Take care dude. ;)

Just a suggestion, in order not to mess up this thread with OT posts, perhaps David can start a new thread on the session, with details?


Tentatative date is on afternoon of 2 Feb. Have not fixed a location yet.

David, thanks for organizing the workshop and ordering the tool kits.
I will pick it up on the actual workshop day at 2 Feb 2008.

So is the session on 2 Feb confirmed? Need to plan the day.

Recently, I cleaned and sell 2 Nikon prime lenses.
Received a lot of responses.

So if you have some lenses with fungus and planning to sell, do let me know, I might be able to help. I will clean and try to sell.
No cash out. No need to pay the service if I could not sell.

Hi, sent you a PM regarding servicing Canon EOS 1000F. Looking forward to your reply :)