Pana FZ18 user!!! Come in here!!!

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count me in if have..
juz bought mine last two week... :)

why not make it like this

wlbfz18, chikubang and me
pm me your msn/contacts
we settle a timing for outing?

Is it a need to hv dry cabinet for this camera? FZ-18:embrass:

Once this question was on my mind too.

IMO actually think dun really need a dry box/cabi unless u kiasu and dun wan any chance of yr fx18 to spoil(fungus etc) due to the moisture in our humid n wet weather.(believe its more applicable to DSLR as body/lens are detechable which is more exposed to the elements)
For me i dun intend to spend on another camera in another 2-3 yrs or even longer ;)therefore i think in long term so got myself a dry box.
But after awhile find it troublesome to open/close the box, heat up the silicon gel etc so got myself a dry cabi which makes life easier.;)

Once this question was on my mind too.

IMO actually think dun really need a dry box/cabi unless u kiasu and dun wan any chance of yr fx18 to spoil(fungus etc) due to the moisture in our humid n wet weather.(believe its more applicable to DSLR as body/lens are detechable which is more exposed to the elements)
For me i dun intend to spend on another camera in another 2-3 yrs or even longer ;)therefore i think in long term so got myself a dry box.
But after awhile find it troublesome to open/close the box, heat up the silicon gel etc so got myself a dry cabi which makes life easier.;)

Thought of buying too... haha...

Thought of buying too... haha...

haha...just get it.i thought long n hard,searching for reasons to buy or not to buy.

In the end u know lah,when u buy stuff u cant stop until yr wallet hurts dan u stop.
FX18 > screen protector > UV filter > polarizer > Close up lens x2 > extra batt > lowepro bag > 4G hi-speed SD card > tripod > dry box > dry cabi

tats the end of the list for me,im happy wif wat i have already.;)

is there any advanced instruction manual for this camera?

hope to get a diffuser for the flash.... anywhere to get?
Also buying filters and close up lens.
Any good place to recommend?

hope to get a diffuser for the flash.... anywhere to get?
Also buying filters and close up lens.
Any good place to recommend?

for flash diffuser

i am also interested in getting a CPL, ND and GND filter
anyway.. this article might be of interest to u and other fz18 users

Has anyone experienced the blue band effect they are talking about here:

Just wondering if Singapore models also have the same defect since I amplanning to get this piece soon.

are we still having an outing?

or is it just another talk talk say say thingy? haha...

on you la.. but what u wan to shoot?

of coz welcome.

more ppl can give more ideas, and if everyone is willing to share technics on the camera then big group is good.
If you really want to shoot alot, then fewer ppl is better.

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