
To sfoto100 :
Sorry for being late to reply your email. Thanks a lot too for your appreciation, it means a lot to me ;p Glad to know that you are now have a new nice toy “the camera” that will give you many opportunities to capture the moments, objects, playing with creativity, and have the happiness in doing photography. No matter the time that we are still new or already quite long time doing shooting / photography, learning, exploring, trying is still important for me to keep us be better and get more useful experiment.

Sure, I would glad to share all things about photography that I know (pardon me if there is something not so ideal for you, since I still need to learn more…hahaha)
Can you mention the number of photos that you want to know the setting of the camera when I shot them? Hopefully I can give the history of that setting camera including what i did during the shooting.
I used Adobe Photoshop CS2, especially for tuning the color, doing masking, giving the water mark (name tag), rotating photos, cutting the frame, resizing the file.

Fir the color tuning, I usually using tools from pull bar IMAGE
Image => Adjustment => there are a lot of tools there you can use based on what you preference (usually use Brightness/ Contras, Hue/Saturation, Exposure, Curve, Level, Filter)

You can do it slowly and see the effect of each tool. It is so user friendly, you just need to chose and click, drag / put the input number for each tool . Very useful, especially if you want to make something unique / different for the photos that you’ve already had. Cheer ;p

# 90 Seing Trough Pipes (Children Play Ground, Vivo City, 2008)



Hi Dearchivism

I am glad you entertain my request!!! tks alot really....

I will list some of those very beautiful photos u created and if u do have some time, perhaps u can share with me and the rest how you perform this magic. Yes it is a magic to me.. a mystery too!! haha...

2 i really wonder if u waited for the reflection to appear... no matter what, this is great!!!
4 - i just like the hue... it gives me a very soothing feel.. and the light on the four shirts .. amazing
21 - i like this alot... i won't say the most.. bcos i like alot of your pictures... it's hard for me to say which i like most...

i just saw your latest post...#90 it is great!!!

keep up the good work... i am waiting for your new series... :)

To sfoto100 :
Sorry for being late to reply your email. Thanks a lot too for your appreciation, it means a lot to me ;p Glad to know that you are now have a new nice toy “the camera” that will give you many opportunities to capture the moments, objects, playing with creativity, and have the happiness in doing photography. No matter the time that we are still new or already quite long time doing shooting / photography, learning, exploring, trying is still important for me to keep us be better and get more useful experiment.

Sure, I would glad to share all things about photography that I know (pardon me if there is something not so ideal for you, since I still need to learn more…hahaha)
Can you mention the number of photos that you want to know the setting of the camera when I shot them? Hopefully I can give the history of that setting camera including what i did during the shooting.
I used Adobe Photoshop CS2, especially for tuning the color, doing masking, giving the water mark (name tag), rotating photos, cutting the frame, resizing the file.

Fir the color tuning, I usually using tools from pull bar IMAGE
Image => Adjustment => there are a lot of tools there you can use based on what you preference (usually use Brightness/ Contras, Hue/Saturation, Exposure, Curve, Level, Filter)

You can do it slowly and see the effect of each tool. It is so user friendly, you just need to chose and click, drag / put the input number for each tool . Very useful, especially if you want to make something unique / different for the photos that you’ve already had. Cheer ;p

To sfoto100 :
Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Sorry for being late to reply your email, just had some work to do, hahaha, hopefully you don’t mind. Sure you also can make your own magic with your own unique style and your own creativity.

Today I will try to figure out the camera setting and the post processing photos for picture #1 (others I will continue tomorrow, because today i am so tired after finished the food shoot as my friend asked me to, very interesting doing macro shoot…..very usefull experience for me)

#1 The Movement Of Walking (Transulent)


The Camera Setting :
Exposure: 0.125 sec (1/8)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: -1 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern

Post Processing (using Adobe Photoshop CS2):
Image =>Ajustment => Hue/saturation (i put the saturation at lower level)
ajusting brightness (-5) and contrast (+5)
ajusting curves (just forgot the value, just mae sure the curve shape just like the "S" shape) to make it more dramatic
you can use other tools also to enhance your photos, based on what you like to achive ;p

When i shot this photo (Singapore River, night time), need a bit more of patience because not all photos i got give me the result like this (the timing especially), and you can set the shutter to become a bit slower or faster to get the result of transculent (because of the frezzing the moving effect). Make sure there is a light also to brightening the moving foot to make it looks like tranculent (if you see at the photo, there was light at the floor that came from the left side) i placed the focus at the floor (using single shot AF), then when there was a person walked, just pressed the shutter button.

hopefully this can give you the information that you want to know, pardon me if there is something not so ideal.....cheer ;p

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hi Dearchivism

I really appreciate alot for sharing me your techniques. Please take your time... i will go try what u have taught me tomorrow.. :) pls take care. :)

To sfoto100 :

Sorry for being late to reply your massage for quite while, i just had to finish some works at that time. okay, here is another photo that you asked me about the shooting and post processing.

#2 Singapore National Bikers 2008 (04) (Singapore National Bikers 2008, Singapore Flyer)


Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/320)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 200 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG
Creative Tool : Adobe Photoshop CS 2

At Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (editing), I made the photos as black and white to enhance the “reflection theme / massage ”.
Image => Mode => Grayscale
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => Adjustment => Curve (I just forgot the number, but the curve shape was “S Shape” to give more dramatic between bright tone and dark tone

When I took this photo, it was afternoon time and the sun position was facing the helmet (so the helmet became bright enough) and it was easier to take the reflection on the helmet surface. I just walked around to find the nice angle to shoot the reflection of the sun, Singapore flyer and the people that walked near the helmet. The helmet was belong to someone that I didn’t know, and it was on the ground (lower position that made me able to get the reflection of Singapore flyer and full body of the people near the helmet). I shot it at focal length 200 mm and iso 100 to make the background (the ground and grass behind the helmet) not so dominant and become not so bright so only the helmet + it's reflection is bright.

To sfoto100 :

Sorry for being late to reply your massage for quite while, i just had to finish some works at that time. okay, here is another photo that you asked me about the shooting and post processing.

#2 Singapore National Bikers 2008 (04) (Singapore National Bikers 2008, Singapore Flyer)


Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/320)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 200 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG
Creative Tool : Adobe Photoshop CS 2

At Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (editing), I made the photos as black and white to enhance the “reflection theme / massage ”.
Image => Mode => Grayscale
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => Adjustment => Curve (I just forgot the number, but the curve shape was “S Shape” to give more dramatic between bright tone and dark tone

When I took this photo, it was afternoon time and the sun position was facing the helmet (so the helmet became bright enough) and it was easier to take the reflection on the helmet surface. I just walked around to find the nice angle to shoot the reflection of the sun, Singapore flyer and the people that walked near the helmet. The helmet was belong to someone that I didn’t know, and it was on the ground (lower position that made me able to get the reflection of Singapore flyer and full body of the people near the helmet). I shot it at focal length 200 mm and iso 100 to make the background (the ground and grass behind the helmet) not so dominant and become not so bright so only the helmet + it's reflection is bright.

Hi Dearchivism

I must say i really appreciate alot for your kindness....

i am now trying to learn photoshop and gimp. i was told that most good pics need some post possessing...

i feel i have imposed on you too much already ;p

Hi Dearchivism

Like what you have done with photography.

I was wondering if you would be interested for a product shoot for designer furniture/lightings launched in Singapore, sold elsewhere around the world.

We are looking for magazine shots to be used in New York Spaces, Habitus, France etc.

Couldn't find your contact so pls email me at kelvin@munkii.com.sg for all the details


To sfoto100

Glad to know that you’ve already learned and tried using Photosop, hopefully it will be usefull for your and can enhance your photos become more and more artistic and more beautiful ;p

#4 The Hanging T Shirts (Art Work, Singapore Biennale 2008, Raffles Place, Singapore)


Exposure: 0.077 sec (1/13)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 11 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows

At Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (editing/Post Processing), I enhanced the photo to get the color tone that I wanted :
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => auto contrast
Image => auto level (be careful sometime auto level will change the color a bit)
Image => Adjustment => Curve (I just forgot the number, but the curve shape was “S Shape” to give more dramatic and more stunning (for the main object / part that I put the focus on)

When I took this photo (it was a part of Art Exhibition at Singapore Biennale, 2008), I used tripod with lower position so I could shot it from the bottom of the hanging T Shirts. I did the framing and focusing through live view (Tilted Camera LCD with live view) so it was easier for me to get the frame that I want without have to lie under the hanging T Shirt. There were neon lamps inside the hanging T Shirt (as one package of the Art Display / Art Installation) colored white and red. I just put the exposure at level 0 and shot it. I used AWB (auto white ballance) and ISO 400 (higher ISO will make the background brighter that lower ISO) to make sure the background not so dark because I liked the linier texture of background (big container). Hopefully what I write here can give he information that you want to know. Pardon me if there is something not so ideal. Have a nice shooting time for you ;p

To munkii76 :
Thank a lot for your appreciation and also for your offering (chance of shooting design product). It would be a great opportunity for me to take those photos and also a very challenging chance. Hopefully we can arrange the time and everything that correlated to it so we can get the best results. I will email you for the detail of arrangement ;p

To sfoto100

Glad to know that you’ve already learned and tried using Photosop, hopefully it will be usefull for your and can enhance your photos become more and more artistic and more beautiful ;p

#4 The Hanging T Shirts (Art Work, Singapore Biennale 2008, Raffles Place, Singapore)


Exposure: 0.077 sec (1/13)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 11 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows

At Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (editing/Post Processing), I enhanced the photo to get the color tone that I wanted :
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => auto contrast
Image => auto level (be careful sometime auto level will change the color a bit)
Image => Adjustment => Curve (I just forgot the number, but the curve shape was “S Shape” to give more dramatic and more stunning (for the main object / part that I put the focus on)

When I took this photo (it was a part of Art Exhibition at Singapore Biennale, 2008), I used tripod with lower position so I could shot it from the bottom of the hanging T Shirts. I did the framing and focusing through live view (Tilted Camera LCD with live view) so it was easier for me to get the frame that I want without have to lie under the hanging T Shirt. There were neon lamps inside the hanging T Shirt (as one package of the Art Display / Art Installation) colored white and red. I just put the exposure at level 0 and shot it. I used AWB (auto white ballance) and ISO 400 (higher ISO will make the background brighter that lower ISO) to make sure the background not so dark because I liked the linier texture of background (big container). Hopefully what I write here can give he information that you want to know. Pardon me if there is something not so ideal. Have a nice shooting time for you ;p

hi Dearchivism,

i borrowed a book on photoshop recently... it also mentioned the technique u used here.. for example the S curve.... photoshop and gimp are really powerful tool....

tks alot for your sharing... really appreciate a lot :)

To Sfoto 100:
Thanks for your C&C. Yes with Photoshop, you can enhance your photo to make it more unique and more stunning in toning and other effect. Hopefully it will make your photos become more beautiful ;p You can also trying “masking editing”, hopefully it is also mentioned at the book that you borrowed. For me, it really helping much to improve the final toning and exposure of the photos.

#11 The Nails (Fort Canning Park, Singapore, 2008)


Exposure: 0.02 sec (1/50)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 28 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: -7/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG

At editing / PP Post Production using Adobe Photosop CS @, I made the photos as black and white to enhance the “reflection theme / massage ”.
Image => Mode => Grayscale
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => Auto contrast
Image => Auto Level
Image => Adjustment => Curve (“S Shape” Curve to give more dramatic between bright tone / High lighted part and dark tone / shadow part)

When I took this photo (at evening time), although the condition is quite bright (had enough daylight), I still used tripod (as I brought it along with me at that time) to make sure for shooting macro like these nails, the shaking could be reduced to get sharper image. I used ISO 200 to make the background not so dark (compare to ISO 100) and also the back nails still can be highlighted although they became blur / bokeh. I set the camera to macro setting and put the focus at third nail from below so I could have the photo which had the gradation of sharpness => to blur bokeh was from the bottom of the photo to the up side / top of the photo which combined with bokeh from small part of the sky + trees (back ground) as its ending part of the composition

Merry Xmas for all of you, have a nice + happy shooting time too….cheer ;p

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To Sfoto 100:
Thanks for your C&C. Yes with Photoshop, you can enhance your photo to make it more unique and more stunning in toning and other effect. Hopefully it will make your photos become more beautiful ;p You can also trying “masking editing”, hopefully it is also mentioned at the book that you borrowed. For me, it really helping much to improve the final toning and exposure of the photos.

#11 The Nails (Fort Canning Park, Singapore, 2008)


Exposure: 0.02 sec (1/50)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 28 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: -7/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Compression: JPEG

At editing / PP Post Production using Adobe Photosop CS @, I made the photos as black and white to enhance the “reflection theme / massage ”.
Image => Mode => Grayscale
Image => Adjustment => Brightness (-5) /Contrast (+5)
Image => Auto contrast
Image => Auto Level
Image => Adjustment => Curve (“S Shape” Curve to give more dramatic between bright tone / High lighted part and dark tone / shadow part)

When I took this photo (at evening time), although the condition is quite bright (had enough daylight), I still used tripod (as I brought it along with me at that time) to make sure for shooting macro like these nails, the shaking could be reduced to get sharper image. I used ISO 200 to make the background not so dark (compare to ISO 100) and also the back nails still can be highlighted although they became blur / bokeh. I set the camera to macro setting and put the focus at third nail from below so I could have the photo which had the gradation of sharpness => to blur bokeh was from the bottom of the photo to the up side / top of the photo which combined with bokeh from small part of the sky + trees (back ground) as its ending part of the composition

Merry Xmas for all of you, have a nice + happy shooting time too….cheer ;p

hi Dearchivism

tks again for sharing! i wish you a happy new year ! :)

To sfoto100 :
You are welcome, sorry a few weeks i did not update this tread, because i had some work to do, especiallty for product shooting and some prewedding shotting. I will share the product photos (after the product is launched), especially playing much with light and shadow (darkness), very interesting experience and unique light (flash) setting ;p

Very inspiring captures and creative use of photoshop, it makes me want to do better with my photos! 2 :thumbsup:!

To Sfoto100 :

here is some detail for this photo (during capturing and post production / editing)
#21 Silhoutte of The Flute Player (Tunnel of Pedestrian, Esplanade Park, Singapore, 2009)


The exif data / meta data :
Exposure: 0.05 sec (1/20)
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 100 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Manual
White Balance: Manual
Metering Mode: Pattern
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows

The setting for this photo, I used Manual mode + ISO 400 + F/11 to make the background brighter but the object still dark with sharp edge of the silhouette (so the it will be more dramatic between dark shilhoutte as an object and the bright background). Manual mode + pattern matering mode made me easier to make the object (flute player) become dark as a silhouette because the camera will automatically calculate the average of the light (for all part in the frame) ,so I just have to get a much brighter area into my frame to make the final average where the object become darker. If the the bright area (the part where the light comes from) and the object have so much gap / different of the brightness it is easuer to make the silhouette. After that, I just playing with white balance, using color temperature (Kelvin) to make it blue (I just forgot the exact level of the Kelvin color temperature)

In Photoshop CS2 (for editing), i did this simple kind of editing :
Image >adjustment> auto level
Image >adjustment> auto contrast
Image >adjustment> match color (turn on the neutralize and drag the fade to get the color tuning which is changing smoother rather than using color balance)
Image > adjustment> curve (make the curve with “S” shape to make the silhouette become darker and the bright area become brighter and also make the photo become more 3 dimensional feeling because the affect of the brightness editing make it had more differences between dark part and bright part)

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To wreks :
Thanks a lot for your C&C, I am sure you can do better and better, keep on shooting and exploring ;p