Official Sony A7 or A7r discussion thread

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anyone interested ? :bsmilie:


Rather get the cheaper A7 & A7r and still have money for Zeiss Lenses...............:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

From SAR, Sony going to come out A mount replacement soon. Hopes it's before my Europe trip and so, I could invest on one. A7/A7r size/weight suits me as I got a A850 and 2 heavy lenses to go with but, the battery life not enough for time lapse! (maybe) Anyway, I just have to play the waiting game. Those got their $ standby, hopes to see photos from it. :D

anyone interested ? :bsmilie:


haha this actually does look better than the sony version. I find the placement of the hasselblad logo looks better than the placement of the current sony logo on the VF hump. First thing to do if i get the sony A7 is to gaffer/cover up the sony word.

Oh and i really hope they improve the wifi/play memories function. The NEX 6 was really bad - majority of the time the connection failed. The Olympus version in my EP5 is great.


wa this defeats all the arguments for a small full frame mirrorless body. i will not use a flash + long zoom together on the A7. maybe the long zoom occasionally but not such a oversized flash that seems larger than the camera body.

on a side note... hehe the new white 70-200 F4 looks delicious

also waiting :) I survive with NEX7 this long I bet these two A7/A7r will be better than NEX7

Lol. Was it hard? Will you be able to continue to survive for A7/A7r replacements? :)

Lol. Was it hard? Will you be able to continue to survive for A7/A7r replacements? :)

good thing this year I was busy at work with new work loads so I seldom shoot now help a lot to forget about BBB was eyeing Fuji X series before but lost track of things due to work then now I saw this the BBB virus comes to life again


wa this defeats all the arguments for a small full frame mirrorless body. i will not use a flash + long zoom together on the A7. maybe the long zoom occasionally but not such a oversized flash that seems larger than the camera body.

on a side note... hehe the new white 70-200 F4 looks delicious

it does, doesn't it?

but the flash in the picture appears to be the F60. there's a smaller F43 that will fit nicely even on an NEX-6

I think the price is ok not crazy expensive for FF and form factor price is ok. Specially A7..... Now just want to wait for 1st takers and user report before deciding which one to take
The price is really good I think, at least in the US.

he didn't post original size photos :-(
You're right, way too small.

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Just saw only the A7 has an electronic first curtain shutter. Surprised they left it out for the A7r.

The price is really good I think, at least in the US.

You're right, way too small.

Yeah so far announced price looks good.... hope it wont be that far off for SG price.

About the sample photos: And some more mostly at low ISO :-(

Price ok but range of lens a bit less so - no constant f2.8 zoom and no 35 f1.8 (which is quite a standard lens to have (just because of RX1). All they need to do is make the FE 35/1.8 sufficiently more expensive such that it would more expensive than RX1 (or alternatively make it a G lens).

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Price ok but range of lens a bit less so - no constant f2.8 zoom and no 35 f1.8 (which is quite a standard lens to have (just because of RX1). All they need to do is make the FE 35/1.8 sufficiently more expensive such that it would more expensive than RX1 (or alternatively make it a G lens).
Sony might do it like Fujifilm, just give them some time. According to their lens road map it might come in 2016.

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