New Members Missing Posts?

ohh i see. i'll update you. thanks catchlights!

there is noting shows you did post a thread.
please try post a thread again, in if noting shows up, please let us know which section is that.

I could not choose/type in the Brand name in the personal classifies Buy/Sell: Nikon Equipment , please help.
Thanks and Regards.

Last edited:
I could not choose/type in the Brand name in the personal classifies Buy/Sell: Nikon Equipment , please help.
Thanks and Regards.

when you are posting new thread in personal classifies Buy/Sell: Nikon Equipment, the default brand is already Nikon, unless you want input other brand name in the "If Others, please specify:" field.

hope this help.

Posted on 14th Feb in Personal classifieds, other brands/formats, WTSell: MediumFormat - Fujifilm Velvia Professional 100. Although I'm not a new member this is the first post I've made and therefore probably subjected to the same new member posts rule.

However 3 days later I still don't see my post, could you please help me check?
Thank you.

Posted on 14th Feb in Personal classifieds, other brands/formats, WTSell: MediumFormat - Fujifilm Velvia Professional 100. Although I'm not a new member this is the first post I've made and therefore probably subjected to the same new member posts rule.

However 3 days later I still don't see my post, could you please help me check?
Thank you.

you posted in wrong category, MediumFormat is referring to cameras

all types of films should post at at Buy/Sell: Photography Accessories

please post again.

you posted in wrong category, MediumFormat is referring to cameras

all types of films should post at at Buy/Sell: Photography Accessories

please post again.

Thanks for your reply. I checked the forum before posting and noted that there was another post under MediumFormat that was also for Film, hence I posted there. It was still there when I asked this question, however it seems to have been removed now.

Anyhow thanks for the clarification :)

Ohhhh.... I posted just now like 10 mins. ago. So expected it to be posted within 24-48 hours?

I posted twice before i saw this thread. Apologies on the duplicate. Thanks!

Ohhhh.... I posted just now like 10 mins. ago. So expected it to be posted within 24-48 hours?

I posted twice before i saw this thread. Apologies on the duplicate. Thanks!

posting update in BnS thread will not bring the thread to the front page, members won't able to see your thread unless there do a search of Schneider lens.

try lock your existing thread and post a new thread. please observe the rule of 3 days interval of new thread.

posting update in BnS thread will not bring the thread to the front page, members won't able to see your thread unless there do a search of Schneider lens.

try lock your existing thread and post a new thread. please observe the rule of 3 days interval of new thread.

Noted on that. However, i was referring to my Sinar Hy6 post. I tried posting it 2 times but it doesn't appear. Does it mean it's still on the "moderated" list?


just did a search, didn't find any threads about Sinar by you.

please try post again, if it doesn't show, do let us know when and where did you make the post.

Adjusted to 800 for a more realistic pricing.

Hi Mods, I've posted a WTSell to Micro Four-Thirds Buy/Sell forum about 3 days ago. It has not been published/approved yet and I don't see any records of this post on my User CP.

Was there something I overlooked? Can I resubmit this post? Thanks.

Hi Mods, I've posted a WTSell to Micro Four-Thirds Buy/Sell forum about 3 days ago. It has not been published/approved yet and I don't see any records of this post on my User CP.

Was there something I overlooked? Can I resubmit this post? Thanks.

it is still on the first page of Buy/Sell: Micro Four-Thirds

just did a search, didn't find any threads about Sinar by you.

please try post again, if it doesn't show, do let us know when and where did you make the post.

I posted just now.

Here's some screenies. I posted it under Other Camera Brands/Formats.

Thread Subject: Sinar Hy6 / eMotion 75 / Rollei 180mm f2.8 Schneider


