NEW -fuji F200EXR is out

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for those that got this camera recently, how much did u pay for it?

for those that got this camera recently, how much did u pay for it?

Try to flip the pages of this thread. The best price so far is on p14

Try to flip the pages of this thread. The best price so far is on p14

already flipped... becos some members got their recently, it would be good to know if there is any better price.

hi all, been playing ard with my f200 since gettin it last week. jus wanna check with any veterans here, wats the M mode for actually? :dunno:
i find tat for 80% of the time i been using P mode mostly.
another qn, in low-light situation , wats the setting u guys normally use? oh and indoor shots too.


hi all, been playing ard with my f200 since gettin it last week. jus wanna check with any veterans here, wats the M mode for actually? :dunno:
i find tat for 80% of the time i been using P mode mostly.
another qn, in low-light situation , wats the setting u guys normally use? oh and indoor shots too.


For low light, I ususally use EXR High ISO low Noise setting. But i'll limit to ISO 1600.
M mode is to allow setting of aperture and shutter speed manually.

btw, anyone has any opinion of the optimal ISO setting for F200EXR?

ISO setting for me is i usually see the area where i would one to take the foto,

for day i would use iso 100 - 400, as for night i would choose between iso 400-1600.

hope it help.

ISO setting for me is i usually see the area where i would one to take the foto,

for day i would use iso 100 - 400, as for night i would choose between iso 400-1600.

hope it help.

I realised that using ISO 100, we cant extend the DR. ISO 200 -DR 200% and ISO 400 DR 400%. I'm assuming that ISO 100 produces the best DR even though its not up. Please correct me if i'm wrong in the assumption.

missed the contributions of kopiokaya and jacob. why they kenna deregistered? do you guys know how to find them? sorry for the OT here

I manage to get a F200EXR from a nice forummer.
My Finepix 4700Z vs F200EXR :)
9 years of Super CCD evolution


Wow your camera is well taken care of.

It makes me curious to see how the 9 years of difference in terms of IQ.

Can post 2 pics of the same subject using these 2 cams, just curious, thanks!

got mine last sun.. $485 @ cathay photo. only start surfing the net for info aft the purchase.. realized elsewhere is selling much cheaper! the uncle selling me was still saying its e cheapest alr..

have been taking random pics. Some of it is v clear. but some is abit patchy..
any idea why is tt so? does zooming in when taking pics affect the clarity of the pics?
sorry totally new to all tis..

thanks in advance..:)

Anyone using this camera for underwater photography???
Any photo to share??? And where can get cheaper price for the underwater houshing???


just bought the cam, and have been attempting to take some pics. using exr mode, but somehow or another the pics seem to turn out quite noisy and not really sharp.. any reason why? =/

have been taking random pics. Some of it is v clear. but some is abit patchy..
any idea why is tt so? does zooming in when taking pics affect the clarity of the pics?

there's optical and digital zoom, if u zoom till digital zoom then the image quality will drop.
usually the camera will use optical zoom, when it finish utilizing optical zoom, it will utilize digital zoom.

i know some camera actually indicates when u are using digital zoom. not sure if fujifilm indicates it.
Still exploring my F200 too.

just bought the cam, and have been attempting to take some pics. using exr mode, but somehow or another the pics seem to turn out quite noisy and not really sharp.. any reason why? =/

try checking the iso level when using the exr. I think it is set at 1600 by default.
change to a lower ISO, the image should improve.
assuming u are shooting at normal light condition.


I just purchased a Fuji F200EXR. I am still reading the manual. Hopefully to gain some knowledge from all the experts here. :)

Btw, I am an 'angmo' from Denmark..... Got to get used to that lingual. :sweat:

welcome, "angmo" ;)
You're the second Dutch I came across in several months.
Anyway, congrats on the F200 purchase. I cannot say it can replace my Pentax K200D (quite far away!) but its one of the best PnS cameras around and since getting it, I have been using it more than my DSLR, not because the IQ can match the K200D but because its portable and takes reasonably decent shots. :)

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