NEW -fuji F200EXR is out

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i am still trying out the camera. so when using the EXR mode, the click click sound is normal? I thought something was wrong with the camera. the sdv additional battery, any idea where (website) to register for the one year free warranty?

Fujifilm F200EXR rocks.... seriously, i won't go for F31fd... The purple fringing in bright daylight is really :thumbsd:... unless people are selling $250+ then perhaps one can give it a try..

else just buy F200EXR for $470 from tkfoto, alan photo... :sweatsm:

If not pay $10 more, and get from mscolor.. with free battery somemore...

i got it from the IT show and was told the original battery is no warranty de.then got free another battery NP-50 which we can free 1 yr warranty if we register online. but i forgot to ask which website to register. anyone has got any idea?

hello. new to this forum and new to photography in general. ish looking for a new pns camera so have been patiently reading thru this thread (and some others). and frankly speaking, i'm super tempted by so many of these +ve feedbacks abt the F200EXR.

jus a concern,

is the F200EXR noob-friendly? cos u guys discussing abt adjusting the iso and light stuff etc etc i dun really have much idea abt. so i wonder if its suitable for someone like me who simply jus wan to point and shoot :) or there are other cameras more noob friendly (and maybe abit easier on the pocket:bsmilie:) that can recommend?


This model is easy to use,

Just set to EXR (Auto) or use Auto mode and you are good to go.

thx. erm since i'm at this, may i also ask wat the iso does actually? as in how does adjusting the iso does to the pic and how then to determine when / how to adjust the iso when u r taking pics. jus wanna learn more.

thx. :D

thanks for the reassurance. First time using fuji and never encountered such a loud clicking sound so was a bit worried. :)

is the F200EXR noob-friendly? cos u guys discussing abt adjusting the iso and light stuff etc etc i dun really have much idea abt. so i wonder if its suitable for someone like me who simply jus wan to point and shoot :)

Finepix Users Network (F.U.N.) will be conducting a F200EXR Sharing Sessions on 28 March 2009. More details here.

Hi guys
I sometimes need to set to 640x480 or 1024x768 pixel size to take photos for the web. However, I can't seem to see this setting in the camera. It seems the smallest size is S 3:2 = 2MP which is still too large. To have to go to each image to resize in "play" mode would be cumbersome. In anycase, I can't seem to be able to convert the photo size to 640x480....there is an error message. Any ideas what happened?

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Hi guys
I sometimes need to set to 640x480 or 1024x768 pixel size to take photos for the web. However, I can't seem to see this setting in the camera. It seems the smallest size is S 3:2 = 2MP which is still too large. To have to go to each image to resize in "play" mode would be cumbersome. In anycase, I can't seem to be able to convert the photo size to 640x480....there is an error message. Any ideas what happened?

i prefer to shoot at full res and down res it later in software. if you shoot at 640x480, it won't look good if you decide to print it later.

Just got the F200EXR over the weekend. FYI, bought extra batteries from John 3.16 for $20 each.

Anyone has any suggestion to a good camera pouch and a mini tripod for this camera?

Btw, wonder if anyone knows if there are any 3rd party accessories for macro shooting on F200.

Ja good camera pouch and a mini tripod for this camera?

Try Kata Digital Pouch DP-411 and Joby Gorillapod.


Just got the F200EXR over the weekend. FYI, bought extra batteries from John 3.16 for $20 each.

Anyone has any suggestion to a good camera pouch and a mini tripod for this camera?

Btw, wonder if anyone knows if there are any 3rd party accessories for macro shooting on F200.

how much u paid for the camera itself and what freebies does it come with? :)

Hi guys
I sometimes need to set to 640x480 or 1024x768 pixel size to take photos for the web. However, I can't seem to see this setting in the camera. It seems the smallest size is S 3:2 = 2MP which is still too large. To have to go to each image to resize in "play" mode would be cumbersome. In anycase, I can't seem to be able to convert the photo size to 640x480....there is an error message. Any ideas what happened?

i prefer to shoot at full res and down res it later in software. if you shoot at 640x480, it won't look good if you decide to print it later.

agree with madmacs to shoot at full res and then do batch resizing in post processing. :)

I was going to get this camera but now have enough in my budget to afford the LX3, cant decide which one to get now the LX3 seems to take a better photo but is bigger and not really pocket size were as the f200 is pockatable and has the bigger zoom. Keep changing my mind on which to get.

Just got the F200EXR over the weekend. FYI, bought extra batteries from John 3.16 for $20 each.

Anyone has any suggestion to a good camera pouch and a mini tripod for this camera?

Btw, wonder if anyone knows if there are any 3rd party accessories for macro shooting on F200.

yeah me too. i'm interested to know how much u got it for? is there stock for black there?

I believe the rate is $470 across the reputable shops.

The package is quite standard.
Case,Screen Protector and 8GB SD card.

I'm quite impress with the DR. I believe few clips shot, in high contrast especially so when I use DR800%. It doesnt comes with Histogram, so am unable to tell immediately. It usually clips on my dSLR, given same scenario.

From a dSLR background, there isnt much control. Aperture priority is limited to 2 aperture control. Difficult to achieve the bokeh effect, even with usage of telephoto end. The best bokeh I had is achieved only in Macro mode. I think the focus min. distance of 3-5cm at Macro. Hope to see 3rd party support to enhance the Macro mode.

The auto EXR is amazingly idiot proof.
Only qualm is that DR 800% can only be achieved in EXR mode and not in P/M mode. Further, in EXR mode, ISO can only be set to auto ISO 400.
I was hoping to shoot at ISO 100 with 800% for pristine landscape pictures. At 800%, image size is limited to Medium.

High ISO and low noise is quite amazing. Shooting at night is a breeze.:angel:

The Multi focus mode detects contrast scene. Its not as useful as I thought it is. I was hoping to have AF points. In Macro mode, situations I need to prefocus and recompose the picture. At times, the focus just shifted the outcome isnt as intended. Have yet to test on Continuity mode. I believe it'll function similarly to Multi, when subject is in movement. It'll be a great improvement if Fuji can allow user manual select of AF.

I find the lens is reasonable sharp. Not much complian given the price point.

The colour reproduction is great As tested in earlier posts between Sony dSLR and F200, I realised the former has a distinct colour contrast between 2 major colours while the latter is a subtle gradual change. This might explain its less sharp effect. One can easily boost the contrast in PP to achieve similar results.

In short, there isnt much manual control. Yet its a great compact positioned to user who wish point and shoot only. Image quality is definitly there.

Hope we can see Fujifilm to make a body with greater controls. Alternatively, a firmware which gives user more control over the F200. Manual AF pts will be great!

Thanks KopiOkaya for the heads up. :)

I call up FUjifilm to check on this.
Why I cannot chose L for saving when I am in EXR Mode?
Instead the camera will decide for me to save in L or M.
The answer from them is this
In HR mode it will save in 12mb.
In SN mode it will save in 6mb.
In DR mode it will save in 6mb.

So unless you want to print a very large picture , else 6mb is enough.
L L loh.:

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