My scammed experience in BALLY PHOTO ELECTRONICS @Funan

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you should also lodge a complain with Canon Singapore and get them to investigate this issue (they are trying to sell your a Canon kit set without the canon kit lens). I believe if they are found guilty, Canon Singapore may probably stop distributing their equipments to them.

101% agreed with sinned79 suggestion to lodge a complain to canon at least.
Also check the serial number of your cam and lens with canon to see if everything ok, next thoroughly test the cam and lens for possible damage.

yes, i should check my goods before my pay, but they required me to pay first, then they will get the camera for me, what should i do? yes, i should cancel the deal, when they asked me to pay first, but, who knows they are scamming me. i though we have a clear agreement that the canon kit should include canon camera and canon lens.
Those who should know would already know. Those who dont know before hand, never do homework, will never know. Than they get cheated and come here complain n warn others.
There are always people who buy without doing much homework and when a deal is too good to be true, it's really too good to be true.
Who in the right mind pass cash without even inspecting the goods? yes the shop is at fault but you yourself is at fault too.
Another lesson you might wanna let other people learn from is, CHECK YOUR GOODS BEFORE YOU PAY

serial numbers of the cam and lens are the same with the ones on the warranty cards, and i will register them online later, what else should i do?
101% agreed with sinned79 suggestion to lodge a complain to canon at least.
Also check the serial number of your cam and lens with canon to see if everything ok, next thoroughly test the cam and lens for possible damage.

Those who should know would already know. Those who dont know before hand, never do homework, will never know. Than they get cheated and come here complain n warn others.
There are always people who buy without doing much homework and when a deal is too good to be true, it's really too good to be true.
Who in the right mind pass cash without even inspecting the goods? yes the shop is at fault but you yourself is at fault too.
Another lesson you might wanna let other people learn from is, CHECK YOUR GOODS BEFORE YOU PAY

Ion3fly3r, dun jump to conclusion so early.

"Who in the right mind pass cash without even inspecting the goods?"

serial numbers of the cam and lens are the same with the ones on the warranty cards, and i will register them online later, what else should i do?

u should tell your experience to Canon Singapore. I believe the shop should not sell u a canon kit set without the kit lens and replacing it with another third party lens instead. See what Canon Singapore replies.

u should tell your experience to Canon Singapore. I believe the shop should not sell u a canon kit set without the kit lens and replacing it with another third party lens instead. See what Canon Singapore replies.

for all you know, they might be splitting up the kit lens and resell them to make further profits and i dun think they are allowed to do that.

Sad to hear what happen to TS.
I think there should be sticky on which stores to avoid :(.

Those who should know would already know. Those who dont know before hand, never do homework, will never know. Than they get cheated and come here complain n warn others.
There are always people who buy without doing much homework and when a deal is too good to be true, it's really too good to be true.
Who in the right mind pass cash without even inspecting the goods? yes the shop is at fault but you yourself is at fault too.
Another lesson you might wanna let other people learn from is, CHECK YOUR GOODS BEFORE YOU PAY

A lot of times we make impulsive purchases because we may be too excited about buying our first cam/phone/bag. Its a learning process so no need to slam the TS.

I think another lesson is also never to reveal your budget. Some salesmen like to ask whats your budget.

ok, i will try to do this, thanks for the suggestion
u should tell your experience to Canon Singapore. I believe the shop should not sell u a canon kit set without the kit lens and replacing it with another third party lens instead. See what Canon Singapore replies.

I'm a firm believer in "Try before you buy" and if they won't let you try it or at least touch it, walk away. Not worth the hassle or the small amount of money you might save. Happened to me too many times when I arrived in Singapore. Sorry to hear of your bad luck.

Sorry to hear about your incident.. This reminded me of an incident I had in Hong Kong, some years ago. Same problem, same tactics. I vowed not to shop for electronics in HK again.

You should try Orient Photo at Sim Lim Square. I find them friendly in service and their prices are competitive.

Search Bally Photo in Google and you will see lots of negative remarks and comments on them.

I feel you, but Bally Photo is already notorious, just simply Google their shop name you will find many horror stories all over internet.
it is advisable to do some homework online before any shopping of gears.

TS, you are not the first one nor 2nd complaining in cs about Bally.

Do due diligence next time...:sweat:

Believed it or not Bally and SLR revo are related. If you are willing to spend $5 each (for Bally and for SLR revo) to check the company details in ARCA.

Why such differing service practices between the shops, to some it does not make sense but to some it does makes good business sense to take on 2 segment of the market ie the "carrot market" and the more savy market. They are just happy to earn $ whatever it takes. ;)

I think the boss is just trying out 2 different business models....

A lot of times we make impulsive purchases because we may be too excited about buying our first cam/phone/bag. Its a learning process so no need to slam the TS.

I think another lesson is also never to reveal your budget. Some salesmen like to ask whats your budget.

I quoted my budget as 799 at bally. The boss suddenly have alot of wrinkles on forehead. :bsmilie:

Thank you for sharing. This is good information and it will serve warning to us and to our friends.

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