My scammed experience in BALLY PHOTO ELECTRONICS @Funan

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I quoted my budget as 799 at bally. The boss suddenly have alot of wrinkles on forehead. :bsmilie:

he's thinking of how to scam your $799 by giving you a $300 item

If SLR Revo is really related to bally, then I am boycotting SLR Revo ... ..

Believed it or not Bally and SLR revo are related. If you are willing to spend $5 each (for Bally and for SLR revo) to check the company details in ARCA.

Why such differing service practices between the shops, to some it does not make sense but to some it does makes good business sense to take on 2 segment of the market ie the "carrot market" and the more savy market. They are just happy to earn $ whatever it takes. ;)

yes, i believe they are related too:think:...long ago i already saw they have the same staffs/workers.

If SLR Revo is really related to bally, then I am boycotting SLR Revo ... ..

they r linked, but y boycott slr rev juz bcoz of the bad reputation of bally? it doesn't make sense. it's not as if slr rev's guys r the same as bally, cheat any person that wants to buy stuff from them.

they r linked, but y boycott slr rev juz bcoz of the bad reputation of bally? it doesn't make sense. it's not as if slr rev's guys r the same as bally, cheat any person that wants to buy stuff from them.

you from SLR?? :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: jus joking

My colleague saw SLR Revo took stock from Bally.
In fact, if both shops below to same owner, it is not logical for the owner to run 2 shops in different manners, unless the owner has split personality. :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

you from SLR?? :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: jus joking

hahaha... no la. i bought stuff from SLR rev b4, n so far my experience with them is great. :) i juz feel it doesnt do them justice just becoz they r linked to bally, then ppl boycott them coz of that.

their prices r pretty competitive, n they r nothing like bally.. give u some attractive price n then add stuff here n there, in the end pay alot more than other shops for stuff. u ask them for a quote, they give u tat price, u go down n buy from em n they will stick to that price they had quoted to u.

anyway, the main thing is, always do ur research before buying.

Then, suddenly I saw the lens brand was not Canon but a very strange brand that I have never saw.

but the sales was very rude. He put everything into a plastic bag and throw it out of his store and asked me to go.

When I try to put the UV filter on the lens, I suddenly found the lens size is 72mm, but the UV filter size is 62mm.

In short, he is selling a HOYA 72mm UV filter at S$85 to me.

Wow. This shop again. And if they did the things you mentioned here, then they are really outrageous. I would be stumped if I am caught in this situation.

Anyone going to buy things from Bally. Please bring me along. I want to witness first hand how they conduct their business.

My colleague saw SLR Revo took stock from Bally.
In fact, if both shops below to same owner, it is not logical for the owner to run 2 shops in different manners, unless the owner has split personality. :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

Nth wrong with that.

From a business point of view, he is earning $ from the both sides, loyal customers who paid the normal price and the people with carrot sticking on top of their heads and foreigners.

Money walking around, so why not? Not very good ethics though but ultimately the owner might just wanna make $ only

I also had a near bad experience with them: when I was looking to buy a new 7D body, went into Bally to try my luck. Was quoted around $2228; around $32 cheaper than other shop in Funan. Wah, thought I got a bargain and nearly bought the camera but lucky I asked what was the memory card. The sales person told me no memory card included in the package, if want need to add another $45. Huh? I was like so surprised; other shops outside standard package will include one memory card roped in. After doing a quick math and realised the the total price is slightly more expensive than other shops, I quickly reject the offer and went out immediately as I don't feel safe since they were so inconsistent in their quotes.

My colleague saw SLR Revo took stock from Bally.
In fact, if both shops below to same owner, it is not logical for the owner to run 2 shops in different manners, unless the owner has split personality. :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

Different people would view the link between Bally and SLRR differently.

One would say... if they serve me well and give me good pricing, I'll continue to patronize them.

Another would say... if they are owned by the same owner, then the fact that he is willing to use unethical means to make money, then I would not patronize them because at the end, we are letting an unethical person make money.

So, I guess the choice is yours...

The owner of the two shops is smart in a business sense, unethical as it may seems.

Anyone up for an outing to Bally, asking for prices of all their stuff just to annoy them?

Yes I agree, was there today in Funan as well, the shop looks dodgy man.. next time get from the reputable ones.. or from CS! hoho. MS Color or Cathay would be good place to check out prices. As the saying goes: If the deal is too good to be true, it usually is.

You used the police to leverage your way out of a mess you got yourself into.
Our police meant to deal with more important things.

Over a difference of $80, you walk all over the place and get yourself into a lousy deal.
The shop knows what motivates you - the kunchiongness to get a very small discount.
So the trigger was the small price difference. They have seen many people like you.
And they know exactly how to get you.

Next time, walk into a pro shop and pay more and get proper service and better equipment.

And be extra careful with people who invoke religion in their shop names.

Different people would view the link between Bally and SLRR differently.

One would say... if they serve me well and give me good pricing, I'll continue to patronize them.

Another would say... if they are owned by the same owner, then the fact that he is willing to use unethical means to make money, then I would not patronize them because at the end, we are letting an unethical person make money.

So, I guess the choice is yours...

Indeed, it is up to individual to judge themselves and exercise their choice/right to patronize from the shop(s) which they are comfortable with.

In fact, what is the relationship between Bally and SLR Revo does not bother me. I bought things from SLR Revo before because they offer better price and service.

never ever buy from bally photo or those kind of unfriendly looking sales. they are pain in the arse. go for john 3:16, slr revolution or ms color.

well ms color sometimes one of the staff can be very frustrating. there is once i was asking bout the price and spec of the tamron 18-270mm but the sales lady was kind of rude. :(

Too many of such horrible stories recently that makes one's blood boil.
But I do learn this :

1) Don't think this will not happen to you. IT MAY !

2) Don't buy on impulse. Almost read and check up the price and contents first. This is to avoid being OVER charged or missing items.

3) NEVER NEVER pay first ! Because once the money is in THEIR pocket, you will be at their mercy ! Check all items one by one and ensure they are correct and not missing. Pay last. If they keep pushing for payment first, it is best to abort the sale. Something is fishy ...

4) If police are called perhaps one can pressure the shop to give a FULL refund. I certainly don't want to give them any business after that. Maybe they will agree to it just to avoid an UGLY scene which they definitely don't want in front of their shop.

SIGH ! It seems such cases are on the rise in recent months .....
It is best to view ALL shops with care and caution to protect yourself.


TS, can you post a photo of the gears you have bought with receipt so that we can at least verify the authencity of your claims. I still cannot image someone selling cameras will "put everything into a plastic bag and throw it out of his store and asked me to go. "

i bought my tamron 17-50 f2.8 lens there in bally photo funan several years ago, the guy there stated the price as 680, i was with my GF then (now she's my wife) and she insisted to get it for 600... and man, she was relentless!:bsmilie:

bally was the only shop left open that time, around 8pm, so i don't have a choice cos my GF wanted to share the cost of buying a lens as a Bday present, and she wanted to get it the day before my bday, so that on the actual day we could just enjoy.

anyways, the staff quoted the last price at 640... i asked him if that included GST and he said yes, after that, he asked me to pay first then he'll get the lens. i told him, the lens is just below the glass showcase, so might as well get it now, and we'll pay after inspection. so he had no choice but to get it.

after inspection, we proceeded to give him the cash, and that's when he started asking for 80 more, he said it's for warranty, and tax... i replied that he told me GST is inclusive in the 640 he quoted and he replied he never said that!

i got angry, i took the lens, asked my GF to step aside, and i asked the staff to go out from the shop and get the 80 from my pocket, if he could... he started to shout at me, so i came close to his face and told him... BE A MAN, QUIT YAPPING... IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY, LET'S BRAWL!

he shut up after that... and we just walked off! i'd enjoy scrapping it out with that scammer if he did came after us!

just sharing my experience, to TS, just enjoy your new toy... and do share your photos here in CS. just keep the filter as a souvenir of your first timer experience!;)

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