Ministers' salary raise is out!

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Cheesecake and satay are still the same price?

duh. no. cheesecakes are always more expensive then satay. they can never be the same price. satay is inferior as compared to cheesecakes. cheesecakes can afford nice boxes with ribbons to stay, satay only get tiny once-alive trees poked through them.


...Given the quality of the people who do outsourced jobs sometimes.. I don't think I want to risk it.. =D
There are good people and bad people everywhere, to think that people who do outsourcing are not of good standard smacks of a superiority feeling, as if there are no bad singaporean workers?

Eventhough you added the word 'sometimes', you still obviously think they are all not up to the standard since you don't want to run the 'risk'?


Don't begrudge capable people their money lah. You can't complain about your boss's pay doesn't mean you should take it out on those people you elect. What crap is this because they are elected then they should serve with their heart (and don't care about the pay).

When those elites in the civil service start comparing their pay with their classmates working in the private sector then there will be an exodus of talent.

A lot people complain their pay is not increasing as fast as they like, about FT, about work. Too bad if you're not capable, then you have to live within your means. Don't get a car, no SCV, get the cheapest broadband, go library instead of cinema. In general, most singaporeans are better then a lot of people in other countries.

I consider myself a middle class employee. I watch my spending. I worry about my retirement and children. But I am not jealous of those who are capable and who can earn their keep. It is not as simple as replacing the ministers with less capable people (but with more heart) and the system will still work. As long as they are humble and got integrity can already...

according to CS policies, we shouldn't be discussing about politics, really.

but since you've made such a response, let me point to an article

i guess this thread will be closed sooner or later, you guys have fun :)

I assume you are motivated by a greater purpose than money.

Tomorrow you will report to my address and work for joy, happiness. No pay. Please help me carry my tripods and drive me around on photo expeditions. After all you do not worship the normal god! =D

You have to be more mature and try to understand others more.

Poeple are talking about other factors that could be more motivating other than Money.
And you challenge people to no pay at all.


Why are pigs A-star scholars?

I think your literature really gone case leh! And by the way, if you look at the animal farm context, it is talking about Socialism/Communism.

We are a democracy practising meritocracy. So there is NO application for your animal farm in the first place.

Again, you have to be more pragmatic here, and try to read in between the lines.

You mentioned about democracy, you think Singapore is a demoncratic society?

Ask US or Australia what they have to say about our democracy?
Do you read Newspapers, Australian just recently protest to MM Lee, do you know for what reason?
Do you know foreign universities never teach their students that Singapore is a demoncratic society?

I thought the main drive to become a minister is love for the country and how to serve it best.........not how much you are paid?


There are good people and bad people everywhere, to think that people who do outsourcing are not of good standard smacks of a superiority feeling, as if there are no bad singaporean workers?

Eventhough you added the word 'sometimes', you still obviously think they are all not up to the standard since you don't want to run the 'risk'?

...I wasn't exactly very serious when I said that, you know what I mean...

...The idea of outsourcing is good, but unfortunately when it comes to government jobs itself, outsourcing is definitely NOT feasible. I bet you know what you're talking about, as there are issues such as security, etc.

I thought the main drive to become a minister is love for the country and how to serve it best.........not how much you are paid?

I thought the main drive to do photography is for the love of the art itself, and how to take it to another level, not how much you are paid? =)

Again, you have to be more pragmatic here, and try to read in between the lines.

You mentioned about democracy, you think Singapore is a demoncratic society?

Ask US or Australia what they have to say about our democracy?
Do you read Newspapers, Australian just recently protest to MM Lee, do you know for what reason?
Do you know foreign universities never teach their students that Singapore is a demoncratic society?

I know what I have to say about US and Australian politics.

Just because someone has something to say about something else doesn't mean that it is necessarily true.

It is the prerogative of a half-wit to point out that the emperor is naked. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor.

One of the many quotes from Sandman series that I find very amusing when applied in life, in the correct context of course.

Do you know that foreign universities also laugh at their own presidents? :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

You have to be more mature and try to understand others more.

Poeple are talking about other factors that could be more motivating other than Money.
And you challenge people to no pay at all.



Ok, I pay him $2 every hour. After all, he should be motivated by some other purpose than money. Don't tell me $2 per hour isn't enough, can buy one plate of chicken rice every hour.

Your logic, not mine!

I know what I have to say about US and Australian politics.

Just because someone has something to say about something else doesn't mean that it is necessarily true.

It is the prerogative of a half-wit to point out that the emperor is naked. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor.


Our very own MM also admits that we are more Autocratic than demoncratic woh....


Our very own MM also admits that we are more Autocratic than demoncratic woh....
...And your point being?

In any case, we are not Karl Marx era, and if you had really remembered what Animal Farm was supposed to be about, it was to slam communism.

No one professes that a meritocratic society is equal. That defeats the purpose of having meritocracy in the first place. So there, you have just defeated your own example/analogy of Animal Farm. Have a good day.


Ok, I pay him $2 every hour. After all, he should be motivated by some other purpose than money. Don't tell me $2 per hour isn't enough, can buy one plate of chicken rice every hour.

Your logic, not mine!

Can your $2 maintain his currently standard of living. In other words, can your $2 cover his costs of opportunity? Or do he finds any higher values in carrying your tripod that makes him give up his current jobs?

Understand my logic?

Can your $2 maintain his currently standard of living. In other words, can your $2 cover his costs of opportunity? Or do he finds any higher values in carrying your tripod that makes him give up his current jobs?

Understand my logic?
That is not what he said.

Read it again, nothing about maintaining any standard of living. After all, if one wants to use extreme logic to argue his case, one must be prepared to accept extreme (and probably equally ridiculous) logic of the other scale in answer!

Please lah,,, Li Ka-shing did not attend school.
Both Gate and Dell are school drop out.
Do you think our Scholar MPs fit their bills?

Give me the power to tax a group of competence and hard working people, I also can excel.

I seriously doubt so. :bsmilie:

If don't paid well, he will be Tu Lan. Like that how to govern well? :bsmilie:

Spend half his working hours collecting kopi lui loh...

Photographers don't have to eat one? :bsmilie:

Happiness is key!

After all, you can gain all the satisfaction from your art and fill your stomach with it.. =D

Remember, cannot worship the money god, he is an evil evil being indeed. :bigeyes:

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