Malaysia Airlines plane missing...

The Vietnamese also add misinformation :(
1) Detecting the aircraft emergency signal (later denied).
2) Report oil slick ( which comes from ships )
3) See plane door ( later confirm false alarm )

I feel that all the air force in ASEAN should put their radar data out for analysis. I don't believe radar designed to detect a smaller fighter planes flying at low level can miss a bigger 777.

The viets were too actively pumping out information w/o verification, while the malaysians were constantly contradicting themselves. it's a fiasco.
just let the americans run the show.

no one is going to disclose their military radar capability.

The Vietnamese also add misinformation :(
1) Detecting the aircraft emergency signal (later denied).
2) Report oil slick ( which comes from ships )
3) See plane door ( later confirm false alarm )

I feel that all the air force in ASEAN should put their radar data out for analysis. I don't believe radar designed to detect a smaller fighter planes flying at low level can miss a bigger 777.

And let everyone know exactly what each country's radar system is capable of?

My... That's a brilliant idea.

In case you missed the news, China has already released satellite information complete with images of what they believe is the downed plane

And let everyone know exactly what each country's radar system is capable of?

My... That's a brilliant idea.

In case you missed the news, China has already released satellite information complete with images of what they believe is the downed plane

I already saw that news, the image is a false positive again.

The radar use by ASEAN are either from Europe,America,Russia or China.
I am sure these countries, trying to sell their radar to ASEAN countries, have already explain the radar capability to everyone.
There is not much secret to hide unless the radar is not manufacture by them.

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The search shouldn't be too long with more magic carpet enacting:


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I don't believe radar designed to detect a smaller fighter planes flying at low level can miss a bigger 777.

Each have unique talents of their own. This particular trend shows that they are more capable in finding small things compared to large one. Someone's sperm for example.

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Either you believe the plane crash on the spot where the radar lost the plane or the
plane continue to fly with the transponder OFF.

If you believe the plane crash, where are the debris ? So far, everyone manage to find some garbage from ships but no debris from the plane.

If you believe the plane continue to fly, where does it go ?

The military radar pick up an unidentified aircraft from the spot where MH370 went missing and trace to Straits of Malacca.

Therefore, my theory is that the plane encountered some problem, may be an electrical short circuit and some of the equipment like radio, transponder and auto pilot are not working.

The pilot decide to make an emergency landing.

He have 2 choices

1) Continue to fly straight to land in Vietnam in the dark to find a run way, which he is unfamiliar and no confident he can find the run way without help from Vietnam control tower.
2) Turn back to KL airport, where he have perform landings many times.

I believe he turn back to KL. However, he need to fly manually in the dark so the plane went off course and overshoot to Strait of Malacca. At this point, other equipments also start to fail so he have no choice but crash land at Indonesia.

I don't think the plane crash into the sea because there are many ships that pass through the strait without noticing any debris. The most likely place to crash is the Mangrove swamp because the mud and vegetation would cover the plane and make it difficult for someone to see it. There are no explosion because of the soft mud and as a result, nobody notice the plane in the swamp.

That is my theory.

ya, you are right. most likely not crashed at sea. Funny thing is why civilian ground radar did not detect? unless the plane flew at low altitude beyond ground radar detection, except the military's?
and if it did fly low, it might be a deliberate evasion from the radar, meaning someone could hv landed the plane somewhere, and the passengers might be still alive. wow. no news is good news. LOL. Lets pray this is true.

as malaysian, everyone must contribute, in whatever ways, even though it seems crazy, to bring back their loved ones.
Ya? So pls don't laugh or criticize them. Ya? they are good citizens, helping in whatever ways they could.....LOL. GB.


as malaysian, everyone must contribute, in whatever ways, even though it seems crazy, to bring back their loved ones.
Ya? So pls don't laugh or criticize them. Ya? they are good citizens, helping in whatever ways they could.....LOL. GB.

We must organize a mass "Zam Zam Water Coconut" ritual then success will be sure.

After all the nuts and fruits that have been involved I'm not surprised about this...

I believe they deliberately arrange the bomoh so that they can plead insanity when the Court try to hold them responsible for the airplane disappearance.

I believe they deliberately arrange the bomoh so that they can plead insanity when the Court try to hold them responsible for the airplane disappearance.
Well, in that case any Institute of Mental Health should take care of them.

If the plane flew back over West Malaysia, the air force should have scrambled.
If they did, they would visually identify that it was a MAS airliner.

The air force chief said they did not scramble because it was a civilian aircraft and not foreign military.

They would not know it was civilian. There was no radio contact . Transponder turned off.
Anyway, even if they knew it was a MAS airliner, it was way off course and the MLY air force would have sensed something wrong.

The mixup and confusion past few days may have arisen because parties were trying to protect their own vested interests.

I get the sense that the Malaysian government is more concerned about saving its own face than doing the right thing.

reflects very badly on the malaysian govt so far , bomohs - contradicting reports etc. hiah.

my deepest sympathies to the families who r going thru so much now. Imagine whole plane lost and the govt is only so capable.

If the plane flew back over West Malaysia, the air force should have scrambled.
If they did, they would visually identify that it was a MAS airliner.

The air force chief said they did not scramble because it was a civilian aircraft and not foreign military.

They would not know it was civilian. There was no radio contact . Transponder turned off.
Anyway, even if they knew it was a MAS airliner, it was way off course and the MLY air force would have sensed something wrong.

The mixup and confusion past few days may have arisen because parties were trying to protect their own vested interests.

True. If this is a case of 9-11 copy cat and the terrorists want to crash into the towers at KL. The air force will not be able to do anything about it.
