LX3 Users Discussion.

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Hi, still a LX3 newbie. May I know how to make the background blur n focus only on the subjects? What are the settings?
I've tried the MACRO fuction but the background is still very sharp.
Thx! =)

Open up ur aperture to widest, moving in closer to ur subject...try these 2 techniques 1st

Your shots are really very beautiful...Esp the one "afternoon at Angko Wat".... Damm good!;)

BTW, what mode did you use?

Your shots are really very beautiful...Esp the one "afternoon at Angko Wat".... Damm good!;)

BTW, what mode did you use?

Thanks you. These were taken in A mode, shot in RAW and edited in Lightroom 2.

A newbie question from me! Does anyone know if it's possible to capture the "flowing water" effect with the LX3 for daytime shots?

Something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyesthruthelens/3032086200/

I know the trick to achieving this affect is to have a slow shutter speed. However, it gets very tricky to achieve this during the daytime. I have tried setting my aperture to about 8.0, and put in the lowest ISO possible (80)... yet the shutter speed is still very fast. What other settings can I change?

A newbie question from me! Does anyone know if it's possible to capture the "flowing water" effect with the LX3 for daytime shots?

Something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyesthruthelens/3032086200/

I know the trick to achieving this affect is to have a slow shutter speed. However, it gets very tricky to achieve this during the daytime. I have tried setting my aperture to about 8.0, and put in the lowest ISO possible (80)... yet the shutter speed is still very fast. What other settings can I change?

Set to manual and you'd be able to set it. Things you can't set - the light coming from the sky. Try doing it on a overcast area or dark area and set longer shutter speed, I guess?

A newbie question from me! Does anyone know if it's possible to capture the "flowing water" effect with the LX3 for daytime shots?

Something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyesthruthelens/3032086200/

I know the trick to achieving this affect is to have a slow shutter speed. However, it gets very tricky to achieve this during the daytime. I have tried setting my aperture to about 8.0, and put in the lowest ISO possible (80)... yet the shutter speed is still very fast. What other settings can I change?

1. if that is the darkest that yr cam can go, wait for darker sky :cool: hehe sounds a little silly huh?

2. buy neutral density filter


Hi all,

I am newbie here... just bought LX3 ytd

can you all advise what accesories or additional items to buy for my camera?

And also do you have like a guide specify to teach how to use LX3 to make use of the full array of function that the camera have.

Thanks in advance!

All depands on what type of photos you are interested to take.

I tot LX3 is a simple camera to take photos, but after trying out macro, then realise need macro lens, external flash and so on... so beware of the BBB syndrom...

Hi all,

I am newbie here... just bought LX3 ytd

can you all advise what accesories or additional items to buy for my camera?

And also do you have like a guide specify to teach how to use LX3 to make use of the full array of function that the camera have.

Thanks in advance!

You can just put your sunglasses in front the lens to archive slow shutter speed.;)
Be creative on your camera, you may get a nice waterfall pic

hey guys , can i just chyeck with u all .. Lx 3 has pretty limited optical zoom right ? Considering this came but the zoom looks pretty limited. Kindly advise. thanks :)

Yes it has limited zoom but for people who decided to get this, they are likely to be aiming for the wide and the f2-2.8 lens.

What aspect ratio and file format do you guys use on LX3 most of the time, and why?

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Dear friends,

Formally, I use using a DSLR before switching to LX3.

I notice that the flash power (intensity) is alway the same.
Unlike DSLR, they will calculate the power of flash to use.
Am I right?

2nd question, how do you achieve fill flash with the crappy build in flash of LX3?


Dear friends,

Formally, I use using a DSLR before switching to LX3.

I notice that the flash power (intensity) is alway the same.
Unlike DSLR, they will calculate the power of flash to use.
Am I right?

2nd question, how do you achieve fill flash with the crappy build in flash of LX3?


I found out how to do it, thanks.


Ya, the flash tends to overexpose at close range. So need to dial in -1 or -2 EV.

But it's a great cam overall and great value for its price. Much easier to lug around than my backbreaking combo of 5D + 430EX + HV20 HDV cam when I want to move around light with the family. : )

thanks for the good post..

Yah, I was abt to mention e same thing, from that website he provided I finally know how to use the spot metering function in the LX3, i.e. using the small "focus" button at the top to make the focus bracket "movable" during spot metering!

Nice site!

Hi guys, how do your clean the lens of your LX3? Do we need some special solvent of just microfibre cloth will do?

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