Looking for Party Photopgrapher

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can't blame her lah, die die she might also prob get someone to shoot for her. As the webbie name implies mah CS = Cheap Service


Details as below, interested pls email me at cliffapple@hotmail.com

  • Bugeted at $50 for the event
  • 10 March Sat, 5 to 8pm estimated
  • Location at Punggol 5rm flat
  • About 20kids + 30 adults
  • Edited photos in soft copies

That's really cheap of you. For $50 / 3hours. Please take the photos urself.
Lots of ppl here (Photographers or Otherwise) make more than $50 per day.

Pls at least offer $50 / hour (Non-edited photos) or $100 / hour (Edited photos).
That in my opinion is a much fairer rate, else take ur own pictures & dun disgrace urself.

Btw, remember : pay peanut, get monkey.

Im willing to do the catering for $50, i got no experience in cooking, and would gladly take the job for experience .

Would working at McDonald's be more worthwhile after considering the number of hours that would be put into post-processing? :/

Even if he/she rent the basic DSLR and kit lens from camera store for this party, it will cost more than S$50. Photographers regardless of new or experience, please respect yourself and professionalism.

i will gladly take up the offer if i stay in the same block and havent eaten for that day plus still get to smash some cakes on the guests face.

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i will gladly take up the offer if i stay in the same block and havent eaten for that day plus still get to smash some cakes on the guests face.

if you stay in the same block don think you will want to do that.. cos u are neighbours and will most probably see each other often..

on the other hand, quite pity TS for being flamed so badly.. but using such excuse and taking advantage of aspiring photographer is :sweat:

Want to see her cheapo face or not ? Add her in facebook loh.

YOU SEE! She had done this before and now she is back for more!!!

..... attracts more of TS type of people.

sorry to say apple is not to be blamed as she seems to have gotten bites from photogs in the past on her $50 carrot

anyway, its a free forum.... and you CS'ers also too can respond in this thread to air your views for others to read your comments and think twice before they decide to email her fully aware, advised and educated on pricing

if she is willing to subject herself to such public humiliation and flaming for a $50 budget she is also paying a high price in soft dollars too ..... dont talk about being STOMPed or HWZ'ed (or has it made it to HWZ yet ?)

p/s apple maybe you want to indicate which ave or road the event is at so that those who got nothing better to do and also living nearby can consider ? no need full address

pp/s the photog is allowed to eat at the party too right ?

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I am sure my budget can fit for aspiring photographers who would like to take the opportunity to build up their portfolio, and even better, to meet new potential clients if their work are good(have I mentioned 20 kids = many parents?)

Do not use this as a justification - it is rather revulsive. If you say you are looking for photogs on the cheap or have a super low budget, then it might be more acceptable

Potential clients from 20 random kids' parents? Yeah ... right
Building portfolio? I wouldnt waste that space on my valuable resume


Details as below, interested pls email me at cliffapple@hotmail.com

  • Bugeted at $50 for the event
  • 10 March Sat, 5 to 8pm estimated
  • Location at Punggol 5rm flat
  • About 20kids + 30 adults
  • Edited photos in soft copies

Dear all who have commented, and shown your concern...truly appreciated

This is not my first time looking for services in this forum and I conduct parties for my kids almost every year. My budget of $50 is because this service is not a necessity to me but rather a good to have if I can find one. I am sure my budget can fit for aspiring photographers who would like to take the opportunity to build up their portfolio, and even better, to meet new potential clients if their work are good(have I mentioned 20 kids = many parents?)

So for those who keen, pls feel free to drop me email as I don't check back regularly. And again, $50 is for ENTIRE event, not per hour.

Ps...And for the comfort of my guests.....I am lucky to have friends who wouldn't mind a bit of discomfort to join us in our celebration :)

This is not an excuse of any kind, just an honest upfront comment. I am sure even the most expensive professional photographer started out low.

If the work proof to be good, the photographer can increase all he wants to his future potential clients but first, there must be a pool right? Cannot undermine the potential of birthday parties, from one to the next and many more.

I am not trying to justify myself, just pointing out the facts in case it is not clear enough.
ClubSNAP is offering a platform to let members able to find photographers providing services to their needs easily, tho the requirement and expectation is different from each assignments, but we do have pro photographers to part timers to junior to just start out able to cater for all these requests.

We hate to see our photographers being taken advantage by people who come here in the name of "credit given", "portfolio opportunities", "token of appreciation", "gaining exposure", "possible further assignments", "network with potential customers" to exploit photographers. Especially those young photographers who are inexperience in this field, they are easily fooled by all these empty promises.

For your info,

it has come to our attention that there are a number of people asking photographers/models to work for free/pittance because they are on a 'tight' budget.

please take note that CS strongly discourage asking photographers/models to work for free/pittance, unless it is for a charity or other noteworthy causes (subjected to prior approval by the CS Admins). such posts will be summarily deleted.

$50 for event with three hours on site shooting, with unknown hours (unlikely to be less than an hour unless they are very experienced) of post production works is not realistic, not forgetting the gears already cost a few thousands, the computer hardware and software also another few thousands, and also other expenses like travailing, stationary, postage, etc.

If I'm not wrong, this is your third time posting such requests here since the day you sign up here.
You probably still able to find photographers who still willing to take up your offers, I would like to wish very good luck to you and anyone who take up your offer.

To all photographers, show a little respect to yourself and fellow photographers, don't complaint about customers being cheapskate, we are the people who made this market, if we are offering cheap services, all the cheapskate customers will come to look for us.

Say "No" to cheap offers.

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