LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB! (44!!) You'll Never Walk Alone!!

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honestly, when i see how rafa want to copy man u/chelsea.. i already think liverpool will lose.. We are a very different team from Manu/chelsea. Also,i think of our rivals, we think the least of Arsenal.

I think if we were to rank our fiercest rival now, it would be manu (for their arrogance and dominance in BPL when liverpool is unable to breakthrough.. not to mention SAF and the elusive 19th title), Everton (historical reason as well as close proximity, I think local liverpool lads will find Everton a bigger rival but we are talking abt SG and worldwide), Chelsea (prob down to the SPECIAL ONE and the various CL/cup meetings in recent years, we seem to play chelsea like 5 times a year rather than the usual 2 times) then Arsenal.

As such, i often find Liverpool lacking in motivation against Arsenal (have they forget how Arsenal snatched away our title on the last day of season when Michael Thomas scored? Did i rem his name right? lol> and how last season's Arshavin's 4 goals in the 4-4 draw effectively ended our title hope). Liverpool, i find, usually play much better if we are aggressive, like in the everton derby and some other fixtures.., the characteristics of early Rafa team is never give up. These days i think we surrendered too meekly. If we have thrown in some tackles on key Arsenal players like Arshavin or Fabregas and Bendther, i think it will really affect their play.

Why we fail where chelsea/manu can is that we are SLOW. Our whole team is slow. To make things worse, we don;t have creative players like Alonso, Benayoun (even Aqualiani). A pass is always faster than a dribble, it is the case in basketball and similarly in football. This is how chelsea, attacked Arsenal with fast passing and lightning quick counter attack. Similarly Manu also pass very quickly and ahve width. Liverpool, on the other hand, love to play square passes and probe at the defence and don't have much width. Hence, we can't play counter-attack as effective as manu/arsenal. The only exception may be the long through pass to quick strikers like Owen and Torres..

On the game itself, i think both teams were poor.. maybe because of fatigue. In fact, i am not too disappointed with the performance but i was disappointed that we set out more for a draw. I believe, if we tackle and attack hard at Arsenal, it will break them as their confidence is at all time low. Too bad, we missed the opportunity.. If we have won against Arsenal, we ahve an excellent chance of finishing 3rd or better.. Now, best hope is 4th already, realistically.

honestly, when i see how rafa want to copy man u/chelsea.. i already think liverpool will lose.. We are a very different team from Manu/chelsea. Also,i think of our rivals, we think the least of Arsenal.

I think if we were to rank our fiercest rival now, it would be manu (for their arrogance and dominance in BPL when liverpool is unable to breakthrough.. not to mention SAF and the elusive 19th title), Everton (historical reason as well as close proximity, I think local liverpool lads will find Everton a bigger rival but we are talking abt SG and worldwide), Chelsea (prob down to the SPECIAL ONE and the various CL/cup meetings in recent years, we seem to play chelsea like 5 times a year rather than the usual 2 times) then Arsenal.

As such, i often find Liverpool lacking in motivation against Arsenal (have they forget how Arsenal snatched away our title on the last day of season when Michael Thomas scored? Did i rem his name right? lol> and how last season's Arshavin's 4 goals in the 4-4 draw effectively ended our title hope). Liverpool, i find, usually play much better if we are aggressive, like in the everton derby and some other fixtures.., the characteristics of early Rafa team is never give up. These days i think we surrendered too meekly. If we have thrown in some tackles on key Arsenal players like Arshavin or Fabregas and Bendther, i think it will really affect their play.

Why we fail where chelsea/manu can is that we are SLOW. Our whole team is slow. To make things worse, we don;t have creative players like Alonso, Benayoun (even Aqualiani). A pass is always faster than a dribble, it is the case in basketball and similarly in football. This is how chelsea, attacked Arsenal with fast passing and lightning quick counter attack. Similarly Manu also pass very quickly and ahve width. Liverpool, on the other hand, love to play square passes and probe at the defence and don't have much width. Hence, we can't play counter-attack as effective as manu/arsenal. The only exception may be the long through pass to quick strikers like Owen and Torres..

On the game itself, i think both teams were poor.. maybe because of fatigue. In fact, i am not too disappointed with the performance but i was disappointed that we set out more for a draw. I believe, if we tackle and attack hard at Arsenal, it will break them as their confidence is at all time low. Too bad, we missed the opportunity.. If we have won against Arsenal, we ahve an excellent chance of finishing 3rd or better.. Now, best hope is 4th already, realistically.

agree with the slow part, but disagree with the kick them part..
think it was last season's game (or the one b4), we had a better team, we manage to make adebayor and fab come off b4 half time, and still couldnt take them out..

now, lets see all of you (and especially YOU-KNOW-WHO with the gstring) will us to a win against city..
everytime late game, not hearing u..
gonna be needing those 3pts..

agree with the slow part, but disagree with the kick them part..
think it was last season's game (or the one b4), we had a better team, we manage to make adebayor and fab come off b4 half time, and still couldnt take them out..

now, lets see all of you (and especially YOU-KNOW-WHO with the gstring) will us to a win against city..
everytime late game, not hearing u..
gonna be needing those 3pts..

a win will be very much welcomed but a defeat isnt anything new.

8 games this season and counting.

4th place isnt a guarantee unlike wat some KKJ wanted us to belif in.

still, i am taking it with a big bowl of salt as to whether we'll last the pace.

4-5-1. swee swee buey zao zhui!

a win will be very much welcomed but a defeat isnt anything new.

8 games this season and counting.

4th place isnt a guarantee unlike wat some KKJ wanted us to belif in.

still, i am taking it with a big bowl of salt as to whether we'll last the pace.

4-5-1. swee swee buey zao zhui!

If we won 1 game, the next game always lose even the team is KKJ team

agree with the slow part, but disagree with the kick them part..
think it was last season's game (or the one b4), we had a better team, we manage to make adebayor and fab come off b4 half time, and still couldnt take them out..

now, lets see all of you (and especially YOU-KNOW-WHO with the gstring) will us to a win against city..
everytime late game, not hearing u..
gonna be needing those 3pts..
i dont really mean we need to kick them off the field just some fair and rough challenges like what Carra/kyriakos do..

I look at Degen and really cmi... like auditioning for Boyband...

And Insua.. going forward he still acceptable but his defence and passing is horrific.... if he starts for Argentina, i will ask any opponent to go against him all the time..

i dont really mean we need to kick them off the field just some fair and rough challenges like what Carra/kyriakos do..

I look at Degen and really cmi... like auditioning for Boyband...

And Insua.. going forward he still acceptable but his defence and passing is horrific.... if he starts for Argentina, i will ask any opponent to go against him all the time..

kicked them off the field didnt work, kick but leave them on the field will?!
sorry, fail to see the logic in that.. 8P

degen probably one of those that needs a regular run of matches to get the rhythm going..
have seen him played poorly, have seen him played decently, so will think its fair to hold judgement for now..

would like to see insua cross better.
for his other capabilities, well, cant ask him to be wat he's not..
have to go forward, have to mark his man, have to do those by himself cos the cover aint that great..
wun enjoy being him in those situations.

maybe one of the mannies will come in with a big bid? 8P

Huat Arhhh :bsmilie:


is that the infamous dirty kite undie????


is that the infamous dirty kite undie????


pls return to cc b4 the city match..
this is of UTMOST importance.. 8)

dun worry, tat one is bro rodz's.

mine is elva hsiao's. :bsmilie::bsmilie:

bro rodz needs to be pitchside directing ops..
so have to be u doing the waving, no one else can.. 8)

Gong Xi Gong Xi
Wishing all a prosperous new year
and Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Lunar New Year.


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