K5 Stock

Pentax WR kit lens i think really beat other kit lens down... with that price I think it's more worth comparing to the new Nikon D7000...

If the K5, Sony and D7K are using the same sensor, why is only Nikon having the hot pixel problem ?

I guess the sensors are similar but modified in each case.
Agree ?

I am considering getting a K5 or A580, but still undecided.

The A580 have a plus point in the flip-out LCD screen which I use to take the low and high shots. It also have 2 memory slots. But stocks still not available here.

Whereas the K5 has higher ISO speed, high shutter speed and stock are available here.

Any help or comment ?


If the K5, Sony and D7K are using the same sensor, why is only Nikon having the hot pixel problem ?

I guess the sensors are similar but modified in each case.
Agree ?

I am considering getting a K5 or A580, but still undecided.

The A580 have a plus point in the flip-out LCD screen which I use to take the low and high shots. It also have 2 memory slots. But stocks still not available here.

Whereas the K5 has higher ISO speed, high shutter speed and stock are available here.

Any help or comment ?


Bro if u ask at this section....Of course most of us will advise you to get K-5 :bsmilie::thumbsup::thumbsup:


- articulating screen
- Some nifty features - eye start AF, sweep panorama, multi frame NR, twilight mode etc

- Doesn't look like it has a magnesium frame body
- Lacks weather sealing
- Only one front dial (K-5 has two dials)
- Lacks WB adjust button
- Lacks metering type adjustment button
- Lacks focal point adjustment button
- AF selection only between AF & MF (K-5 can select AF-C as well)
- Lacks USER modes (K-5 has 5)
- 95% coverage viewfinder (K-5 100%)
- only iso 12800 (K-5 51,200) (this is surprising since its the same sensor)

This is just my initial impressions from looking at the spec sheets and pictures of the body. Where the K-5 really excels is in its great build quality as well as large number of well laid out direct controls - there is less need to dive into menus to change many settings, allowing you to concentrate on taking photos.

I was able to hand off my K-5 to my friend after some brief explanations of each setting. I just had to tell her that she is free to change any setting, if something goes wrong she just needs to switch all the dials/switches back to the "green" setting (they all have one setting in green) Its really thoughtful of them to label everything so clearly that even a beginner can feel comfortable handling it.


- articulating screen
- Some nifty features - eye start AF, sweep panorama, multi frame NR, twilight mode etc

- Doesn't look like it has a magnesium frame body
- Lacks weather sealing
- Only one front dial (K-5 has two dials)
- Lacks WB adjust button
- Lacks metering type adjustment button
- Lacks focal point adjustment button
- AF selection only between AF & MF (K-5 can select AF-C as well)
- Lacks USER modes (K-5 has 5)
- 95% coverage viewfinder (K-5 100%)
- only iso 12800 (K-5 51,200) (this is surprising since its the same sensor)

This is just my initial impressions from looking at the spec sheets and pictures of the body. Where the K-5 really excels is in its great build quality as well as large number of well laid out direct controls - there is less need to dive into menus to change many settings, allowing you to concentrate on taking photos.

I was able to hand off my K-5 to my friend after some brief explanations of each setting. I just had to tell her that she is free to change any setting, if something goes wrong she just needs to switch all the dials/switches back to the "green" setting (they all have one setting in green) Its really thoughtful of them to label everything so clearly that even a beginner can feel comfortable handling it.


Thanks for your input.
Will consider your points but really like the articulating LCD screen on the A580 and the 2 memory card slots (1 for still shots and the other for video)
But we have to consider that the K5 is almost twice the price of the A580.

Just heard that the K5 is also having the hot pixels problem in the video. ? ? ? Seems like it is an epidemic ...



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If the K5, Sony and D7K are using the same sensor, why is only Nikon having the hot pixel problem ?

I guess the sensors are similar but modified in each case.
Agree ?

I am considering getting a K5 or A580, but still undecided.

The A580 have a plus point in the flip-out LCD screen which I use to take the low and high shots. It also have 2 memory slots. But stocks still not available here.

Whereas the K5 has higher ISO speed, high shutter speed and stock are available here.

Any help or comment ?


So what is the use of 2 SD slots? So that two 32GB cards can be filled up and takes days/weeks going through them selecting keeper shots? :bsmilie:

LCD screen is good to have, but not a big deal. I shoot at low angles with the LCD w/o any articulating.

So what is the use of 2 SD slots? So that two 32GB cards can be filled up and takes days/weeks going through them selecting keeper shots? :bsmilie:

LCD screen is good to have, but not a big deal. I shoot at low angles with the LCD w/o any articulating.

You can use it to backup the other card or use one for still shots and the other for video takes.


You can use it to backup the other card or use one for still shots and the other for video takes.


Of course we will recommend you the Pentax ;p but at the end of the day, its up to you to judge the importance of that feature to you and address it accordingly.

Sometimes I do feel a tilting lcd is useful, e.g. when i "borrow" another person's tripod and don't feel like adjusting the preset height, it can be uncomfortable to bend all over to look at the lcd. But then again... I console myself that pentax would probably charge a premium for that if you throw that feature in.

Why not get both the Sony and the Pentax :lovegrin:


Thanks for your input.
Will consider your points but really like the articulating LCD screen on the A580 and the 2 memory card slots (1 for still shots and the other for video)
But we have to consider that the K5 is almost twice the price of the A580.

Just heard that the K5 is also having the hot pixels problem in the video. ? ? ? Seems like it is an epidemic ...



Actually someone already mentioned before.
Hot pixels do exist in just about every DSLR camera.
Its how the camera handles it in terms of filtering or whether the camera allows the user to fix it themselves (i.e. pixel mapping).

Perhaps in their wisdom, Nikon made a slight mistake in not allowing pixel mapping in the camera menu or removed the option of filtering these hot pixels out in the final image.

I can only speculate that what is stressing them out is the quantity of hot pixels appearing in the final image. Dozens by the number and virtually ruining the image when magnified. While previous models of all camera brands are showing minute amounts (1-2 pixels even up to 5 over several thousand photos).
Again someone mentioned PP would easily solve the problem (for still photos).
The fact that this is a new model, hyped to be a stellar performer and Nikon Service Center's inability to handle this issue quickly (probably at no fault of theirs) and we have a recipe for an explosive powder.
Add in some hysterics from users who are nit-picky over this issue and that, and BOOM!

Even though I did some minor tests recently for hot pixels and found none so far, I would not be surprised if in fact the problem happens for K-5s as well.
But none have appeared in the photos I've taken to date (never had the requirement to do long exposures to date) and I already have a HD camcorder if I wanted video.

Coming from Canon background and never a Canonikon basher or anything, I'm just happy and glad I got a camera from Pentax that is so far issue-free and delivering the goods.

(Disclaimer: The above post is just a $0.02 worth of opinion based on some research and read up on the Net and represent'y only an individual's opinion.)

Here's a for-fun photo I took last night while having dinner with my wife. Just an example of one of the quirky things I get to do with a new toy I'm happy with. Try if you can spot me.


So what is the use of 2 SD slots? So that two 32GB cards can be filled up and takes days/weeks going through them selecting keeper shots? :bsmilie:

LCD screen is good to have, but not a big deal. I shoot at low angles with the LCD w/o any articulating.

Read from digital review, for D7000 the 2 SD slots can configure to either of the 3 mode
i. Flow over, means use 2 card to store images
ii. Backup
iii. 1 SD to keep RAW and the other to keep jpg.

Called SLR and seems they have increased the K-5 body price from 1654 to 1691 and say that they dont have the dual WR kit lens bundle, just the body :(

Called Emjay and they say their promoter is at SLR and body + lenses are available

Got this from SLR Revolution Facebook:

Hi all, this is the latest price for Pentax K5 Body and kit:

1) Pentax K5 Body = $1691 (Available now)
2) Pentax K5 18-55WR, 50-200WR Dual kit = $2087 (Available Now)
Price went up due to instructions from Emjay
3) Pentax 35 F2.4 (Silver and Gold) = $380 (Limited stock)

4) Pentax 18-55WR, 50-200WR = $419
No Free Gifts included
Price is including gst and cash payment


I hope that is not true. If it is, I'll be very upset!

Called SLR and seems they have increased the K-5 body price from 1654 to 1691 and say that they dont have the dual WR kit lens bundle, just the body :(

Called Emjay and they say their promoter is at SLR and body + lenses are available

Could it be that stock has depleted? Can Call SLR to check again and tell them Emjay ask you to go there.

You can use it to backup the other card or use one for still shots and the other for video takes.


Read from digital review, for D7000 the 2 SD slots can configure to either of the 3 mode
i. Flow over, means use 2 card to store images
ii. Backup
iii. 1 SD to keep RAW and the other to keep jpg.

Lol, but IMHO, these are not considered very important to me for helping/easing to take photos. ;)
Not that its not important to someone else with different needs though (and I certainly respect that), but I'd consider what CorneliusK mentioned about K5 Pros as more important for helping in photo taking.

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We can't expect the promoted price for early adopters to last forever, can we? :)

Surely the early adopter the prices (whatever they were) were not a loss for Emjay.

I would'nt contest Emjay's decision but it does leave a bad taste when two days earlier I was told by SLR that the price is 1654 but no stock and today there is stock but the price is 1691 with no dual kit lense bundle. What is the point really ?