IT Show 2006

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Dennis777 said:
Olympus booth has a hot model :bigeyes: where u can shoot. Yesterday and today she was there at 1pm together with the presentation of the new e330 body.

Bring some tissue though, in case nose bleed :bsmilie:
That is the one I'm refering as supermodel loh...

zcf said:
Should just want to confirm will it caused data loss as I read the similar report on net...if not, that will be superb...$215 for 4GB CF + $218 for 4GB 8gb only $433! No need to bring laptop for short trip liao...

eow said:
like that better stick with sandisk,kingston,lexar brand
lifetime warranty and close proximity
After see my $ drop 75% (from 1GB $388 to $90+)to like share/stock after a year...I think might get cheapo card as no how much it drop still loss less than $300 after a year...

John Tan said:
Should just want to confirm will it caused data loss as I read the similar report on net...if not, that will be superb...$215 for 4GB CF + $218 for 4GB 8gb only $433! No need to bring laptop for short trip liao...

erm... IMO, i rather stick with the established card makers ie lexar or sandisk, esp since u're making a living out of shooting. :sweat:

those looking out for sandisk, Active Foto a few booths down from sandisk sells sandisk cards at a couple of dollars cheaper than sandisk booth itself. problem is u must endure their haphazard method of collecting and payment of ur card purchases... i wanted to buy my CF and SD cards from them. but, after enduring 15mins of no-show by the sales people, i gave up and bought mine at sandisk booth.

nightwolf75 said:
u are lucky to even get in... suntec smarter this yr. station all the maciks along the roads leading to the carparks, telling people to turn ard. save people the hassle of going round and round in circles inside the carpark.

heck. just dun drive tomorrow. from wat i can see today, u shld not have a problem getting a cab.

if everybody think like you.. then there will be ppl thinking like me now... and do you know what i am thinking? :confused:

think you are not alone dude. it was only 2 years back when i bot a hagiwara 1gb turtlespeed CF costing $280 and a 40x lexar also at $388:( spent a friggin 600+ to get 2GB of card while now, with the same moola can get me almost 4 x 2GB Ultra II...

John Tan said:
After see my $ drop 75% (from 1GB $388 to $90+)to like share/stock after a year...I think might get cheapo card as no how much it drop still loss less than $300 after a year...

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
if everybody think like you.. then there will be ppl thinking like me now... and do you know what i am thinking? :confused:

yeah.... so, u expecting the car parks to be empty today? ;p

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
nope.. i going tomorrow, so better have more ppl go there to park today, den tomorrow all dun park...


then go ard 8pm, when they start slashing prices! ;p

zcf said:
Bro, interested? Me too.
But too bad from their website stated 5 years.
About Warranty
But in 5 years time the CF card also don't worth much already, given the pricing drop rate lately.

Went there last night.
Best Bargain told me that transcend CF warranty only 1 year.... :eek:

Dennis777 said:
Olympus booth has a hot model :bigeyes: where u can shoot. Yesterday and today she was there at 1pm together with the presentation of the new e330 body.

Bring some tissue though, in case nose bleed :bsmilie:


catseye said:
Digihub is on at Level 6. Got the 40 litres cabi at $124, including delivery or cash and carry with free trolley.


40 - 187
60 - 214
80 - 268
100 - 322

40 - 124
60 - 151
100 - 227

think Free trolley...

there are broch there.. go take one and keep for future ref..

The 3 olympus models i saw yesterday not that chio leh. There is one at Logitec very chio but I didnt take any picture cos I left my kit lens at home. only bring along my 70-200. Nikon also chio.

Might go today or tomorrow.

Bought the Digicab DHC 60L at S$214. Good offer. Will deliver to me next sat cos I request for sat delivery if not might be earlier.

2 Gb for 122 is definitely a great buy man !!!! :thumbsup:

shendeerzi said:
2 Gb for 122 is definitely a great buy man !!!! :thumbsup:
which brand is the above?

Hi guys,

Any one here know how much is the D70 3rd party battery from East Gear? Is it cheaper in IT show? :D

DeSwitch said:
There is one at Logitec very chio but I didnt take any picture cos I left my kit lens at home. only bring along my 70-200. Nikon also chio.

Yes, the one at logitec is quite chio. Hope to see some nice shots from you if you do go down again.;)

Any worthwhile bargains? :D

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