IT Show 2006

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Is the transcend lifetime warranty?

lil_princess said:
Can someone tell me wheres the cheapest place around Suntec which I can park?
I'm gonna work there the whole day and I gotta park my car. Need to find the cheapest place for parking. If not sure very 'xiong' on my pocket..... 9-10hrs leh... :x

Ya, found the answer: Park at the National Stadium and use the FREE bus shuttle service to Suntec till Sunday .... no parking woes.... :lovegrin:

Canonised said:
Ya, found the answer: Park at the National Stadium and use the FREE bus shuttle service to Suntec till Sunday .... no parking woes.... :lovegrin:

er.. this is wat i posted in the first post..

hehe... but only sat and sun..

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
alot of ppl complain cannot find lil_princess, i wonder y...

maybe we could organise a Hunt for the lil_princess competition... onz bo? who win get to have a photo taken together with her...
Good idea. :thumbsup:

donchua said:
$233!! Like that better to get the 4GB CF rather than the
Seagate 4GB Photodrive..:)

I know. Just that I don't like to be involved in flamey threads nowadays. :) Read the RAW/JPG of the card on a fast CF card reader to your HDD (must be fast enough) and see the filename jump, woohoos!

joey91 said:
so we can shoot who are model at there!! rite??
or we need to request?? or buy something with them?:think:
Just ask them politely will do...

2100 said:
I know. Just that I don't like to be involved in flamey threads nowadays. :) Read the RAW/JPG of the card on a fast CF card reader to your HDD (must be fast enough) and see the filename jump, woohoos!
Hi bro, may I know where is the shop located that sell the transcend 4GB & 8GB CF?

John Tan said:
Just ask them politely will do...

Olympus booth has a hot model :bigeyes: where u can shoot. Yesterday and today she was there at 1pm together with the presentation of the new e330 body.

Bring some tissue though, in case nose bleed :bsmilie:

Will any of the stores be selling flashes?
Canon not selling rite, since they are only selling bodies
how abt sigma?

eow said:
Is the transcend lifetime warranty?
Bro, interested? Me too.
But too bad from their website stated 5 years.
About Warranty
But in 5 years time the CF card also don't worth much already, given the pricing drop rate lately.

like that better stick with sandisk,kingston,lexar brand
lifetime warranty and close proximity

Ren_Hao said:
Will any of the stores be selling flashes?
Canon not selling rite, since they are only selling bodies
how abt sigma?
Yup, Sigma booth selling flash.

Canew said:
Good idea. :thumbsup:

Went down yesterday and got some 1gb CF cards. The price is really attractive!!!:thumbsup:

How come everyone can't find the princess??? I managed to see her 3 times within 30 minutes, and at both levels as well. She's walking around with another lady, distributing some stuff to the visitors. Although it's crowded, it's hard to miss her though..... She's quite stunning in person, I'll have to admit.:sweat: Caught her on 'A Light Affair' on TV5, wonder what's her dream camera........

Expected more from the Canon booth, as there's no lens on sale. Found out that the kit lens that come with the 30D is still the EF-S 18-55mm....:sticktong How I wish it's the 2.8 IS version.....:bigeyes:

just came back from there... gawd... the crowds... :faint:

so far, the best deals seem to be anything related to storage - memory cards, hdd, ext hdd etc...

and pls... don't drive for those going on weekends.... i thot today fri mebbe can get lots... *bleah*... shaw tower full, suntec full, captiol full... ended up parking at esplanade (bad idea... cost a bomb...) and walking back....

nightwolf75 said:
just came back from there... gawd... the crowds... :faint:

so far, the best deals seem to be anything related to storage - memory cards, hdd, ext hdd etc...

and pls... don't drive for those going on weekends.... i thot today fri mebbe can get lots... *bleah*... shaw tower full, suntec full, captiol full... ended up parking at esplanade (bad idea... cost a bomb...) and walking back....

today parked at marina carpark. Could not find a park for like 15mins and gave up, parked at one corner illegally. When I came back saw 6 other cars follow me and park along the side :)

If you are driving down tmr, PLEASE don't try to enter suntec carpark.... sure JAM JAM JAM/

wind30 said:
today parked at marina carpark. Could not find a park for like 15mins and gave up, parked at one corner illegally. When I came back saw 6 other cars follow me and park along the side :)

If you are driving down tmr, PLEASE don't try to enter suntec carpark.... sure JAM JAM JAM/

u are lucky to even get in... suntec smarter this yr. station all the maciks along the roads leading to the carparks, telling people to turn ard. save people the hassle of going round and round in circles inside the carpark.

heck. just dun drive tomorrow. from wat i can see today, u shld not have a problem getting a cab.

How are the deals on printers?
Any good deal for Epson R800 :D ?
Planning to go there tomorrow.

rahul said:
How are the deals on printers?
Any good deal for Epson R800 :D ?
Planning to go there tomorrow.
Epson R800 $598

2100 said:
Yup, it's Best Bargain. Not sure if it will drop further though.

2GB Lexar for $159 looks very nice....but after 2 minor data loss and 1 major complete data loss even though I have changed the card twice and from different batches (costed me 1 wedding), sigh...... :(
sorry bro, u mean Lexar right?

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