Impressions of the NEX 5... plus Comparison with the Samsung NX10

all the pics are taken at iso 12800 and bananaOne got all rite.

It's quite easy peasy for the third one, but I'm a little bit troubled on the first two.

Anyway, NEX's High ISO is quite good at this part.

BTW, do I deserve a kopi-O this time?

It's quite easy peasy for the third one, but I'm a little bit troubled on the first two.

Anyway, NEX's High ISO is quite good at this part.

BTW, do I deserve a kopi-O this time?

we can meet up for cup of coffee.
my mobile 96817230

I'm usually not in discussions when it comes to brands and specs comparison. Reason? Specs are dead. Subjects are live and different people got different tastes. Photography is an art. For the merit of comparing hardware and specs and functionalities, it's down to a matter of hardware lust and geek-o-meter ratings.

Why am I posting? Because I think what EOW did was great. To strip the EXIF info out and getting the above group of people to rethink what high ISO means, what brand means, what different resolution, sensors, processors, blah blah blah means.

In the hands of an inept, even a 1ds3 would be only be as useful as producing a A0 poster size piece of ****. For the master of light, an iphone could put a worthy picture on as a postcard picture. Granted, you can't blow up a 2mp picture from an iphone. But hey, why would anyone want a large format bland boring picture for a 21mp FF sensor?

Every camera has its merit, its use. Its purpose. Its weakness. Its shortcoming. Use them as it is. For what they are worth.

I'm usually not in discussions when it comes to brands and specs comparison. Reason? Specs are dead. Subjects are live and different people got different tastes. Photography is an art. For the merit of comparing hardware and specs and functionalities, it's down to a matter of hardware lust and geek-o-meter ratings.

Why am I posting? Because I think what EOW did was great. To strip the EXIF info out and getting the above group of people to rethink what high ISO means, what brand means, what different resolution, sensors, processors, blah blah blah means.

In the hands of an inept, even a 1ds3 would be only be as useful as producing a A0 poster size piece of ****. For the master of light, an iphone could put a worthy picture on as a postcard picture. Granted, you can't blow up a 2mp picture from an iphone. But hey, why would anyone want a large format bland boring picture for a 21mp FF sensor?

Every camera has its merit, its use. Its purpose. Its weakness. Its shortcoming. Use them as it is. For what they are worth.

That's because everybody is not just like you that can take very good pictures. That's when help from hardware is needed.

Btw, my mom cannot pp, but she used to take good pictures from film. ^^

That's because everybody is not just like you that can take very good pictures. That's when help from hardware is needed.

Btw, my mom cannot pp, but she used to take good pictures from film. ^^

Good hardware = good picture? Rethink...

Film = Good picture? Rethink...

Good picture is like a good painting. Does a good painting also made up of high specs/brand of the oil paints, brushes and canvas used? Think again...

Back to topic of Impressions of NEX5, would like to ask if NEX5 when manual focus will the EVF zoom in to aid fine focusing? if yes.. it is what I want.

Back to topic of Impressions of NEX5, would like to ask if NEX5 when manual focus will the EVF zoom in to aid fine focusing? if yes.. it is what I want.
The NEX-5 has no EVF but the image on the LCD screen would zoom in to 7x magnification to assist in fine focussing.

yes it is really easy to use that function, but display on the LCD only.

Another comparison... this time with the Olympus EP2 (+ 14-42mm kit lens) and the Samsung EX1. All at an aperture setting of f/5.





not bad for nex5 and the zoom, but it seems like the lens can't match the competitors...

The NEX5's colour balance is the most neutral of the 3 but the corner softness is really very poor even for a kit lens... looks more like a low end PnS than a high end PnS... I think the Sony W300 might give better corner sharpness actually...

how about NEX-5 vs GF-1? Hope u could show us something that compares them.
Because I am thinking of getting the GF-1 but I like sony's design and 1.6 crop factor.

I'm confused, don't know which one to buy.

That's because everybody is not just like you that can take very good pictures. That's when help from hardware is needed.

Btw, my mom cannot pp, but she used to take good pictures from film. ^^

The hardware can help you take better pictures? Frame your shots? Think of subject? Make pose interesting? Capture the emotion?

Tomcat, your ep2 white balance setting is it the same? It seems so washed out.

The hardware can help you take better pictures? Frame your shots? Think of subject? Make pose interesting? Capture the emotion?

Yes. Can make better pictures. If my cam is reliable in terms of wb, exposure, color rendition sharpness and af accuracy.

Thing is the those which you mentioned is just part of the process. Let's say you already have categories, but you have overblown highlights all over, wouldn't it make your picture unusable? Or if my battery runs flat before I could take pictures, wouldn't it be annoying? Your skill is easily limited to your tools.

If my cam doesn't have some of those characteristics, I would spend more time on PP which I dun like.:thumbsd:

and uh. Can somebody give me 1:1 macro shot from an iPhone? ^^

To add on. I havent seen any wedding photographer who uses a pns for the event though.

I always wonder why, once in a while, there are people who must stetch one of this hobby's common 'point to note' into an irratating theory that only those who reach nirvana can understand, and assume the role of that enlightened one!

I do know quite a very good photographers, one of them a pro. And no! they do not talk this way! Everyone agrees, technologies help and ease many things that would otherwise difficult/or impossible.

how about NEX-5 vs GF-1? Hope u could show us something that compares them.
Because I am thinking of getting the GF-1 but I like sony's design and 1.6 crop factor.

I'm confused, don't know which one to buy.
I don't have a GF-1, so can't do a comparison.

Tomcat, your ep2 white balance setting is it the same? It seems so washed out.
All photos are straight out of the camera without any post processing. The white balance of the EP2 for that shot is not washed out, just cooler than those of the NEX-5 and EX1.

I always wonder why, once in a while, there are people who must stetch one of this hobby's common 'point to note' into an irratating theory that only those who reach nirvana can understand, and assume the role of that enlightened one!

I do know quite a very good photographers, one of them a pro. And no! they do not talk this way! Everyone agrees, technologies help and ease many things that would otherwise difficult/or impossible.

???? I dun get what you are trying to say... ???