Impressions of the NEX 5... plus Comparison with the Samsung NX10


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Nov 7, 2003
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I finally got myself a NEX 5 (18-55mm kit) from my usual dealer. Though I thought that I would like a silver-coloured one, I found that the black one actually looked very stylish with the darkish metallic-coloured lens and the black accents on the front of the lens.

Everything about this camera is about style... the metallic lens, the minimalistic look of the body with bare minimum of buttons to press, and the unique plugin-screwed-on external flash. I love Sony's implementation of a built-in flash that could be detached if so desired to allow other accessories to be used with the camera or to make the camera even smaller. I said that this flash is like 'built-in' because its strength is that of a built-in flash and when attached, it looked like the pop-up flashes of many P&S digicams. It even activates when popped up... all-in-all a very refreshing design for a built-in flash. Because it is so small, once on the camera, I kept it on... so it is a built-in flash to me.

I think that Sony actually wanted to design their mirrorless interchangeable lens camera system such that it is totally different from those of the other brands currently in the market and in the process make their product stand out amongst the competition. Other companies designed the cameras of their mirrorless interchangeable lens systems to look like DSLRs and/or rangefinders... Sony wants theirs to look like a updated P&S digicam... more accurately a updated, more advanced and versatile version of their latest P&S like WX1 or HX5 with a APS-C sensor.

This became clear to me when I pondered a bit on why Sony made the unthinkable decision to omit the inclusion of a body cap with their camera kits. Surely it is not to save on cost since a body cap is not at all expensive. As I think about it, a light bulb turned on in my head and I had an 'ah-ha' moment... Sony wanted the users to keep the lens attached permanently to the camera body... and without a body cap, the user would have no choice but to do just that unless he insists on buying an OEM or original body cap and lens rear cap to keep the body and lens apart. By keeping the lens attached to the body, the NEX 5 becomes effectively a P&S camera.

As I started using the NEX 5, it become more obvious to me that this is actually a more advanced version of the WX1, HX5 and TX7 which I also own and use. It has most of the unique features of the WX1/HX5 like sweep panorama, anti motion blur, auto HDR, hand-held twilight, etc. It's much-maligned user menu and operating system is also quite similar to that of the WX1 and HX5 except that the one in the NEX has a much more attractive graphical interface. And when Luminous Landscape complained 'if you have the camera set to raw, or raw + JPG, the HDR menu selection will tell you that the function is not available, but won't even hint as to why it isn't', it is also quite obvious to me as a user of HX5 and TX7 why this might be so. Functions like Auto HDR are only for jpeg mode probably due to the lack of sufficient computing power of the camera to process RAW files for these functions. Hopefully in the near future, the CPU of the camera might be powerful enough to do so and we would see new versions of NEX cameras with the ability to shoot such modes in Raw. I wish that Sony had put in the GPS function which they have in the HX5 though. It would then be the perfect replacement for my HX5 for travelling purpose.

So what's improved over the P&S like WX1 and HX5? Maybe it's...
- higher resolution screen
- APS-C sensor which allows for much better image quality... a misgiving I have for the WX1, HX5 and TX7 that I have, especially for those special digital functions like sweep panorama, auto HDR, anti motion blur and hand-held twilight
- ability to shoot sweep panorama, anti motion blur, hand-held twilight, auto HDR with different lenses
- ability to shoot in Raw

So for those buying into the NEX system hoping that it would an alternative to their existing DSLR system, chances are that they would be disappointed when they start to use the camera as their expectations are those of the DSLR systems that they are used to while those who look at the NEX system as a more advanced and improved version of their P&S digicams would most likely than not be happy with their choice.

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Some sample shots...






Much better image quality than those sweep panos from the WX1, HX5 and TX7 P&S digicams

Comparison with the Samsung NX10 next....

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nice pics

Thanks. The NEX 5 do take very nice photos. They could be even better if Sony had partnered it with a better specified kit lens. :(

if nex 5 comes with zeiss prime lens (mebbe 24mm f2) it will sure turns heads... but but..

the price will be high which sony tries to avoid...

Now for a comparison with the Samsung NX10 which I also have and likes very much. It's just a simple comparison though... both the Sony with the 18-55mm kit lens and the Samsung with its 18-55mm both at a focal length of 55mm handheld. Both images and their 100% crops are straight out of the camera and not post-processed.

The scene was one that from my balcony as shown here from the Sony NEX 5...


I would not be attaching the full-sized images here due to the large file size but for those who are interested to see them, the full-sized images from the Sony NEX 5 and Samsung NX10 can be viewed here...

Sony NEX 5

Samsung NX10

The full-sized crops of the centre and edge (left) are compared.



How the 2 cameras capture foliage is also compared.

These comparisons reflect not so much the quality of the camera systems but more of the optical quality of the lenses used. The Sony E 18-55mm is as sharp if not sharper than the Samsung 18-55mm at the centre but pales in comparison at the edge. The corner/edge softness of the E 18-55mm has been widely reported in other reviews of the NEX 3/5. This could be a problem for compositions in which the subject is off-centred and close to the edge.

The Samsung NX10 + 18-55mm combination also capture and display more details in foliage. This could be compounded by the fact that the area of 100% crop compared was quite close to the edge. But it might not be much better even if the area is in the centre.

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if nex 5 comes with zeiss prime lens (mebbe 24mm f2) it will sure turns heads... but but..

the price will be high which sony tries to avoid...
I would have been happy if it had came with a kit lens with the optical quality of the Samsung's 18-55mm kit lens which didn't even have a metal mount. :(

quality comparison..

sony nex 5 strengths and weaknesses are apparent wit kit lens...

mebbe sony more concern on the centre of the pics rather than the corners.... as the eyes will always pay more attention to centre than corners when looking straight at pics/things...

I would have been happy if it had came with a kit lens with the optical quality of the Samsung's 18-55mm kit lens which didn't even have a metal mount. :(

ok... understand wot u r saying...

Yup I agree ! The NEX is really a high end PNS , I m using it as a mere PNS , not to replace my DSLR .So far its been fun to use :cool:

But out of curiousity Tomcat , how do you find the battery life compared to the earlier cybershots you owned ?

quality comparison..

sony nex 5 strengths and weaknesses are apparent wit kit lens...

mebbe sony more concern on the centre of the pics rather than the corners.... as the eyes will always pay more attention to centre than corners when looking straight at pics/things...

Maybe becos most normal consumer always haf their subject (people/objects) in the centre?

Should compare with Ricoh GXR + A12, another APS-C direct comparison. Difference will be even bigger.

What is the diff between standard and wide sweep panoroma?

Should compare with Ricoh GXR + A12, another APS-C direct comparison. Difference will be even bigger.

And how much does it costs? Why r u comparing a prime with the nex5 zoom in the first place?

Serious dude, if the nex system irks u so much, why not move on instead of trolling nex threads and taking every opportunity to bash it?

Should compare with Ricoh GXR + A12, another APS-C direct comparison. Difference will be even bigger.

It would not be fair to compare a kit zoom lens with a prime lens. So what if the Ricoh produce better image quality under such a situation. In any case I do not subscribe to Ricoh concept of buying a new sensor with every lens at prices that could be equivalent to changing the entire camera system and would never consider getting the GXR. So can't do any such comparison.;)

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Should compare with Ricoh GXR + A12, another APS-C direct comparison. Difference will be even bigger.

Hmm, u must own both systems to make such a comment.

Do kindly post it and let us see.
Just comment no use, we can't conclude anything without pics!

Hmm, u must own both systems to make such a comment.

Do kindly post it and let us see.
Just comment no use, we can't conclude anything without pics!

Don't bother pal. First, he started a thread telling everyone to wait for the nex7, way before the nex5 is launched and available for testing. And saw his sales thread selling his supposely superior ricoh system. I'm sure the A12 module is as good, if not better than the nex5 kit lens, but that's beside the point. Being a prime, we need to compare apple to apple. And I haven't touch on the price difference yet.

Yup I agree ! The NEX is really a high end PNS , I m using it as a mere PNS , not to replace my DSLR .So far its been fun to use :cool:

But out of curiousity Tomcat , how do you find the battery life compared to the earlier cybershots you owned ?
Battery life seems to be quite short but need to charge/discharge a few more times before the battery can reach it's full storage capacity.

What is the diff between standard and wide sweep panoroma?
Standard pano size: 8,192 x 1,856 pixels
Wide Pano size: 12,416 x 1,856 pixels