Group Exhibition for MF and LF users on CS?

Lumiere said:
Sorry, my bad

How about this?

Mate are these shot on any kind of medium/ largeformat camera?

Yes...H4D...or need it be in film M/LF...I'm kinda new in MF

Hi Lumiere, please bring your pictures and come meet us this Saturday 10am as discussed.
Please also send your pictures to Sprewell for discussion.


A reminder, We are show casing medium format, doing large enlargement to explore the details of MF.
Print Film, LF Slides, 645D, H4D 40,50,60 whatever make sure when enlarged will bring inspiration to viewer.
Whatever you do in Lightroom/PS is ok, make sure it has a theme, and show a difference from those shot using DSLR.
Be very careful not to show flaws or mistakes as the enlargement will show everything.

For the team's creditability, we must not show meaningless shot.
It may be hard to have one person vet all, but at least, should be recognized internally as a team.
In a typical photo club, we lay the pictures on the table, everyone give input, and we pick the good ones.
If we cannot convince each other, then what's the point of making enlargements. Might as well stay at home browse Flickr.

We should keep this thread short, minimum communication and close when the group have decided.

This thread has gone somewhat messy. We should keep focused. This Saturday 10am. Thank you.

One question...if the showcase is on 22nd sept, wont it clash with the F1 weekend and also consider the trouble of getting to millennia walk

Hello everyone,

Really sorry for MIA. Went Bangkok to shoot more photos and fell sick after returning.

Shall we just stick to Nikkornos's suggestion of meeting on Saturday to confirm all matters?

For printing, yes we are going with AVS to print. A 40x30cm black white print is about $20.

There probably won't have enough money to pay for both print AND frame so we need to think about how to deal with that.

Also, please refer to my previous posts about the frames. Please only use those black frames from IKEA and buy your own.

All issues to be resolved in meeting.

Here's something to share with all before the showcase

All too often I hear photographers make excuses for why they should undervalue their work: “It only took me an hour to shoot.” “It’s only a half-day.” “I’ll do this one for cheap so that this client will give me more work later.” “It’s not my regular work so it’s not that big a deal.” “I’m not going to do anything else with the shot.”

Forget all that. It’s not about you. It’s about the value that you’re delivering to your client (or audience). There’s a lot of mediocre images out there in the world. If a client wanted one of them, they could use one for a song. If they want you, it’s because you offer something special. Don’t be afraid to charge for your specialness.

So if we buy our own frames, and our $50 sits with you, would it be complicated during refunds etc?

As I've mentioned in my previous posts, the $50 per person is used for all other purposes like food, publicity materials and ideally to pay for printing at AVS.

Unused funds will be donated to a charity.

All expenditure will be documented and shared at the end of the showcase.

No offence and not doubting ur credibility and integrity...

Just a suggestion, money is always sensitive...everyone just want to know they are paying for.
Wont it be better to start collecting the cash only when all the cost are firmed up? It doesnt look like the $50 is a one time fee that will take care of all the items and in the event of a shortfall, a top up is still required..and since there is no need for pre payments of food or defeat the purpose of collecting upfront...
If its meant to be a deposit made for people who suddenly decided to fly aeroplane..if shld just be a deposit. (but abit unfriendly thou since there is no fixed cost attached)

Since the process has kick started, maybe on saturday, the guys can decide to just bulk purchase the frames together...since it don make sense for all 20 pax to go down ikea to buy the same frame....just firm up on all the cost and settle all together. Its a showcase after all so chill guys, make it a successful one! :)

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hey i cmi tmr, working. update me thx

sprewell said:
As I've mentioned in my previous posts, the $50 per person is used for all other purposes like food, publicity materials and ideally to pay for printing at AVS.

Unused funds will be donated to a charity.

All expenditure will be documented and shared at the end of the showcase.

Hi spre take care speedy recovery too. Btw if tmr still no pic selected can refund right like what u hv mentioned last outing? Thx

Yeah I think it's only fair that if someone wants to back out because of no good works for showcase.

The $50 is really meant as a deterrent for people who said they want to participate and goes MIA. They will stall the entire timeline.

I have a problem though. With Kingston out of action for the time being, any place to recommend for scanning?

sprewell said:
Yeah I think it's only fair that if someone wants to back out because of no good works for showcase.

The $50 is really meant as a deterrent for people who said they want to participate and goes MIA. They will stall the entire timeline.

I have a problem though. With Kingston out of action for the time being, any place to recommend for scanning?

Ok thx....cause i already put up some work but none is selected...this sat will show some too and i hope will be selected. If not then maybe am really not good at it and dont mean i back out. Thx again c u guys tmr cheers

Hello Guys, the meeting on Saturday is important, please be present.

For the scanning part, a few of us here have the V700. Whether dry scan or wet scan, we can discuss at meeting.
Photohub does TIFF scan, but it is not cheap.

See you!

Nikkornos said:
Hello Guys, the meeting on Saturday is important, please be present.

For the scanning part, a few of us here have the V700. Whether dry scan or wet scan, we can discuss at meeting.
Photohub does TIFF scan, but it is not cheap.

See you!

Roger cheers

hi guys...few more pics from me. pls cfm if any and tmr i will sent the soft copy...thx thx guys.




I'm a nostalgic person and I think the red lantern shot, though not the most interesting, can be showcased.

Who knows in 20 years time, this red lantern tradition will cease to exist in singapore culter and the shot will bring new meaning to the next generation?

Or am I over-thinking?

sprewell said:
I'm a nostalgic person and I think the red lantern shot, though not the most interesting, can be showcased.

Who knows in 20 years time, this red lantern tradition will cease to exist in singapore culter and the shot will bring new meaning to the next generation?

Or am I over-thinking?

Hahaha ok thx...will save it and bring it tmr. Thx again. Cheers

sorry, i was very sick and missed today's meeting. any updates please?

Missed today's meeting as I had to go out with my family.

I emailed my shots to sprewell already, awaiting his reply :)