Fuji X100

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My friend in Japan tried it and this is his first impression

"Tried it !!..Very beautifull body, but the grip is not very convenient and the hybrid viewfinder a bit annoy me cos i can see side part of the lens from it, quite disturbing and the menu is not really user friendly."

1) Grip is not convenient because there is no grip lol.

2) Any rangefinder/rangefinder like camera will have an optical viewfinder through which you will be able to see the lens on the bottom right hand corner. All Leica M cameras have this. This is because through these viewfinders are placed on the left hand side of the camera unlike dSLRs.

heard from a source that the x100 availability in singapore has been delayed and will not make the pc show. looks like we still have to wait till mid march.

My friend in Japan tried it and this is his first impression

"Tried it !!..Very beautifull body, but the grip is not very convenient and the hybrid viewfinder a bit annoy me cos i can see side part of the lens from it, quite disturbing and the menu is not really user friendly."

looks like your friend has never been an RF type.. :bsmilie:

I just spent 15 minutes with it today, in between the One Light Workshop conducted by Zack Arias here in sunny (and cold Dubai).

The X100 feels pretty solid. Has a good weight to it, and fits really nicely in hand. The top plate is aluminium and looks really classy. Knobs have a satisfying click to them, and it's unlikely that anyone's going to accidentally bump a knob from one setting to another.

The hybrid viewfinder is an interesting piece of work. In optical mode, it seems to have an electronic overlay showing exposure compensation, aperture and shutter speed. For the life of me, I could not find an exposure metering scale on the display, but given my limited time with it, I think I will need to pop by early tomorrow morning to check it out some more.

The 23mm lens does produce a 35mm equivalent field of view, but I'm a little disappointed 460,000 pixel density on with the 2.8" viewfinder. For that price, I'd have hoped for something in the 900,000 pixel range, but I guess that wasn't in the cards. The lens was fast enough to produce some decent images indoors at ISO400, and I will try to get some RAWs and JPGs to share tomorrow. Being a fairly short lens and having rather beefy fingers, I did find it a little comfortable adjusting aperture since the aperture ring was pretty close to the body, but the shape of the ing allowed me an easy grip after some time with it.

I have to say that I'm reasonably impressed with this camera (as was Zack, who was even more surprised that this only cost US$1200, considering the features, size, image quality and build quality), and while I'm no longer as besotted by the fantasy of having one in hand, i can certainly see myself plonking down some money when it is available here next month.

Oddly enough, I was told that there was a version with an interchangeable lens as well. That remains to be seen...

wow, what a privilege! your last sentence is the most intriguing! :lovegrin: wink wink!

heard from a source that the x100 availability in singapore has been delayed and will not make the pc show. looks like we still have to wait till mid march.

wah your source accurate or not...gonna be a mood damper for many of the folks here if this is indeed the case! :p

A dpreview forum member posted the Fuji FinePix X100 owner’s manual online.

Enjoy! :thumbsup:


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People will get mood swing if reading this thread.

Only few more days left... and now got news on delay...

Should be quite accurate. I was also feeling sian after hearing it. Hope Fuji Singapore gets their act together and get the cameras in earlier. Harvey Norman is due to get 100 sets for the pc show but did not receive it yet I was told.

100 sets multiply by $1699 = $169,900.00 nice figure for a start on pc show.

Should be quite accurate. I was also feeling sian after hearing it. Hope Fuji Singapore gets their act together and get the cameras in earlier. Harvey Norman is due to get 100 sets for the pc show but did not receive it yet I was told.


Went down to a couple of my regular authorized fuji distributors, both called the agents in front of me and got the same answer. But you never know. It might be in time for the last few days of the PC show?

i went to ask some stores in Funan. can't remember the store's name, sells loads of computer stuff with the escalator heading up straight to it from the outside.

quoted me $1599 after GST and told me it'll be here within next week.

My dealer called his Fuji rep in front of me too and could not get an answer. I think Fuji has embargoed all info on the release date to the dealers so as to protect the sales at the IT Show. If everybody bought their X100s from the outside dealers, then there might be less interest at the IT Show.

The stocks are estimated to arrive only at the end of this month, and in very limited quantity, so we are unable to advise how long the wait will be.

For your info, you are No. 33 on our waiting list.

Quoting Cathay Photo.

Huge demand.. I've looked at the fb page of many other camera stores and people from other countries want to come to SG to buy as well, especially Malaysians.

Basically, those who haven't pre-ordered already are going to have to wait a pretty long time, at least 20-30 days is my estimate, if Fuji can meet the demand.

Fujifilm Japan has released an official statement noting that they are unable to meet demand at the moment so they will be delaying the release a bit.

I'm no. 33 at Cathay's list, no. 7 somewhere else. I will buy whichever comes faster. Cant wait to handle this baby.

Fujifilm Japan has announced a shortage of its FinePix X100 large-sensor compact camera and accessories because of higher than expected demand. The company says it is attempting to boost production to meet demand. The latest word from Fujifilm USA is that cameras will be available in the US during the last week of March or first week of April.


just heard from my supplier that i can only get it towards end month... :(

Latest info. Fuji will be Releasing very limited sets For the it fair tomorrow retailing at 1699. Not sure if there will be any available outside. Sounds like they they wouldnt have enough for the distributors.

^^Yupeeee is right.

I have reserved my set, but it only comes on March 21st.

That's the date I've been given. I don't mind waiting till the end of the month now, no point complaining because it's Fuji's fault. They built alot of hype among the rangefinder/PJ crowd and now they can't meet demand.. 300 sets for the whole of the USA wtf?? They shouldn't have publicised the early march date so much. They should have said "Limited release: March 12", "Wide release: March 25th" or something.. disappointing

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