Fuji X100

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Accessory Pricing (USA)

16144573 LC-X100 Leather Camera Case $139.99
16144523 LH-X100 Lens Hood + Adapter Ring $139.99
16144559 AR-X100 Adapter Ring (49mm) $49.99
600004924 NP-95 Battery $79.99
16144468 BC-65N Charger $99.99

What a rip off!!

EDIT: Double Post.

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When the operations manager at fujifilm was asked:

"One might guess that the autofocus of the X100 will be by contrast. Did you not consider the possibility of using a hybrid AF like in the FinePix F300 EXR? Is this option contemplated for the future?"

He answered: "We are considering developing both hybrid AF and phase detection AF technology for future."

So I guess I am not alone here in this thought. ;>

I have actually tried the F300. I don't find the hybrid AF if that's what it is, that good at all. The AF speed is no better than that of the F100 & F200 which I have. What's disappointing also is that the noise level is actually worse than that of the F100. For some reason, the noise performance of Fuji's FX00 series of cameras appears to be get worse with each new model. No wonder they decide to skip one and a half number and jump straight to F550 so quickly. :think:

Another thing I can't stand about the F300 is that the built-in flash pops up the moment you turn on the camera even if you don't want to flash. I had initially thought that there was something wrong with that set as no camera I know of is designed to work that way.

If the X100 is anything like the F300, I wouldn't buy it even if it is half the price. :what:

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I have actually tried the F300. I don't find the hybrid AF if that's what it is, that good at all. The AF speed is no better than that of the F100 & F200 which I have. What's disappointing also is that the noise level is actually worse than that of the F100. For some reason, the noise performance of Fuji's FX00 series of cameras appears to be get worse with each new model. No wonder they decide to skip one and a half number and jump straight to F550 so quickly. :think:

Another thing I can't stand about the F300 is that the built-in flash pops up the moment you turn on the camera even if you don't want to flash. I had initially thought that there was something wrong with that set as no camera I know of is designed to work that way.

If the X100 is anything like the F300, I wouldn't buy it even if it is half the price. :what:

nobody wants teh X100 to be like F300. What people want is an effective AFC. I still have not seen a working contrast detection AFC with wide aperture lens.

Got money than buy lor
Not enough than wait lor (Ah Gong giving out money soon)
Find it ex. than go play with existing one lor
No money still want to buy, don't spend time compare lor, work OT lor.

I've asked around and the waiting list seems to be pretty long for many of the shops. Quite sianz

my friend in hk just put a deposit for the x100.... he is number 54!! looks like its quite hot in HK

Any latest update on when it will be available for sale in Singapore? Wait until neck long long liao...

I just spent 15 minutes with it today, in between the One Light Workshop conducted by Zack Arias here in sunny (and cold Dubai).

The X100 feels pretty solid. Has a good weight to it, and fits really nicely in hand. The top plate is aluminium and looks really classy. Knobs have a satisfying click to them, and it's unlikely that anyone's going to accidentally bump a knob from one setting to another.

The hybrid viewfinder is an interesting piece of work. In optical mode, it seems to have an electronic overlay showing exposure compensation, aperture and shutter speed. For the life of me, I could not find an exposure metering scale on the display, but given my limited time with it, I think I will need to pop by early tomorrow morning to check it out some more.

The 23mm lens does produce a 35mm equivalent field of view, but I'm a little disappointed 460,000 pixel density on with the 2.8" viewfinder. For that price, I'd have hoped for something in the 900,000 pixel range, but I guess that wasn't in the cards. The lens was fast enough to produce some decent images indoors at ISO400, and I will try to get some RAWs and JPGs to share tomorrow. Being a fairly short lens and having rather beefy fingers, I did find it a little comfortable adjusting aperture since the aperture ring was pretty close to the body, but the shape of the ing allowed me an easy grip after some time with it.

I have to say that I'm reasonably impressed with this camera (as was Zack, who was even more surprised that this only cost US$1200, considering the features, size, image quality and build quality), and while I'm no longer as besotted by the fantasy of having one in hand, i can certainly see myself plonking down some money when it is available here next month.

Oddly enough, I was told that there was a version with an interchangeable lens as well. That remains to be seen...

Accessory Pricing (USA)

16144573 LC-X100 Leather Camera Case $139.99
16144523 LH-X100 Lens Hood + Adapter Ring $139.99
16144559 AR-X100 Adapter Ring (49mm) $49.99
600004924 NP-95 Battery $79.99
16144468 BC-65N Charger $99.99

What a rip off!!

The rest i can understand, but bro, you mean the camera doesnt come with battery, charger and lens hoood?!

comes with battery and charger but not the lens hood/adapter..

My friend in Japan tried it and this is his first impression

"Tried it !!..Very beautifull body, but the grip is not very convenient and the hybrid viewfinder a bit annoy me cos i can see side part of the lens from it, quite disturbing and the menu is not really user friendly."

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