Fuji X-E1 and new compact coming!

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a lot more videos are popping up for the X-E1. This looks good too.




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Without a camera now. Been like that for 2 months. This is not X-Pro1 thread isn't it. I am not saying X-Pro 1 is not good. As a matter of fact, I love X-Pro1, think its the best travelling cam currently. Took some very good travelling (street) pics with X-PRo 1


Contributed my thoughts on Fuji X-Pro Scoop it too Fuji X-Pro1 | Scoop.it

But X-E1, if it performs as well as X-Pro1 (with same sensor, expecting similar results), I think it will have an edge over X-Pro1 as travelling cam (the fact that its lighter and smaller). Another question is whether there's improvement in video recording in terms of quality.. having option of mic is already a pleasant "upgrade" esp. for ppl who likes to take video while travelling. Another plus is the in-built flash, tho I prefer natural light, but if u try to shoot at night (w/o flash) with X-pro1, it gets very frustrating with the slow AF (even with high iso) so the in-built flash unit will come in very handy on those odd (dark) occassion. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions tho.

U want a sweet deal? Wait for me to sell X-E1 next time. After Xavierlin tho. Maybe I will buy 2 and sell to each of you.. so both can be happy. :D AMAZED by how judgemental u are.

Thanks for the deal of my lifetime but I would never buy something used in S'pore, especially not from Clubsnap.

kegler said:
I hope they are wrong.... usa is below 1.4k... we are below 2k.... fml

Panasonic and Olympus don't offer body only options either.

Now this thread look like more into WAR!

X-E1 should be entry level from Fuji an able to detach lens.

X-Pro 1 would be high end body in Fuji line.

OM-D still in the top of M/43.

Nothing can be war here..
Just wait the announcement and decide which one to be stay :D

For me I would go X-E1 with silver color or OMD & play with panasonic fixed zoom f2.8 & weather sealed.

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Now this thread look like more into WAR!

X-E1 should be entry level from Fuji an able to detach lens.

X-Pro 1 would be high end body in Fuji line.

OM-D still in the top of M/43.

Nothing can be war here..
Just wait the announcement and decide which one to be stay :D

For me I would go X-E1 with silver color or OMD & play with panasonic fixed zoom f2.8 & weather sealed.

Doesn't matter what Fuji calls it, entry or not. If X-E1 is able to produce similar images as X-Pro1 (since both using the same sensor), it will prob sway a lot of ppl to X-E1, even those who had intention to buy X-Pro1 (esp. those who is not too bothered with the absence of OVF).

Would be good if they have option to just buy the body (X-E1) but I have my doubts, from marketing standpoint, makes more sense to sell as a package esp. when the demand for the body is high.

Oshkosh said:
Doesn't matter what Fuji calls it, entry or not. If X-E1 is able to produce similar images as X-Pro1 (since both using the same sensor), it will prob sway a lot of ppl to X-E1, even those who had intention to buy X-Pro1 (esp. those who is not too bothered with the absence of OVF).

Would be good if they have option to just buy the body (X-E1) but I have my doubts, from marketing standpoint, makes more sense to sell as a package esp. when the demand for the body is high.

They will definitely sell the body only, just not in Singapore. :p

I do hope there is body only sale, for people like me who have no interest in the 18-55. Panasonic do sell their GX1 body only, hope Fujifilm thinks likewise.

Read the preview on xe1. Very attracted by the native iso of 6400. Waiting for further review on high iso performance.
Is the X Pro capable of high iso?

Read the preview on xe1. Very attracted by the native iso of 6400. Waiting for further review on high iso performance.
Is the X Pro capable of high iso?

Yes, the high ISO performance on the X-Pro1 is better than a 5D2. You can read DPreview's review on X-Pro1 since both the X-Pro1 and X-E1 uses the same sensor.

Cool. So this means xe1 can also perform high iso, higher resolution, smaller, lighter and cheaper.
Guess i will be getting one soon. Thanks for the info! Great help.

read some of the comments in this thread and seems like some think the X-E1 is 'better' than the X-Pro1, especially in the AF department. In reality, both cameras are almost the same once X-Pro1 receives the firmware 2.0 update on 18 Sep.

gazkw said:
read some of the comments in this thread and seems like some think the X-E1 is 'better' than the X-Pro1, especially in the AF department. In reality, both cameras are almost the same once X-Pro1 receives the firmware 2.0 update on 18 Sep.

Interesting. I presume you have handled firmware 2.0 and x-e1 and gathered your conclusion from there?

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