F31fd pics samples

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woo.....star effect.:)
Is this an archos?

Here's some more samples of the F31 at work...






canong2, nice shots esp. the composition and color ..

Thanks Megaweb... I only resized the photos.... seems that the colours do come out pretty well for the F31 especially for night images.... my bf, who's using a Canon 350D cannot stand it when my photos come out better than his... hehehe... apparently Fuji's colours are more saturated compared to Canon's... correct me if I am wrong...

But then again, colors can be very subjective to one's eye. I guess I'm one of those who is simply crazy over brilliant vivid colors.

New Fuji cams has vivid setting called Chrome to mimic Velvia slides contrast and saturation. You'll probably find it much stronger than most other brands' vivid.

yes i agree. if you're probably more used to the velvia slides style, just turn on the chrome setting. for me i usually shoot objects and sometimes day-to-day portraits, prefer the normal setting coz the natural colors are easier to manage in pp. night shoots the chrome setting is perfect. for me at least ;p personal preference hehe..

although i still miss contax carl zeiss colors.. it's perfect on the nph for skin and velvia for walk-around, sigh~

nice pics....but 1 thing that's holding me back in getting the fuji F31fd is the memory card
cos nowadays XD is getting rare in the market

canong2...those pics are beautiful! you sure know how to use your camera well.

Thanks a lot... I am still trying out the various features of the F31... but for night shots... I usually use either the Aperture/Shutter or the Night scene modes... plus a tripod is a definite yes-yes... I carry a Silk Pro Mini (small enough to put into my sling bag) everywhere I go with the F31....

nice pics....but 1 thing that's holding me back in getting the fuji F31fd is the memory card
cos nowadays XD is getting rare in the market

Most new purchases gives you 1G "free" xD. You can buy them in SLS too. It's getting rarer but still available. So before it extinct you can buy and keep them, if that's your concern.

Most new purchases gives you 1G "free" xD. You can buy them in SLS too. It's getting rarer but still available. So before it extinct you can buy and keep them, if that's your concern.

now that you mentioned,still remember SM card?
Seem like extinct liao.:bsmilie:

nice pics....but 1 thing that's holding me back in getting the fuji F31fd is the memory card
cos nowadays XD is getting rare in the market

they should make xd adapters... like sd to xd or others.
thus we will be able to insert sd cards to a xd slot...
(i say sd because i think that is the best card and most used card on the market)

they should make xd adapters... like sd to xd or others.
thus we will be able to insert sd cards to a xd slot...
(i say sd because i think that is the best card and most used card on the market)

Xd to SD there may be but not the other way round cause SD card are bigger in size than XD.

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