Delhi to Ladakh rejoiced (H series)



kids at school. girl in the front giving a speech.


Very nice series, I enjoy your work. Are u working out from your EEEpc, I bought one recently but haven't tested it's capabilities & how's the internet connection there? Thanks.

Very nice series, I enjoy your work. Are u working out from your EEEpc, I bought one recently but haven't tested it's capabilities & how's the internet connection there? Thanks.

it is used as a jpeg viewer and storage medium. for the weight and size and price, it is a good fight with those portable photo storage...

no internet except for poor sub-56k dial up internet cafe in ladakh region, rem it is the himalayans....



mountains at zingzingba (corrected - zingzingla)


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no internet except for poor sub-56k dial up internet cafe in ladakh region, rem it is the himalayans....

Actually some of the internet cafes in Leh (main town of Ladakh) offer broadband connection of abt 512k, not dialup. Think wifi's only available for selected hotels (the more luxurious type)...

Tech development is fast invading everywhere so don't be surprised that internet connection's available in selected parts of the Himalayas (highest I've tried was at Manang @ 3540m, Nepal), juz that it's not fast & cost more...

thanks for more accurate info. i almost mislead the others, maybe just my bad limited experience



one of the buildings pecked on the hill top at diskrit monastery


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Hey...I want this photo!
That's the thing about rarely get photos of yourself. Do you have any other photos of me? I got some from you from the last gathering we had.

already given to you the unenhanced jpeg from camera in one set. do you want me to resend that pic in email? or do you prefer the raw, the enhanced photoshop file without the (stained glass) filter, or the enhanced jpeg file without the filter?



taken in a tent at dercha (or darcha) to have lunch. the typical bluish or greenish canvas often cast a cross-processed look. i corrected the face hue a little and added stained glass filter in small hexagons since my travel mates are already in off-focus field




sometimes when forcing myself to narrate gives me the opportunity to read about things i never knew or would never know if i never read. i wonder the differences between yak and bison and found this link. we saw a herd of yaks that literally are like black dots when you use a wide angle. their hairy nature easily breaks their form. and the black can easily lose its texture on underexposure or over-processing. some of them are brown though, and one of them as below in the left, have a stripe of white hair on its back. you have to go relatively near to show sufficient volume, but not so near as to scare them away or endanger yourself...

this is shot at an unknown geographical location past chang la. oh yeah, a GPS would be good if i can afford D90 and a hotshoe mounted GPS.... still using an old camera. hopefully i can stop dilly-dallying and proscrastinate, by next trip to uzbekistan/turkmenistan, i want to make my current camera a backup body....


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child monks at rizong school. they may not have the best life we will admire. life is simple and tough, and a friend who returned to ladakh told me that on return, some rains have disrupted the road up to rizong and we both do not know how is the situation (or outcome) if they got trapped up there.

but generally it would be wrong to think that life is miserable for the remote places. there are places where one would get slapped or prisoned for saying out their racial identity, and with your history re-written to the invader's preference. there are places where one would get mutilated by the guerillas for voting for the government. there are places where you are left to your own when floods kill by thousands or more, with the government resisting foreign aids.

they may have not trains there. they may not have loads of tourists going there to boost the economy, just decent enough for growth though. but at least they have basic bread and integrity (some people thinks that they can take away other people's integrity by giving a little bread, or not stopping you from having your own little bread). many monks we met there have sunglasses and some wear modern jackets. i guess it might have to do with the visitors or that 2nd hand or cheaper products start going into the area as ladakh opens up gradually (and i think positively of it). visitors generally are respectful of the local culture. the fee of visiting each monastery is only nominal and i'm more than willing to donate a little token for each location.


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while the heat of the summer is scorching and dry in the high attitude of ladakh, it is humid and unbearable in new delhi.




sometimes when forcing myself to narrate gives me the opportunity to read about things i never knew or would never know if i never read. i wonder the differences between yak and bison and found this link. we saw a herd of yaks that literally are like black dots when you use a wide angle. their hairy nature easily breaks their form. and the black can easily lose its texture on underexposure or over-processing. some of them are brown though, and one of them as below in the left, have a stripe of white hair on its back. you have to go relatively near to show sufficient volume, but not so near as to scare them away or endanger yourself...

this is shot at an unknown geographical location past chang la. oh yeah, a GPS would be good if i can afford D90 and a hotshoe mounted GPS.... still using an old camera. hopefully i can stop dilly-dallying and proscrastinate, by next trip to kirghizstan, i want to make my current camera a backup body....


absolutely love the colour and the composition....of your pictures....

thanks, jlpk007.



goats with a far apart eyes does not look very handsome at close distance. and in fact, it is used as a symbol for some cult groups. however, they seem all adorable at a distance and this baby goat waddles to me just like any curious kid and "meh" at me like a curious puppy. if i isolate and look at the eyes, they ain't nice. but somehow on the overall, this baby goat is really cute and if only i can grab one back home.

this is the kind of photo that i would desire for the dynamic range from a fuji s5pro. i have two photos, one preserve the highlight but the shadow is too dark to return any good colors. the other blows the highlight and preserves the bulk of the photo in good details and colors. however, the heavy weight makes me think twice as my camera body is used only for travel.


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a ladakhi girl at gemur, hiding behind her veil. very very dry skin. i now realised that narrow depth of field is not that good becos they isolate away the background sometimes too much.


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a half painted buddha at shanti gompa


thanks, jlpk007.



goats with a far apart eyes does not look very handsome at close distance. and in fact, it is used as a symbol for some cult groups. however, they seem all adorable at a distance. this baby goat however waddles to me just like any curious kid. if i isolate and look at the eyes, they ain't nice. but somehow on the overall. the baby goat is really cute and if only i can grab one back home.

this is the kind of photo that i would desire for the dynamic range from a fuji s5pro. i have two photos, one preserve the highlight but the shadow is too dark to return any good colors. the other blows the highlight and preserves the bulk of the photo in good details and colors. however, the heavy weight makes me think twice as my camera body is used only for travel.

love this shot..:thumbsup: the goat caught my attention and i was drawn to it..:sweatsm:



a ladakhi girl at gemur, hiding behind her veil. very very dry skin. i now realised that narrow depth of field is not that good becos they isolate away the background sometimes too much.

in this case, I think it worked well. nice eyes expression. great shot.


hopefully i can stop dilly-dallying and proscrastinate, by next trip to uzbekistan/turkmenistan, i want to make my current camera a backup body....

dont make it your backup cam, throw it to me, will ya?

superb shots with superior quality and technicalities. you create magic with all these shots. i shall one day bestow you my shifu. im amazed over and over again. Go join National Geographic already :D