D90 vs D300 Nightshoot ISO3200 w/o crop

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Guys, or targeted at people who own D300 and D90 or tried it before...

Anyone miss the exquisite 51 AF pts on D300 when he/she used the D90?

considering the lack of 40 AF points ( 1 cross vs 15 cross), anyone have comments on it?

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing all your valuable infos and pictures with mi.

Finally i have make up my decision and bought a


Congrats on the purchase! I myself was contemplating between a D90 or D300, went for the D300! Never once did i have any regrets!
Infact, most people who can't decide between the two, always end up buying the D300! :)

Upload some pics taken with your D300 if you can!

Err... the D90 *has* a CMOS sensor too, and said to be similar to the sensor from the D300.
There has even been reports that the high ISO performance of the D90 is similar (and a few say better) than the D300.

Ken Rockwell mention that ;)

Guys, or targeted at people who own D300 and D90 or tried it before...

Anyone miss the exquisite 51 AF pts on D300 when he/she used the D90?

considering the lack of 40 AF points ( 1 cross vs 15 cross), anyone have comments on it?

I have the D80 with a similar AF system to the D90. the sheer NUMBER of points is not the only consideration here. I use the D300 with one AF pt at a time on most occasions, In fact, I disable ALL but 11 of the AF points on the D300.

Does this make the D300 AF = D80/D90 AF?
No !!

The D300 tracks MUCH more quickly and MUCH more accurately than the D80/D90, even when just using any ONE AF point.

I have the D80 with a similar AF system to the D90. the sheer NUMBER of points is not the only consideration here. I use the D300 with one AF pt at a time on most occasions, In fact, I disable ALL but 11 of the AF points on the D300.

Does this make the D300 AF = D80/D90 AF?
No !!

The D300 tracks MUCH more quickly and MUCH more accurately than the D80/D90, even when just using any ONE AF point.

Very true ...... D300 is using a different AF sensor to that of the D90 :thumbsup:

Get the D300, cmos sensor as compared to ccd, better noise control and think the highest usable photo you can get on D90 is at iso 1600, any higher the noise is unbearable. Pardon for my humble opinions.



Don't mind if I 'hijack' this thread for some D300 questions. (This is my post in this forum..)

I am thinking of seriously getting into photography for a long time and also thinking of getting the D300.
(a) What is the best (sharp & colour richness) walkaround lens to accompany the D300?
(b) What is the current best price for the D300? Can a $3.5k budget be sufficient for the body and the lens (both brand new)?

Many thanks in advance..



Don't mind if I 'hijack' this thread for some D300 questions. (This is my post in this forum..)

I am thinking of seriously getting into photography for a long time and also thinking of getting the D300.
(a) What is the best (sharp & colour richness) walkaround lens to accompany the D300?
(b) What is the current best price for the D300? Can a $3.5k budget be sufficient for the body and the lens (both brand new)?

Many thanks in advance..


Why not? Body only going at about $2000. That leaves you with $1500. But don't forget there are still other things to take into consideration when buying a DSLR like Dry Cabinet, Flash System, etc...
So maybe you could try stretching your budget to $4000 and get the combo below?
D300 + 24-70 f/2.8 + SB-800 (Discontinued) + 36L Dry Cab?

Why not? Body only going at about $2000. That leaves you with $1500. But don't forget there are still other things to take into consideration when buying a DSLR like Dry Cabinet, Flash System, etc...
So maybe you could try stretching your budget to $4000 and get the combo below?
D300 + 24-70 f/2.8 + SB-800 (Discontinued) + 36L Dry Cab?

I thought the 24-70mm is more than $2k? like that total will be close to $5k?

Why not? Body only going at about $2000. That leaves you with $1500. But don't forget there are still other things to take into consideration when buying a DSLR like Dry Cabinet, Flash System, etc...
So maybe you could try stretching your budget to $4000 and get the combo below?
D300 + 24-70 f/2.8 + SB-800 (Discontinued) + 36L Dry Cab?
Is the 18-200mm VR good enough for the D300, or the combination of 24-70 and 70-200 much more superior?

Dan if you're just getting into DSLR photography, you might want to consider the D90 instead of the D300 and put the savings into your lens purchase. Camera bodies lose value very fast whereas lens, especially Nikkor lenses tend to hold value and are of high enough quality to keep as 'investments' to the camera system.

I can't say which is a better lens combi for you as the 18-200VR differs greatly from the 24-70/70-200. Optically of course the 2.8 lenses are sharper but on a DX crop body the differences are marginal if you are not printing large. Maybe you should get D90 with the 18-105VR kit lens first and save $$$. For me if I were to run on that budget of yours I'd go D90+14-24/2.8 hehe, though that would put you above budget by a few hundred :p

Is the 18-200mm VR good enough for the D300, or the combination of 24-70 and 70-200 much more superior?

Nah, the 18-200 has something/mechanical flaw which will spoil your lens eventually. If you have the cash start off with maybe a second hand D70 which I saw at peninsula that day for $400 and purchase a 24-70 (brand new/second-hand) + 70-200 (brand new/second-hand).
Den after u have had enough of the D70 upgrade to a brand new D300. Get a hang of the cameras first.

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Nah, the 18-200 has something/mechanical flaw which will spoil your camera eventually.

Please quote a reference for this claim?

Nah, the 18-200 has something/mechanical flaw which will spoil your camera eventually. If you have the cash start off with maybe a second hand D70 which I saw at peninsula that day for $400 and purchase a 24-70 (brand new/second-hand) + 70-200 (brand new/second-hand).
Den after u have had enough of the D70 upgrade to a brand new D300. Get a hang of the cameras first.

Pity about the baseless statement on the 18-200 in an otherwise sensible post. Care to substantiate your point about the 18-200? If not please retract as many would be misled by you. Have you owned and know how to properly use this lens?


"ah, the 18-200 has something/mechanical flaw which will spoil your camera eventually. If you have the cash start off with maybe a second hand D70 which I saw at peninsula that day for $400 and purchase a 24-70 (brand new/second-hand) + 70-200 (brand new/second-hand).
Den after u have had enough of the D70 upgrade to a brand new D300. Get a hang of the cameras first. "

Tell me how much you can save with a second hand 24-70 unless the owner was mad. Maybe 200?

And 70-200? $400 and $2100 and $2100? The two lenses alone would exceed $4000. We all know you've got all the pro equipment there under your post as your sig. Just to be honest - Maybe a D90, 17-55 first? Thats a little more logical isn't it? Having a budget means you try not to exceed it and thats exceeding it by $1000. The 24-70 and 70-200mm is definitely better, heavier and 4 times more expensive. Buying the D90 and 18-200 would also go along way, but its up to personal preference. Also which focal do you use most? if its wide get the D90 and 14-24, mid range then 24-70 and tele 70-200. Then you'd have good glass for the range you use most. 24-70 would be a great walkaround lens if you can bother to carry the 900g weight of the lens alone with the camera.

Nah, the 18-200 has something/mechanical flaw which will spoil your camera eventually. If you have the cash start off with maybe a second hand D70 which I saw at peninsula that day for $400 and purchase a 24-70 (brand new/second-hand) + 70-200 (brand new/second-hand).
Den after u have had enough of the D70 upgrade to a brand new D300. Get a hang of the cameras first.

Didn't know the 18-200vr will "spoil my camera eventually"...does it mean i have to change body soon? Please kindly advise KenBit...i'm so worried.

Thanks guys, for all your advice and info...

How about the 12-24 F4 instead of the 14-24? I have read that the 14-24 is very good, but it is also relatively heavier and more expensive.

Given my highly limited knowledge and exposure to DSLR, but I think I may go for the following in order keep within my budget:
(a) 2nd-hand D90/D300;
(b) 2nd-hand 18-200 VR; and perhaps
(c) 2nd-hand 12-24 F4 (?).

.. and hopefully my wife will be willing to sponsor me the dry cabinet..

So I guess I have no choice but to hit back. Refer to link below.
Link is above. Further more, This has been supported by many other comments on the lens, go search the forums I am not the only one to comment on this you know....
To Tkbonz, I don't know if that is a sarcastic comment but if you mean it as a question, the answer is it will not spoil your camera but just the lens.
To the others, Please check forums before making baseless claims.

Didn't know the 18-200vr will "spoil my camera eventually"...does it mean i have to change body soon? Please kindly advise KenBit...i'm so worried.

Please quote a reference for this claim?

Pity about the baseless statement on the 18-200 in an otherwise sensible post. Care to substantiate your point about the 18-200? If not please retract as many would be misled by you. Have you owned and know how to properly use this lens?


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