Cybershot H1

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Initially wanna wait for the H1 from a shop offering at $700...but really took him abt 3 weeks and still no stock....sian. Lost my cool...:sweatsm:
Went to Sitex with my old lady, girl girl and boy boy and grab it at $799 with additional freebies like 256M MS+water bottle+screen protector+cleaning kit ontop of the 512M and 2 batts. My wife was shocked 'cos I asked her to wait outside and I came back in 20mins with the H1. ;p
Going to buy UV+polariser filter this few days when clearing my last year leaves.;)

I got no problem with the supply batts, but I got problem with my old sony batts

BTW, the original box supplied batts are 2100 and freebis batts are 2500...can they be charged together ?:dunno:

Should have gotten from bargaincity... Would have saved a lot...

Rashkae said:
Should have gotten from bargaincity... Would have saved a lot...

No problem lar.
I've made that decision to buy at that price and I'll always respect my decision made. :)

So, can charge the 2 different batt power together?
Where is the best place to get filters? 58mm right?
My old star/UV/skylight/polariser filter all not suitable for H1 len diameter..:cry:

khooht said:
No problem lar.
I've made that decision to buy at that price and I'll always respect my decision made. :)

So, can charge the 2 different batt power together?
Where is the best place to get filters? 58mm right?
My old star/UV/skylight/polariser filter all not suitable for H1 len diameter..:cry:

Unless you have a charge that does individual batt monitoring, I wouldn't charge them together.

Best place I've found is John 3:16 at funan. Got all my filters from them. :)

Recently used the camera for night photography. I find that it creates a lot of "stars" (I did not use any filter). Is there anything I could do if I dun wan the stars?? :? (ie switch off some functions in the camera.)


The "star" effect u see in ur pic is due to the choice of aperture (F-number) used. Using F8 & above will give u those stars. The exif info of ur pic indicates that u've used F8. If u dun want the stars, use bigger apertures (F2.8, F5.6... etc). :)

limkopi said:
The "star" effect u see in ur pic is due to the choice of aperture (F-number) used. Using F8 & above will give u those stars. The exif info of ur pic indicates that u've used F8. If u dun want the stars, use bigger apertures (F2.8, F5.6... etc). :)

Oh thanks for the tip......;)

Testing. Not too sure if it is going to work.
Sunset from Yishun Dam.


It works !! Thanks to Afbug.
Another 2 postings. Hehe...still testing

Morning sun on plant on plant

A Sunday morning sun on a coconut tree at Sembawang Park.

khooht said:
BTW, the original box supplied batts are 2100 and freebis batts are 2500...can they be charged together ?:dunno:

dun charge together.
will shorten the life of either batteries or both if you keep doing that.


Monkey business @ the zoo, made possible with fast response and superzoom

Rui said:
JuzJaz, think about time you get one, you sound like your hands are itching to try those sparkling star effects.

afbug said:
Told you to get one liao.

aiya...where got itching??? :p i WILL get a tripod lah, maybe not now. but i WILL get one lah :sticktong

ehh, i tot dun need filter oso can create the effects lehh...see*points at photo below* stanly never use filter oso can achieve. but erm...stanly, what's wrong with the stars? i especially like the stars neatly lined up at the hotel/apartment, give me a 'jing' 'jing' 'jing' ...WOWWww... feel :bsmilie: Oh..maybe tat's why girls like diamond? hahahaha:sweatsm:


oh khooht, i like ur 'morning sun on plant' and the trees. the trees has a nice soft color(especially on the right side of pic), color like tat of painting.

& erm mastermind..think i took a photo of tat same black monkey with H1 too, during my last trip to zoo. ahahaha....super zoom definitely works there! tat fellow quite far from the bridge.

Aeolos, think i went to those places u went!! erm 2years ago? too bad no H1 then. hehe. i like ur jeju Tangerine Orchard photo. hehe.

guess wat guys, i lost 1 of my 2500 sony batt!!! *bangwalls* i know it fell somewhere in my room but i juz couldnt find it! to lure it out? magnet? ahahhahahaha....

sorry abit crazy today. long time no post oso. hehe

happy new year in advanced!!!

Thanks for ya complements fatjp, just got my H1 for less than a month so I'm still learning the basics of photography, yet I had already taken over 1000 photos to date. Been lovin' it.


Muscial Fountain Show @ Sentosa

too bad not a sunny day. If not the colours would have been brighter.


Happy new year, H1 users......:D

Here's my take on the Esplanade fireworks......;)


Stanly said:
Happy new year, H1 users......:D

Here's my take on the Esplanade fireworks......;)


Congrad !!! Very nice work !!:thumbsup:
I was at home with my family and too lazy to get my ass out there...;p
Your setting at F8, 2 secs, manual setting, Auto WB (Note: Manual advise set to Daylight for fireworks).
BTW, did you use a polarizing filter?

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