Cybershot H1

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Hahaha....I can laugh with my H1.
Good zoom, good picts quality, good grip, good ecology, good to play with and ....can't keep my 13 yo girl from shooting with H1 too. Even thou I've given her my Caplio RX....:dunno: :cry:

khooht said:
Hahaha....I can laugh with my H1.
Good zoom, good picts quality, good grip, good ecology, good to play with

Agree. I'm very, very happy with the H1.

New H1 user here! Just bought it. But haven't got the time to play with it. Reservist tomorrow... :(

stupid sony website! having trouble with the e-warranty. I used to have another sony product and i had used the e-warranty b4. so i have a sony id, but it kept on saying it's not valid. then when i try to create a new account using that id, it says it's registered! wtf?!:angry:

tat's great to hear, khooht & Rashkae!! ;) do update urself at the sony user list! hehehe :bsmilie:

boreboor said:
stupid sony website! having trouble with the e-warranty. I used to have another sony product and i had used the e-warranty b4. so i have a sony id, but it kept on saying it's not valid. then when i try to create a new account using that id, it says it's registered! wtf?!:angry:

geez, maybe u wanna call them & ask for faster solution?? :sweat:

Gotta love it!


I love it too...:D


nice! i love those sparkling stars! i dun have a tripod to try those long shutterspeed shots. haa..

felixcat8888 said:
Good to invest in one. You will not know when you will need it.


Yup. And they're cheap too.

JuzJaz said:
nice! i love those sparkling stars! i dun have a tripod to try those long shutterspeed shots. haa..

JuzJaz, think about time you get one, you sound like your hands are itching to try those sparkling star effects. :bsmilie:

FYI: Those stars were achieved using a Hoya Star-8 filter. Pretty much any camera that can accept filters can achieve that effect.

I wasn't satisfied with my W7 and thinking of switching to H1. Anyone can recommend good and reliable merchant? I saw H1 at Peninsular Level 1 selling at $699 (exclude GST).. anyone knows of any shops that can give better offers??

retroxinyi said:
I wasn't satisfied with my W7 and thinking of switching to H1. Anyone can recommend good and reliable merchant? I saw H1 at Peninsular Level 1 selling at $699 (exclude GST).. anyone knows of any shops that can give better offers??

That's already a very good deal, but you may want to check for all their extra stuff they toss in (usb card reader, lens cleaner, etc etc)

Rashkae said:
That's already a very good deal, but you may want to check for all their extra stuff they toss in (usb card reader, lens cleaner, etc etc)

But the stuff they toss in is added to the cost of the cam. Not really a bargain.

Check with MS Color, Cathay Photo, Alan Photo or The Camera Workshop(TCW)


Hey guys..
How to add pict to msg??:dunno:

JuzJaz said:
nice! i love those sparkling stars! i dun have a tripod to try those long shutterspeed shots. haa..

Told you to get one liao. :bsmilie:

khooht said:
Hey guys..
How to add pict to msg??:dunno:

Host your pic on a pic hosting site like, then use the IMG tags to display it here. Tags=open[ and close]

finally registered my e-warranty by retrieving the user-id with my nric number. strange thing is that the user-id was what i expected, but with an "@" and 3 alphabets behind which i don't know stands for what. Oh well...

anyway i gotten my H1 at MS Color at $719 total with uv filter and LCD protector. (inclusive GST). My equote I gotten $665 w/o GST so that amounts to $699 w GST. So I think better than that shop at peninsular.

However I 've gotten the last H1 there. New stocks will only come 2 weeks after according to them. Maybe can check with them again to confirm when the stocks will arrive.

Something is very wrong with the batteries provided. I've charged them overnight. about 6+ hours. When I woke up early this morning, I checked that it has finished charging (light is off) so i unplugged the charger from the powerpoint. But I left the batteries in the charger. When I got back home just now, I used the batteries in my H1 for some test shots. But it ran out in about 15 mins! How can that be?? Does anyone have any problems with the batteries?

boreboor said:
Something is very wrong with the batteries provided. I've charged them overnight. about 6+ hours. When I woke up early this morning, I checked that it has finished charging (light is off) so i unplugged the charger from the powerpoint. But I left the batteries in the charger. When I got back home just now, I used the batteries in my H1 for some test shots. But it ran out in about 15 mins! How can that be?? Does anyone have any problems with the batteries?

No such problem leh......The batt lasted quite long for me....:)

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