Canon EOS 450D Club -TCSS Lim Kopi Session: Season 8

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NovJoe, Ryan and Raylen, here's the pics thread for our outing today :)

Thanks. Will post my pics up when I'm done with them. Probably tmr night. :)

And thanks for the guide and NovJoe too. Man, he's like a resident at SBWR with super sharp eyes like eagle. Spot all the birds that I cannot even see. :thumbsup: Still want to go 'pah jiao', I think I'm more 'pah jiao'. LOL! :bsmilie:

Thanks. Will post my pics up when I'm done with them. Probably tmr night. :)

And thanks for the guide and NovJoe too. Man, he's like a resident at SBWR with super sharp eyes like eagle. Spot all the birds that I cannot even see. :thumbsup: Still want to go 'pah jiao', I think I'm more 'pah jiao'. LOL! :bsmilie:

:thumbsup: LOL

Ryan, molo meet u in town?? :)

Jimmy. Thanks for your 70-200. One photo for you and your lens. Sharp from head to tail.

f/4, ISO400, 1/100 on Center Weighted Average metering.

Only digitally fill flash was done and this is 100% crop. :thumbsup:

Bro, wat lens ..... 70-200mm F4L IS USM?

Bro, wat lens ..... 70-200mm F4L IS USM?

Yes. Although IMO, AF is slow but it really proves to me that reviews are not wrong. It's a very sharp lens among the four 70-200s that Canon have. :thumbsup:

guys, tmr club 1000d is organising an outing to the bukit timah railway and nature park after that.. since we might be merging anytime soon, tot it might be an opportunity to open up this outing for you guys to join us if you free as well.. details are here.

Thanks. Will post my pics up when I'm done with them. Probably tmr night. :)

And thanks for the guide and NovJoe too. Man, he's like a resident at SBWR with super sharp eyes like eagle. Spot all the birds that I cannot even see. :thumbsup: Still want to go 'pah jiao', I think I'm more 'pah jiao'. LOL! :bsmilie:

:thumbsup: LOL

LoL... I work part-time there mah (just joking)... hahaha...:bsmilie:

Nice shot on the squirrel!

guys, tmr club 1000d is organising an outing to the bukit timah railway and nature park after that.. since we might be merging anytime soon, tot it might be an opportunity to open up this outing for you guys to join us if you free as well.. details are here.

Fwah. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. If I go trek tmr, I think my legs will shut down on me.

Yes, the new group will be coming together as one soon. Still thinking of what to organize for you all.

What you all want to photograph becos hor, I'm a very landscape person but I cannot everything go for what I want to shoot right. So I want to hear from the floor.

Keep the ideas coming and hopefully on 6th June will be our 1st outing for the new group. :)

Fwah. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. If I go trek tmr, I think my legs will shut down on me.

Yes, the new group will be coming together as one soon. Still thinking of what to organize for you all.

What you all want to photograph becos hor, I'm a very landscape person but I cannot everything go for what I want to shoot right. So I want to hear from the floor.

Keep the ideas coming and hopefully on 6th June will be our 1st outing for the new group. :)

1st outing, i would suggest just go for BBQ. this will be a gathering to get to know all.

1st outing, i would suggest just go for BBQ. this will be a gathering to get to know all.

Nice idea.

Logistics how ah?

I think too late to book liao also, right? :think:

1st outing, i would suggest just go for BBQ. this will be a gathering to get to know all.

true true.. and also to ryan.. why not do both.. have a bbq/stayover chalet, then we can do a nightshoot, potrait shoot, and in the wee hours, prepare for sunrise shoot follow by macro by the beach or anywhere else.. then you basically cover most of it.. anything i left out can add in also.. what say you guys

true true.. and also to ryan.. why not do both.. have a bbq/stayover chalet, then we can do a nightshoot, potrait shoot, and in the wee hours, prepare for sunrise shoot follow by macro by the beach or anywhere else.. then you basically cover most of it.. anything i left out can add in also.. what say you guys

hehehe.... like previously done.
now what lens should i tempt u again... :think:

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