Canon EOS 450D Club -TCSS Lim Kopi Session: Season 8

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true true.. and also to ryan.. why not do both.. have a bbq/stayover chalet, then we can do a nightshoot, potrait shoot, and in the wee hours, prepare for sunrise shoot follow by macro by the beach or anywhere else.. then you basically cover most of it.. anything i left out can add in also.. what say you guys

We are going for Pengerang already at the end of this month so was actually of thinking something light and not spend too much. A handful of us are still students here also right but everyone is young at heart. ;)

I dun mind just book a pit and pitch tents and stay over night.

hehehe.... like previously done.
now what lens should i tempt u again... :think:

hahaa.. dont start.. i got the fisheye already.. thanks to you.. still working on the focusing though.. manual lens not as easy as i tot it was...

dunno if it is too late, but it is just a call away right?
but hor... aloha is nearby nia...

Eh, Aloha Loyang is now a quarantine holding place of A (H1N1) and it's not open for bookings till further notice.

dunno if it is too late, but it is just a call away right?
but hor... aloha is nearby nia...

thought aloha closed cuz the place is for the flu quarantine place?

got alot meh? last time only one trolley of booze wat.

hahaa.. one trolley? more like one boot full of drinks that can last a normal person for a month.. lucky the car suspension can tahan.. if not.. dieee... carry all the way

hahaa.. one trolley? more like one boot full of drinks that can last a normal person for a month.. lucky the car suspension can tahan.. if not.. dieee... carry all the way

:eek:....fierce :thumbsup:

hi guy...

Me too. Full gear for service.

Jimmy, you decide a place and dunnit walk a lot one, I can sensed my legs can give away anytime. Taking them to their limits alrdy bearing in mind, I got a torn ligament on my right knee before.

Going taka snap cheerleaders I dun mind but dunno if got a lot of ppl or not.

there an enent on cheerleading tml at taka?

dunno if it is too late, but it is just a call away right?
but hor... aloha is nearby nia...

is the chalet open already? isnt it still close due to the h1n1?

Wow now 1000D inside this thread, time to jump ship awhile.

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