Calling Senior Citizen Clubsnap Members

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Sounds good. Any more seniors staying in the West?

So CPkoh, Dogcom and I are at Clementi....Cecil needs to shift house :) Looks like a coffeeshop at Dogcom's place on a Thurs or Fri night would be ok....regards, ting

Hi cpkoh,

I have a shophouse at Clementi St 11 (Sunset Way). Weekdays is not possible for me as I have a business to run. Sorry to hear about your situation but taking care of your wife have to be top priority.

BTW what camera do you own? and what are your favourite subjects? Why not post a few of your favourite shots for some discussions.;)
Hi dogcom,

I am using Nikon D70 and D200 and for me no particular subjects and anything goes. I am attaching three of my photos for comments




Hi dogcom,

I am using Nikon D70 and D200 and for me no particular subjects and anything goes. I am attaching three of my photos for comments




I like the macro shot in particular...wonder it is true old couples morphs into each other's image with time! rgds, ting

I like this shot for it's spontaneity. You caught them at the right moment.
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament but your wife's health must take precedent.
I work shift so I'm free on certain weekdays....let me know when your fingers start getting the itch.:bsmilie:

Hi cpkoh,

I am currently taking a Basic Digital Photography course at SAFRA Mt Faber. Some of the stuffs I am re-learning and reminded after so many years break from the film camera days are : The Rule of Thirds and Empahsis to lead the viewer to your subject. Your picture are very well exposed. Placing the subjects a bit off centre may make it more interesting. I like the second shot showing the mood of the two ladies enjoying together the simple pleasure of sharing music .

Hi Bcool and Dogcom. Thank you for your comments and I am glad you like it. Bcool: once my wife getting stronger we shall arrange an outting.

So CPkoh, Dogcom and I are at Clementi....Cecil needs to shift house :) Looks like a coffeeshop at Dogcom's place on a Thurs or Fri night would be ok....regards, ting
Hi DinoT,

Dogcom's place is fine but as I am not driving and there is no bus to Street 11. I presumed that you all driving and may I suggest that at my place Clementi Ave 2 Blk 325 which has two coffee shops at each end of the block and the very popular Bodah Jone western food is in one of the coffee shop nearer to Clementi MRT. This place is easily reach by both MRT and buses.

I hope I am not asking too much.

Best regards,

Hi DinoT,

Dogcom's place is fine but as I am not driving and there is no bus to Street 11. I presumed that you all driving and may I suggest that at my place Clementi Ave 2 Blk 325 which has two coffee shops at each end of the block and the very popular Bodah Jone western food is in one of the coffee shop nearer to Clementi MRT. This place is easily reach by both MRT and buses.

I hope I am not asking too much.

Best regards,

Looks good...Friday night aft 8.30 pm? A cuppa coffee? Anybody? :)

Walao.. those pics are typical Old Hand quality man... !

Beautifully exposed! :)

But I don't qualify yet ... :( me only 42...

Don't problem, u are most welcome to join us. Anyway, u are getting nearer to becoming a senior citizen.:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Yes, count me in. There are two coffee shops at both ends of Blk 325 which one do you prefer, the one nearer the MRT or farther away.

Koh, your call.......but at least three old "kakis" to form a crowd?:)

Errr.. how big is the crowd? :what:

And what will the discussion be about?

I think it's gonna be a small crowd (maybe, 5 at most). No specific agenda. Can talk about anything under the moon. They met for the first time a few weeks ago but unfortunately I couldn't make it at the last minute. This time around, I gonna find time to meet up with them. Come, come, join us. :)

I think I missed the boat of the Senior meeting after the CNY. I am 60 and this Senior things is still on? cpkoh put me in the list.

i wonder how many leica users are in this thread....always see senior citizens at peninsula w leica cameras

Hi cpkoh,
I am sorry but weekday evenings can be difficult for me. Anyway you guys go ahead. It's good to get the group going one step at a time. Hopefully we can organise a Sunday outing to shoot some pictures in the near future.

I know the coffee shops you are talking about. The Q at Botak Jones is just so crazy that I went thrice but did not bother to have to wait for the food so long.

I think the coffee shop over the other end would be quieter and more condusive for chit chats. Otherwise the one at Block 328 is my favourite. I shop for my aquarium stuffs two doors away at the famous Clementi Aquarium and Florist shop and then have a cuppa and /or dinner there sometimes.

redstorm, please updates contact list ;)

Hi cpkoh,
I am sorry but weekday evenings can be difficult for me. Anyway you guys go ahead. It's good to get the group going one step at a time. Hopefully we can organise a Sunday outing to shoot some pictures in the near future.

I know the coffee shops you are talking about. The Q at Botak Jones is just so crazy that I went thrice but did not bother to have to wait for the food so long.

I think the coffee shop over the other end would be quieter and more condusive for chit chats. Otherwise the one at Block 328 is my favourite. I shop for my aquarium stuffs two doors away at the famous Clementi Aquarium and Florist shop and then have a cuppa and /or dinner there sometimes.

redstorm, please updates contact list ;)

You are right and as you suggested we shall be meeting at the coffee shop at other end of the Blk 325 if others have no objection. The one at Blk 328 is also good but noisier as it is always full of diners for the claypot chicken.

We will meet at the coffee shop (the one farther from the Clementi MRT) on 18 May (Friday) at 8.30 pm, anyone interested to meet for a drink and general discussion please put his name below:

1. cpkoh

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